import Data.Accessor
import qualified Data.Accessor.MonadState as MonadState
import Text.Regex.Posix
+import Debug.Trace
-- ForSyDe
import qualified ForSyDe.Backend.VHDL.AST as AST
import qualified Type
import qualified Name
+import qualified OccName
+import qualified Var
import qualified TyCon
+import qualified CoreSyn
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr )
-- Local imports
import CoreTools
createDesignFiles ::
- FlatFuncMap
+ [(CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr)]
-> [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
-createDesignFiles flatfuncmap =
+createDesignFiles binds =
(mkVHDLBasicId "types", AST.DesignFile ieee_context [type_package]) :
map (Arrow.second $ AST.DesignFile full_context) units
init_session = VHDLSession Map.empty builtin_funcs
(units, final_session) =
- State.runState (createLibraryUnits flatfuncmap) init_session
+ State.runState (createLibraryUnits binds) init_session
ty_decls = Map.elems (final_session ^. vsTypes)
ieee_context = [
AST.Library $ mkVHDLBasicId "IEEE",
select prefix s = AST.NSelected $ prefix AST.:.: (AST.SSimple $ mkVHDLBasicId s)
createLibraryUnits ::
- FlatFuncMap
+ [(CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr)]
-> VHDLState [(AST.VHDLId, [AST.LibraryUnit])]
-createLibraryUnits flatfuncmap = do
- let hsfuncs = Map.keys flatfuncmap
- let flatfuncs = Map.elems flatfuncmap
- entities <- Monad.zipWithM createEntity hsfuncs flatfuncs
- archs <- Monad.zipWithM createArchitecture hsfuncs flatfuncs
+createLibraryUnits binds = do
+ entities <- Monad.mapM createEntity binds
+ archs <- Monad.mapM createArchitecture binds
return $ zipWith
(\ent arch ->
let AST.EntityDec id _ = ent in
-- | Create an entity for a given function
createEntity ::
- HsFunction -- | The function signature
- -> FlatFunction -- | The FlatFunction
+ (CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr) -- | The function
-> VHDLState AST.EntityDec -- | The resulting entity
-createEntity hsfunc flatfunc = do
- let sigs = flat_sigs flatfunc
- let args = flat_args flatfunc
- let res = flat_res flatfunc
- args' <- Traversable.traverse (Traversable.traverse (mkMap sigs)) args
- res' <- Traversable.traverse (mkMap sigs) res
- let ent_decl' = createEntityAST hsfunc args' res'
+createEntity (fname, expr) = do
+ -- Strip off lambda's, these will be arguments
+ let (args, letexpr) = CoreSyn.collectBinders expr
+ args' <- Monad.mapM mkMap args
+ -- There must be a let at top level
+ let (CoreSyn.Let binds (CoreSyn.Var res)) = letexpr
+ res' <- mkMap res
+ let ent_decl' = createEntityAST fname args' res'
let AST.EntityDec entity_id _ = ent_decl'
let signature = Entity entity_id args' res'
- modA vsSignatures (Map.insert hsfunc signature)
+ modA vsSignatures (Map.insert (bndrToString fname) signature)
return ent_decl'
mkMap ::
- [(SignalId, SignalInfo)]
- -> SignalId
+ --[(SignalId, SignalInfo)]
+ CoreSyn.CoreBndr
-> VHDLState VHDLSignalMapElement
-- We only need the vsTypes element from the state
- mkMap sigmap = MonadState.lift vsTypes . (\id ->
+ mkMap = MonadState.lift vsTypes . (\bndr ->
- info = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Signal not found in the name map? This should not happen!")
- (lookup id sigmap)
- nm = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Signal not named? This should not happen!")
- (sigName info)
- ty = sigTy info
+ --info = Maybe.fromMaybe
+ -- (error $ "Signal not found in the name map? This should not happen!")
+ -- (lookup id sigmap)
+ -- Assume the bndr has a valid VHDL id already
+ id = bndrToVHDLId bndr
+ ty = Var.varType bndr
- if isPortSigUse $ sigUse info
+ if True -- isPortSigUse $ sigUse info
then do
type_mark <- vhdl_ty ty
- return $ Just (mkVHDLExtId nm, type_mark)
+ return $ Just (id, type_mark)
return $ Nothing
-- | Create the VHDL AST for an entity
createEntityAST ::
- HsFunction -- | The signature of the function we're working with
- -> [VHDLSignalMap] -- | The entity's arguments
- -> VHDLSignalMap -- | The entity's result
- -> AST.EntityDec -- | The entity with the ent_decl filled in as well
+ CoreSyn.CoreBndr -- | The name of the function
+ -> [VHDLSignalMapElement] -- | The entity's arguments
+ -> VHDLSignalMapElement -- | The entity's result
+ -> AST.EntityDec -- | The entity with the ent_decl filled in as well
-createEntityAST hsfunc args res =
+createEntityAST name args res =
AST.EntityDec vhdl_id ports
- vhdl_id = mkEntityId hsfunc
- ports = concatMap (mapToPorts AST.In) args
- ++ mapToPorts AST.Out res
- ++ clk_port
- mapToPorts :: AST.Mode -> VHDLSignalMap -> [AST.IfaceSigDec]
- mapToPorts mode m =
- Maybe.catMaybes $ map (mkIfaceSigDec mode) (Foldable.toList m)
+ -- Create a basic Id, since VHDL doesn't grok filenames with extended Ids.
+ vhdl_id = mkVHDLBasicId $ bndrToString name
+ ports = Maybe.catMaybes $
+ map (mkIfaceSigDec AST.In) args
+ ++ [mkIfaceSigDec AST.Out res]
+ ++ [clk_port]
-- Add a clk port if we have state
- clk_port = if hasState hsfunc
+ clk_port = if True -- hasState hsfunc
- [AST.IfaceSigDec (mkVHDLExtId "clk") AST.In VHDL.std_logic_ty]
+ Just $ AST.IfaceSigDec (mkVHDLExtId "clk") AST.In VHDL.std_logic_ty
- []
+ Nothing
-- | Create a port declaration
mkIfaceSigDec ::
-- | Create an architecture for a given function
createArchitecture ::
- HsFunction -- ^ The function signature
- -> FlatFunction -- ^ The FlatFunction
+ (CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr) -- ^ The function
-> VHDLState AST.ArchBody -- ^ The architecture for this function
-createArchitecture hsfunc flatfunc = do
- signaturemap <- getA vsSignatures
- let signature = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Generating architecture for function " ++ (prettyShow hsfunc) ++ "without signature? This should not happen!")
- (Map.lookup hsfunc signaturemap)
- let entity_id = ent_id signature
+createArchitecture (fname, expr) = do
+ --signaturemap <- getA vsSignatures
+ --let signature = Maybe.fromMaybe
+ -- (error $ "Generating architecture for function " ++ (prettyShow hsfunc) ++ "without signature? This should not happen!")
+ -- (Map.lookup hsfunc signaturemap)
+ let entity_id = mkVHDLBasicId $ bndrToString fname
+ -- Strip off lambda's, these will be arguments
+ let (args, letexpr) = CoreSyn.collectBinders expr
+ -- There must be a let at top level
+ let (CoreSyn.Let (CoreSyn.Rec binds) res) = letexpr
-- Create signal declarations for all internal and state signals
- sig_dec_maybes <- mapM (mkSigDec' . snd) sigs
+ sig_dec_maybes <- mapM (mkSigDec' . fst) binds
let sig_decs = Maybe.catMaybes $ sig_dec_maybes
- -- Create concurrent statements for all signal definitions
- statements <- Monad.zipWithM (mkConcSm sigs) defs [0..]
+ statements <- Monad.mapM mkConcSm binds
return $ AST.ArchBody (mkVHDLBasicId "structural") (AST.NSimple entity_id) (map AST.BDISD sig_decs) (statements ++ procs')
- sigs = flat_sigs flatfunc
- args = flat_args flatfunc
- res = flat_res flatfunc
- defs = flat_defs flatfunc
- procs = map mkStateProcSm (makeStatePairs flatfunc)
+ procs = map mkStateProcSm [] -- (makeStatePairs flatfunc)
procs' = map AST.CSPSm procs
-- mkSigDec only uses vsTypes from the state
mkSigDec' = MonadState.lift vsTypes . mkSigDec
rising_edge_clk = AST.PrimFCall $ AST.FCall rising_edge [Nothing AST.:=>: (AST.ADName $ AST.NSimple clk)]
statement = AST.IfSm rising_edge_clk [assign] [] Nothing
-mkSigDec :: SignalInfo -> TypeState (Maybe AST.SigDec)
-mkSigDec info =
- let use = sigUse info in
- if isInternalSigUse use || isStateSigUse use then do
- type_mark <- vhdl_ty ty
- return $ Just (AST.SigDec (getSignalId info) type_mark Nothing)
+mkSigDec :: CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> TypeState (Maybe AST.SigDec)
+mkSigDec bndr =
+ if True then do --isInternalSigUse use || isStateSigUse use then do
+ type_mark <- vhdl_ty $ Var.varType bndr
+ return $ Just (AST.SigDec (bndrToVHDLId bndr) type_mark Nothing)
return Nothing
- where
- ty = sigTy info
-- | Creates a VHDL Id from a named SignalInfo. Errors out if the SignalInfo
-- is not named.
(error $ "Unnamed signal? This should not happen!")
(sigName info)
--- | Transforms a signal definition into a VHDL concurrent statement
+-- | Transforms a core binding into a VHDL concurrent statement
mkConcSm ::
- [(SignalId, SignalInfo)] -- ^ The signals in the current architecture
- -> SigDef -- ^ The signal definition
- -> Int -- ^ A number that will be unique for all
- -- concurrent statements in the architecture.
+ (CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr) -- ^ The binding to process
-> VHDLState AST.ConcSm -- ^ The corresponding VHDL component instantiation.
-mkConcSm sigs (FApp hsfunc args res) num = do
+mkConcSm (bndr, app@(CoreSyn.App _ _))= do
signatures <- getA vsSignatures
+ (CoreSyn.Var f, args) = CoreSyn.collectArgs app
signature = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Using function '" ++ (prettyShow hsfunc) ++ "' without signature? This should not happen!")
- (Map.lookup hsfunc signatures)
+ (error $ "Using function '" ++ (bndrToString f) ++ "' without signature? This should not happen!")
+ (Map.lookup (bndrToString f) signatures)
entity_id = ent_id signature
- label = (AST.fromVHDLId entity_id) ++ "_" ++ (show num)
+ label = bndrToString bndr
-- Add a clk port if we have state
- clk_port = Maybe.fromJust $ mkAssocElem (Just $ mkVHDLExtId "clk") "clk"
- portmaps = mkAssocElems sigs args res signature ++ (if hasState hsfunc then [clk_port] else [])
+ --clk_port = Maybe.fromJust $ mkAssocElem (Just $ mkVHDLExtId "clk") "clk"
+ --portmaps = mkAssocElems sigs args res signature ++ (if hasState hsfunc then [clk_port] else [])
+ portmaps = mkAssocElems args bndr signature
return $ AST.CSISm $ AST.CompInsSm (mkVHDLExtId label) (AST.IUEntity (AST.NSimple entity_id)) (AST.PMapAspect portmaps)
+-- GHC generates some funny "r = r" bindings in let statements before
+-- simplification. This outputs some dummy ConcSM for these, so things will at
+-- least compile for now.
+mkConcSm (bndr, CoreSyn.Var _) = return $ AST.CSPSm $ AST.ProcSm (mkVHDLBasicId "unused") [] []
mkConcSm sigs (UncondDef src dst) _ = do
src_expr <- vhdl_expr src
let src_wform = AST.Wform [AST.WformElem src_expr Nothing]
assign = dst_name AST.:<==: (AST.ConWforms [whenelse] false_wform Nothing)
return $ AST.CSSASm assign
-- | Turn a SignalId into a VHDL Expr
mkIdExpr :: [(SignalId, SignalInfo)] -> SignalId -> AST.Expr
mkIdExpr sigs id =
AST.PrimName src_name
mkAssocElems ::
- [(SignalId, SignalInfo)] -- | The signals in the current architecture
- -> [SignalMap] -- | The signals that are applied to function
- -> SignalMap -- | the signals in which to store the function result
+ [CoreSyn.CoreExpr] -- | The argument that are applied to function
+ -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -- | The binder in which to store the result
-> Entity -- | The entity to map against.
-> [AST.AssocElem] -- | The resulting port maps
-mkAssocElems sigmap args res entity =
+mkAssocElems args res entity =
-- Create the actual AssocElems
Maybe.catMaybes $ zipWith mkAssocElem ports sigs
-- Turn the ports and signals from a map into a flat list. This works,
-- since the maps must have an identical form by definition. TODO: Check
-- the similar form?
- arg_ports = concat (map Foldable.toList (ent_args entity))
- res_ports = Foldable.toList (ent_res entity)
- arg_sigs = (concat (map Foldable.toList args))
- res_sigs = Foldable.toList res
+ arg_ports = ent_args entity
+ res_port = ent_res entity
-- Extract the id part from the (id, type) tuple
- ports = (map (fmap fst) (arg_ports ++ res_ports))
+ ports = map (Monad.liftM fst) (res_port : arg_ports)
-- Translate signal numbers into names
- sigs = (map (lookupSigName sigmap) (arg_sigs ++ res_sigs))
+ sigs = (bndrToString res : map (bndrToString.varBndr) args)
+-- Turns a Var CoreExpr into the Id inside it. Will of course only work for
+-- simple Var CoreExprs, not complexer ones.
+varBndr :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> Var.Id
+varBndr (CoreSyn.Var id) = id
-- | Look up a signal in the signal name map
lookupSigName :: [(SignalId, SignalInfo)] -> SignalId -> String
allowed = ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ " \"#&\\'()*+,./:;<=>_|!$%@?[]^`{}~-"
strip_invalid = filter (`elem` allowed)
+-- Creates a VHDL Id from a binder
+bndrToVHDLId ::
+ CoreSyn.CoreBndr
+bndrToVHDLId = mkVHDLExtId . OccName.occNameString . Name.nameOccName . Var.varName
+-- Extracts the binder name as a String
+bndrToString ::
+ CoreSyn.CoreBndr
+ -> String
+bndrToString = OccName.occNameString . Name.nameOccName . Var.varName
-- | A consise representation of a (set of) ports on a builtin function
-type PortMap = HsValueMap (String, AST.TypeMark)
+--type PortMap = HsValueMap (String, AST.TypeMark)
-- | A consise representation of a builtin function
-data BuiltIn = BuiltIn String [PortMap] PortMap
+data BuiltIn = BuiltIn String [(String, AST.TypeMark)] (String, AST.TypeMark)
-- | Translate a list of concise representation of builtin functions to a
-- SignatureMap
mkBuiltins :: [BuiltIn] -> SignatureMap
mkBuiltins = Map.fromList . map (\(BuiltIn name args res) ->
- (HsFunction name (map useAsPort args) (useAsPort res),
- Entity (VHDL.mkVHDLBasicId name) (map toVHDLSignalMap args) (toVHDLSignalMap res))
+ (name,
+ Entity (VHDL.mkVHDLBasicId name) (map toVHDLSignalMapElement args) (toVHDLSignalMapElement res))
builtin_hsfuncs = Map.keys builtin_funcs
builtin_funcs = mkBuiltins
- BuiltIn "hwxor" [(Single ("a", VHDL.bit_ty)), (Single ("b", VHDL.bit_ty))] (Single ("o", VHDL.bit_ty)),
- BuiltIn "hwand" [(Single ("a", VHDL.bit_ty)), (Single ("b", VHDL.bit_ty))] (Single ("o", VHDL.bit_ty)),
- BuiltIn "hwor" [(Single ("a", VHDL.bit_ty)), (Single ("b", VHDL.bit_ty))] (Single ("o", VHDL.bit_ty)),
- BuiltIn "hwnot" [(Single ("a", VHDL.bit_ty))] (Single ("o", VHDL.bit_ty))
+ BuiltIn "hwxor" [("a", VHDL.bit_ty), ("b", VHDL.bit_ty)] ("o", VHDL.bit_ty),
+ BuiltIn "hwand" [("a", VHDL.bit_ty), ("b", VHDL.bit_ty)] ("o", VHDL.bit_ty),
+ BuiltIn "hwor" [("a", VHDL.bit_ty), ("b", VHDL.bit_ty)] ("o", VHDL.bit_ty),
+ BuiltIn "hwnot" [("a", VHDL.bit_ty)] ("o", VHDL.bit_ty)
-- | Map a port specification of a builtin function to a VHDL Signal to put in
-- a VHDLSignalMap
-toVHDLSignalMap :: HsValueMap (String, AST.TypeMark) -> VHDLSignalMap
-toVHDLSignalMap = fmap (\(name, ty) -> Just (mkVHDLBasicId name, ty))
+toVHDLSignalMapElement :: (String, AST.TypeMark) -> VHDLSignalMapElement
+toVHDLSignalMapElement (name, ty) = Just (mkVHDLBasicId name, ty)