-- assignment here.
f' <- MonadState.lift tsType $ varToVHDLExpr f
return $ ([mkUncondAssign dst f'], [])
- True ->
+ True | not stateful ->
case Var.idDetails f of
IdInfo.DataConWorkId dc -> case dst of
-- It's a datacon. Create a record from its arguments.
error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication(ClassOpId): Incorrect number of arguments to builtin function: " ++ pprString f ++ " Args: " ++ show args
Nothing -> error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication(ClassOpId): Using function from another module that is not a known builtin: " ++ pprString f
details -> error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication: Calling unsupported function " ++ pprString f ++ " with GlobalIdDetails " ++ pprString details
+ -- If we can't generate a component instantiation, and the destination is
+ -- a state type, don't generate anything.
+ _ -> return ([], [])
+ where
+ -- Is our destination a state value?
+ stateful = case dst of
+ -- When our destination is a VHDL name, it won't have had a state type
+ Right _ -> False
+ -- Otherwise check its type
+ Left bndr -> hasStateType bndr
-- Functions to generate functions dealing with vectors.