#include <glib/gprintf.h>
#include <libgda/libgda.h>
#include <sql-parser/gda-sql-parser.h>
+#include <ghttp.h>
typedef struct _metadata {
const gchar *element_name;
gchar *ifid;
gchar *title;
gchar *author;
- gchar *year;
+ gchar *firstpublished;
+ gboolean error;
+ gchar *error_message;
+ gchar *error_code;
} metadata;
void start_element(
metadata *md = (metadata*) data;
md->element_name = element_name;
+ if( !strcmp(element_name, "errorCode") ) {
+ md->error = 1;
+ md->error_message = "";
+ md->error_code = "";
+ }
if( !strcmp(element_name, "ifindex") ) {
- md->ifid = g_strdup("");
- md->title = g_strdup("");
- md->author = g_strdup("");
- md->year = g_strdup("");
+ md->ifid = "";
+ md->title = "";
+ md->author = "";
+ md->firstpublished = "";
GError **error)
metadata *md = (metadata*) data;
- gchar *stripped_text;
- if( !strcmp(md->element_name, "ifid") ) {
- //stripped_text = g_strstrip( g_strndup(text, text_len) );
- stripped_text = g_strndup(text, text_len);
- md->ifid = g_strconcat(md->ifid, stripped_text, NULL);
- g_free(stripped_text);
+ if( !strcmp(md->element_name, "errorCode") ) {
+ md->error_code = g_strndup(text, text_len);
+ }
+ else if( !strcmp(md->element_name, "errorMessage") ) {
+ md->error_message = g_strndup(text, text_len);
+ }
+ else if( !strcmp(md->element_name, "ifid") ) {
+ if( strlen(md->ifid) < text_len )
+ md->ifid = g_strndup(text, text_len);
else if( !strcmp(md->element_name, "title") ) {
- //stripped_text = g_strstrip( g_strndup(text, text_len) );
- stripped_text = g_strndup(text, text_len);
- md->title = g_strconcat(md->title, stripped_text, NULL);
- g_free(stripped_text);
+ if( strlen(md->title) < text_len )
+ md->title = g_strndup(text, text_len);
else if( !strcmp(md->element_name, "author") ) {
- //stripped_text = g_strstrip( g_strndup(text, text_len) );
- stripped_text = g_strndup(text, text_len);
- md->author = g_strconcat(md->author, stripped_text, NULL);
- g_free(stripped_text);
+ if( strlen(md->author) < text_len )
+ md->author = g_strndup(text, text_len);
else if( !strcmp(md->element_name, "firstpublished") ) {
- //stripped_text = g_strstrip( g_strndup(text, text_len) );
- stripped_text = g_strndup(text, text_len);
- md->year = g_strconcat(md->year, stripped_text, NULL);
- g_free(stripped_text);
+ if( strlen(md->firstpublished) < text_len )
+ md->firstpublished = g_strndup(text, text_len);
if( !strcmp(element_name, "ifindex") ) {
metadata *md = (metadata*) data;
- printf("IFID: %s\nTitle: %s\nAuthor: %s\nYear: %s\n", md->ifid, md->title, md->author, md->year);
+ printf("IFID: %s\nTitle: %s\nAuthor: %s\nFirst published: %s\n", md->ifid, md->title, md->author, md->firstpublished);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ metadata data;
+ data.error = 0;
if(argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <story file>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
int len = babel_treaty(GET_STORY_FILE_METADATA_EXTENT_SEL, NULL, 0);
- if(len == 0) {
- printf("No metadata found.\n");
+ gchar *ifiction;
+ if(len) {
+ printf("Metadata found in file.\n");
+ gchar *buffer = malloc(len * sizeof(gchar));
+ babel_treaty(GET_STORY_FILE_METADATA_SEL, buffer, len);
+ ifiction = g_strndup(buffer, len);
+ g_free(buffer);
+ } else {
+ printf("No metadata found in file, performing IFDB lookup.\n");
+ gchar *ifid = malloc(TREATY_MINIMUM_EXTENT * sizeof(gchar));
+ if( !babel_treaty(GET_STORY_FILE_IFID_SEL, ifid, TREATY_MINIMUM_EXTENT) ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create an IFID (A serious problem occurred while loading the file).\n");
+ babel_release();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("Looking up IFID: %s.\n", ifid);
- return 0;
+ ghttp_request *request = ghttp_request_new();
+ ghttp_set_uri(request, g_strconcat("http://ifdb.tads.org/viewgame?ifiction&ifid=", ifid, NULL));
+ ghttp_set_header(request, http_hdr_Connection, "close");
+ ghttp_prepare(request);
+ ghttp_process(request);
+ ifiction = g_strndup( ghttp_get_body(request), ghttp_get_body_len(request) );
+ ghttp_request_destroy(request);
- gchar *buffer = malloc(len * sizeof(gchar));
- babel_treaty(GET_STORY_FILE_METADATA_SEL, buffer, len);
- g_strchomp(buffer);
- len = strlen(buffer);
- metadata data;
+ ifiction = g_strchomp(ifiction);
GMarkupParser xml_parser = {start_element, end_element, text, NULL, NULL};
GMarkupParseContext *context = g_markup_parse_context_new(&xml_parser, 0, &data, NULL);
- GError *err = NULL;
- if( g_markup_parse_context_parse(context, buffer, len, &err) == FALSE ) {
+ if( g_markup_parse_context_parse(context, ifiction, strlen(ifiction), &err) == FALSE ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Metadata parse failed: %s\n", err->message);
- free(buffer);
+ g_free(ifiction);
+ // Check for errors
+ if(data.error) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR %s: %s\n", data.error_code, data.error_message);
+ return 1;
+ }
// Open DB connection
GdaConnection *cnc;
GdaSqlParser *sql_parser;
// Create stories table
//run_sql_non_select(cnc, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS stories");
- run_sql_non_select(cnc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stories (ifid text not null primary key, title text, author text, year integer)");
+ run_sql_non_select(cnc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stories (ifid text not null primary key, title text, author text, firstpublished text)");
// Populate the table
GValue *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4;
v1 = gda_value_new_from_string(data.ifid, G_TYPE_STRING);
v2 = gda_value_new_from_string(data.title, G_TYPE_STRING);
v3 = gda_value_new_from_string(data.author, G_TYPE_STRING);
- v4 = gda_value_new_from_string(data.year, G_TYPE_UINT);
+ v4 = gda_value_new_from_string(data.firstpublished, G_TYPE_STRING);
- if( !gda_insert_row_into_table(cnc, "stories", &err, "ifid", v1, "title", v2, "author", v3, "year", v4, NULL) ) {
+ if( !gda_insert_row_into_table(cnc, "stories", &err, "ifid", v1, "title", v2, "author", v3, "firstpublished", v4, NULL) ) {
g_warning("Could not INSERT data into the 'stories' table: %s\n", err && err->message ? err->message : "No details");