All my plugins in the released stable versions, so the repository starts
[matthijs/upstream/blosxom-plugins.git] / MANIFEST.medium
2 Markdown
3 Markdown.LICENCE
4 Markdown.README
5 absolute
6 antispam
7 atomfeed
8 autotrack
9 blogroll
10 breadcrumbs
11 buy_from_amazon
12 calendar
13 categories
14 config
15 cookies
16 cooluri2
17 date_fullname
18 emptymessage
19 entries_index
20 entries_cache
21 exclude
22 extensionless
23 fauxami
24 feedback
25 file
26 find
27 fix_static_url
28 flavourdir
29 flavourpathinfo
30 foreshortened
31 fullcategory
32 google_highlight
33 google_sitesearch
34 hide
35 interpolate_fancy
36 isp
37 lastmodified2
38 login
39 lucene
40 macros
41 mason_blocks
42 menu
43 meta
44 metaclear
45 metamail
46 modiftime
47 noslashredir
48 pagetype
49 permalink
50 prefs
51 prevnextstory
52 rating
53 readme
54 recentwritebacks
55 redirect
56 rss10
57 rss20
58 seeerror
59 seemore
60 seewritebacks
61 slashredir
62 sort_by_path
63 sort_reverse
64 static_file
65 storydate
66 storytitle
67 textile2
68 textile2.README
69 theme
70 trackback_counts_display
71 uselib
72 whoami
73 wikieditish
74 wikieditish.README
75 writeback
76 writeback.README