-buffers.visualizers.lam.tokens = {
+buffers.visualizers.lam.symbols = {
[' '] = {repr = '\\obs '},
['_'] = {repr = '\\_'},
['->'] = {repr = '\\rightarrow'},
-- The default * sits very high above the baseline, \ast (u+2217) looks
-- better.
['*'] = {repr = '\\ast'},
- ['case'] = {style = 'bold'},
- ['of'] = {style = 'bold'},
- ['let'] = {style = 'bold'},
- ['in'] = {style = 'bold'},
+buffers.visualizers.lam.keywords = {
+ ['case'] = {},
+ ['of'] = {},
+ ['let'] = {},
+ ['in'] = {},
+function buffers.visualizers.lam.take_symbol(str)
+ -- See if str starts with a symbol, and return the remaining
+ -- string and that symbol. If no symbol from the table is matched,
+ -- just returns the first character.
+ -- We can do a lookup directly, since symbols can be different in
+ -- length, so we just loop over all symbols, trying them in turn.
+ for symbol,props in pairs(buffers.visualizers.lam.symbols) do
+ -- Try to remove symbol from the start of str
+ symbol, newstr = utf.match(str, "^(" .. symbol .. ")(.*)")
+ if symbol then
+ -- Return this tokens repr, or just the token if it has no
+ -- repr.
+ res = props.repr or symbol
+ -- Enclose the token in {\style .. }
+ if props.style then
+ res = "{\\" .. props.style .. " " .. res .. "}"
+ end
+ return res, newstr
+ end
+ end
+ -- No symbol found, just return the first character
+ return utf.match(str, "^(.)(.*)")
+-- Take a single word from str, if posible. Returns the rest of the string and
+-- the word taken.
+function buffers.visualizers.lam.take_word(str)
+ res, newstr = utf.match(str, "^(%a+)(.*)")
+ return res, newstr or str
function buffers.visualizers.lam.flush_line(str,nested)
local result, state = { }, 0
local finish, change = buffers.finish_state, buffers.change_state
+ local take_symbol = buffers.visualizers.lam.take_symbol
+ local take_word = buffers.visualizers.lam.take_word
-- Set the colorscheme, which is used by finish_state and change_state
buffers.currentcolors = buffers.visualizers.lam.colors
while str ~= "" do
- found = false
- for tok,props in pairs(buffers.visualizers.lam.tokens) do
- -- Try to remove tok from the start of str
- str, count = utf.gsub(str, "^" .. tok, "")
- if count ~= 0 then
- -- Replace the token with the repr, or just itself
- result[#result+1] = props.repr or tok
- -- Enclose the token in {\style .. }
- if props.style then
- result[#result] = "{\\" .. props.style ..
- " " .. result[#result] ..
- "}"
- end
- -- We found a token, now start over
- found = true
- break
+ local found = false
+ local res
+ -- See if the next token is a word
+ res, str = take_word(str)
+ if res then
+ if buffers.visualizers.lam.keywords[res] then
+ -- Make all keywors bold
+ res = "{\\bold " .. res .. "}"
+ -- All other words are unmodified
+ else
+ -- The next token is not a word, it must be a symbol
+ res, str = take_symbol(str)
- if not found then
- -- Take a full word, or a single character. Taking a full word is
- -- to prevent matching "in" in "bind" , for example.
- result[#result+1] = utf.match(str, "^%a+") or utf.sub(str, 1, 1)
- str = utf.sub(str, utf.len(result[#result]) + 1)
- end
+ -- Append the resulting token
+ result[#result+1] = res
state = finish(state, result)