-- Add it to the session
addFunc hsfunc hwfunc
arch <- getArchitecture hsfunc hwfunc expr
- let entity = getEntity hwfunc
+ -- Give every entity a clock port
+ -- TODO: Omit this for stateless entities
+ let clk_port = AST.IfaceSigDec (mkVHDLId "clk") AST.In vhdl_bit_ty
+ let entity = getEntity hwfunc [clk_port]
return $ [
AST.LUEntity entity,
AST.LUArch arch ]
(signal_decls, statements, arg_signals, res_signal) <- expandExpr [] expr
let (inport_assigns, instate_map) = concat_elements $ unzip $ zipWith3 createSignalAssignments arg_signals inports (hsArgs hsfunc)
let (outport_assigns, outstate_map) = createSignalAssignments outport res_signal (hsRes hsfunc)
+ let state_procs = map AST.CSPSm $ createStateProcs (sortMap instate_map) (sortMap outstate_map)
return $ AST.ArchBody
(AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "structural")
(AST.NSimple vhdl_id)
(map AST.BDISD signal_decls)
- (inport_assigns ++ outport_assigns ++ statements)
+ (state_procs ++ inport_assigns ++ outport_assigns ++ statements)
+-- | Sorts a map modeled as a list of (key,value) pairs by key
+sortMap :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
+sortMap = List.sortBy (\(a, _) (b, _) -> compare a b)
+-- | Generate procs for state variables
+createStateProcs ::
+ [(Int, AST.VHDLId)]
+ -- ^ The sorted list of signals that should be assigned
+ -- to each state
+ -> [(Int, AST.VHDLId)]
+ -- ^ The sorted list of signals that contain each new state
+ -> [AST.ProcSm] -- ^ The resulting procs
+createStateProcs ((old_num, old_id):olds) ((new_num, new_id):news) =
+ if (old_num == new_num)
+ then
+ AST.ProcSm label [clk] [statement] : createStateProcs olds news
+ else
+ error "State numbers don't match!"
+ where
+ label = mkVHDLId $ "state_" ++ (show old_num)
+ clk = mkVHDLId "clk"
+ rising_edge = AST.NSimple $ mkVHDLId "rising_edge"
+ wform = AST.Wform [AST.WformElem (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple $ new_id) Nothing]
+ assign = AST.SigAssign (AST.NSimple old_id) wform
+ rising_edge_clk = AST.PrimFCall $ AST.FCall rising_edge [Nothing AST.:=>: (AST.ADName $ AST.NSimple clk)]
+ statement = AST.IfSm rising_edge_clk [assign] [] Nothing
+createStateProcs [] [] = []
-- Generate a VHDL entity declaration for the given function
-getEntity :: HWFunction -> AST.EntityDec
-getEntity (HWFunction vhdl_id inports outport) =
+getEntity :: HWFunction -> [AST.IfaceSigDec] -> AST.EntityDec
+getEntity (HWFunction vhdl_id inports outport) extra_ports =
AST.EntityDec vhdl_id ports
ports =
(concat $ map (mkIfaceSigDecs AST.In) inports)
++ mkIfaceSigDecs AST.Out outport
+ ++ extra_ports
mkIfaceSigDecs ::
AST.Mode -- The port's mode (In or Out)