import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Control.Applicative
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr )
-import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import HsValueMap
import TranslatorTypes
flattenBuildTupleExpr binds args = do
-- Flatten each of our args
- flat_args <- (State.mapM (flattenExpr binds) args)
+ flat_args <- (mapM (flattenExpr binds) args)
-- Check and split each of the arguments
let (_, arg_ress) = unzip (zipWith checkArg args flat_args)
let res = Tuple arg_ress
-- Find the function to call
let func = appToHsFunction ty f args
-- Flatten each of our args
- flat_args <- (State.mapM (flattenExpr binds) args)
+ flat_args <- (mapM (flattenExpr binds) args)
-- Check and split each of the arguments
let (_, arg_ress) = unzip (zipWith checkArg args flat_args)
-- Generate signals for our result
import qualified Maybe
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
-import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import CoreSyn
import qualified Type
pPrint SigSubState = text "s"
instance Pretty TranslatorSession where
- pPrint (VHDLSession mod nameCount funcs) =
+ pPrint (TranslatorSession mod nameCount flatfuncs) =
text "Module: " $$ nest 15 (text modname)
$+$ text "NameCount: " $$ nest 15 (int nameCount)
- $+$ text "Functions: " $$ nest 15 (vcat (map ppfunc (Map.toList funcs)))
+ $+$ text "Functions: " $$ nest 15 (vcat (map ppfunc (Map.toList flatfuncs)))
- ppfunc (hsfunc, fdata) =
- pPrint hsfunc $+$ nest 5 (pPrint fdata)
+ ppfunc (hsfunc, flatfunc) =
+ pPrint hsfunc $+$ nest 5 (pPrint flatfunc)
modname = showSDoc $ Module.pprModule (HscTypes.cm_module mod)
instance Pretty FuncData where
pPrint (FuncData flatfunc entity arch) =
text "Flattened: " $$ nest 15 (ppffunc flatfunc)
ppent Nothing = text "Nothing"
pparch Nothing = text "VHDL architecture not present"
pparch (Just _) = text "VHDL architecture present"
instance Pretty Entity where
- pPrint (Entity id args res decl pkg) =
+ pPrint (Entity id args res) =
text "Entity: " $$ nest 10 (pPrint id)
$+$ text "Args: " $$ nest 10 (pPrint args)
$+$ text "Result: " $$ nest 10 (pPrint res)
- $+$ ppdecl decl
- $+$ pppkg pkg
- where
- ppdecl Nothing = text "VHDL entity not present"
- ppdecl (Just _) = text "VHDL entity present"
- pppkg Nothing = text "VHDL package not present"
- pppkg (Just _) = text "VHDL package present"
instance (OutputableBndr b, Show b) => Pretty (CoreSyn.Bind b) where
pPrint (CoreSyn.NonRec b expr) =
import qualified DataCon
import qualified Maybe
import qualified Module
-import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import Name
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Accessor
-- | Translate the binds with the given names from the given core module to
-- VHDL. The Bool in the tuple makes the function stateful (True) or
-- stateless (False).
-moduleToVHDL :: HscTypes.CoreModule -> [(String, Bool)] -> IO [AST.DesignFile]
+moduleToVHDL :: HscTypes.CoreModule -> [(String, Bool)] -> IO [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
moduleToVHDL core list = do
let (names, statefuls) = unzip list
--liftIO $ putStr $ prettyShow (cm_binds core)
let binds = findBinds core names
--putStr $ prettyShow binds
-- Turn bind into VHDL
- let (vhdl, sess) = State.runState (mkVHDL binds statefuls) (VHDLSession core 0 Map.empty)
- mapM (putStr . render . ForSyDe.Backend.Ppr.ppr) vhdl
+ let (vhdl, sess) = State.runState (mkVHDL binds statefuls) (TranslatorSession core 0 Map.empty)
+ mapM (putStr . render . ForSyDe.Backend.Ppr.ppr . snd) vhdl
putStr $ "\n\nFinal session:\n" ++ prettyShow sess ++ "\n\n"
return vhdl
-- Turns the given bind into VHDL
+ mkVHDL :: [CoreBind] -> [Bool] -> TranslatorState [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
mkVHDL binds statefuls = do
-- Add the builtin functions
- mapM addBuiltIn builtin_funcs
+ --mapM addBuiltIn builtin_funcs
-- Create entities and architectures for them
Monad.zipWithM processBind statefuls binds
- modFuncMap $ (fdFlatFunc ^: (fmap nameFlatFunction))
- modFuncMap $ Map.mapWithKey (\hsfunc fdata -> fdEntity ^= (VHDL.createEntity hsfunc fdata) $ fdata)
- funcs <- getFuncMap
- modFuncMap $ Map.mapWithKey (\hsfunc fdata -> fdArch ^= (VHDL.createArchitecture funcs hsfunc fdata) $ fdata)
- funcs <- getFuncs
- return $ VHDL.getDesignFiles (map snd funcs)
--- | Write the given design file to a file inside the given dir
--- The first library unit in the designfile must be an entity, whose name
--- will be used as a filename.
-writeVHDL :: String -> AST.DesignFile -> IO ()
-writeVHDL dir vhdl = do
+ modA tsFlatFuncs ( nameFlatFunction)
+ flatfuncs <- getA tsFlatFuncs
+ return $ VHDL.createDesignFiles flatfuncs
+-- | Write the given design file to a file with the given name inside the
+-- given dir
+writeVHDL :: String -> (AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile) -> IO ()
+writeVHDL dir (name, vhdl) = do
-- Create the dir if needed
exists <- Directory.doesDirectoryExist dir
Monad.unless exists $ Directory.createDirectory dir
-- Find the filename
- let AST.DesignFile _ (u:us) = vhdl
- let AST.LUEntity (AST.EntityDec id _) = u
- let fname = dir ++ AST.fromVHDLId id ++ ".vhdl"
+ let fname = dir ++ (AST.fromVHDLId name) ++ ".vhdl"
-- Write the file
ForSyDe.Backend.VHDL.FileIO.writeDesignFile vhdl fname
flattenBind _ (Rec _) = error "Recursive binders not supported"
flattenBind hsfunc bind@(NonRec var expr) = do
- -- Add the function to the session
- addFunc hsfunc
-- Flatten the function
let flatfunc = flattenFunction hsfunc bind
-- Propagate state variables
let flatfunc' = propagateState hsfunc flatfunc
-- Store the flat function in the session
- setFlatFunc hsfunc flatfunc'
+ modA tsFlatFuncs (Map.insert hsfunc flatfunc)
-- Flatten any functions used
let used_hsfuncs = Maybe.mapMaybe usedHsFunc (flat_defs flatfunc')
- State.mapM resolvFunc used_hsfuncs
- return ()
+ mapM_ resolvFunc used_hsfuncs
-- | Decide which incoming state variables will become state in the
-- given function, and which will be propagate to other applied
-> TranslatorState ()
resolvFunc hsfunc = do
- -- See if the function is already known
- func <- getFunc hsfunc
- case func of
- -- Already known, do nothing
- Just _ -> do
- return ()
- -- New function, resolve it
- Nothing -> do
- -- Get the current module
- core <- getModule
- -- Find the named function
- let bind = findBind (cm_binds core) name
- case bind of
- Nothing -> error $ "Couldn't find function " ++ name ++ " in current module."
- Just b -> flattenBind hsfunc b
- where
- name = hsFuncName hsfunc
+ flatfuncmap <- getA tsFlatFuncs
+ -- Don't do anything if there is already a flat function for this hsfunc.
+ Monad.unless (Map.member hsfunc flatfuncmap) $ do
+ -- TODO: Builtin functions
+ -- New function, resolve it
+ core <- getA tsCoreModule
+ -- Find the named function
+ let name = (hsFuncName hsfunc)
+ let bind = findBind (cm_binds core) name
+ case bind of
+ Nothing -> error $ "Couldn't find function " ++ name ++ " in current module."
+ Just b -> flattenBind hsfunc b
-- | Translate a top level function declaration to a HsFunction. i.e., which
-- interface will be provided by this function. This function essentially
-- | Translate a concise representation of a builtin function to something
-- that can be put into FuncMap directly.
addBuiltIn :: BuiltIn -> TranslatorState ()
addBuiltIn (BuiltIn name args res) = do
addFunc hsfunc
BuiltIn "hwor" [(Single ("a", VHDL.bit_ty)), (Single ("b", VHDL.bit_ty))] (Single ("o", VHDL.bit_ty)),
BuiltIn "hwnot" [(Single ("a", VHDL.bit_ty))] (Single ("o", VHDL.bit_ty))
-- vim: set ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module TranslatorTypes where
-import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Accessor.Template
import Data.Accessor
-- | A map from a HsFunction identifier to various stuff we collect about a
-- function along the way.
-type FuncMap = Map.Map HsFunction FuncData
+type FlatFuncMap = Map.Map HsFunction FlatFunction
--- | Some stuff we collect about a function along the way.
-data FuncData = FuncData {
- fdFlatFunc_ :: Maybe FlatFunction,
- fdEntity_ :: Maybe Entity,
- fdArch_ :: Maybe AST.ArchBody
-} deriving (Show)
+data TranslatorSession = TranslatorSession {
+ tsCoreModule_ :: HscTypes.CoreModule, -- ^ The current module
+ tsNameCount_ :: Int, -- ^ A counter that can be used to generate unique names
+ tsFlatFuncs_ :: FlatFuncMap -- ^ A map from HsFunction to FlatFunction
-- Derive accessors
-$( Data.Accessor.Template.deriveAccessors ''FuncData )
-data TranslatorSession = VHDLSession {
- coreMod :: HscTypes.CoreModule, -- The current module
- nameCount :: Int, -- A counter that can be used to generate unique names
- funcs :: FuncMap -- A map from HsFunction to FlatFunction, HWFunction, VHDL Entity and Architecture
+$( Data.Accessor.Template.deriveAccessors ''TranslatorSession )
type TranslatorState = State.State TranslatorSession
--- | Add the function to the session
-addFunc :: HsFunction -> TranslatorState ()
-addFunc hsfunc =
- modFuncMap (Map.insert hsfunc (FuncData Nothing Nothing Nothing))
--- | Find the given function in the current session
-getFunc :: HsFunction -> TranslatorState (Maybe FuncData)
-getFunc hsfunc = do
- fs <- State.gets funcs -- Get the funcs element from the session
- return $ Map.lookup hsfunc fs
--- | Gets all functions from the current session
-getFuncs :: TranslatorState [(HsFunction, FuncData)]
-getFuncs = do
- fs <- State.gets funcs -- Get the funcs element from the session
- return $ Map.toList fs
--- | Gets all the functions from the current session
-getHsFuncs :: TranslatorState [HsFunction]
-getHsFuncs = do
- fs <- State.gets funcs -- Get the funcs element from the session
- return $ Map.keys fs
--- | Sets the FlatFunction for the given HsFunction in the current session.
-setFlatFunc :: HsFunction -> FlatFunction -> TranslatorState ()
-setFlatFunc hsfunc flatfunc =
- modFunc (fdFlatFunc ^= Just flatfunc) hsfunc
--- | Sets the Entity for the given HsFunction in the current session.
-setEntity :: HsFunction -> Entity -> TranslatorState ()
-setEntity hsfunc entity =
- modFunc (fdEntity ^= Just entity) hsfunc
--- | Sets the Entity for the given HsFunction in the current session.
-setArchitecture :: HsFunction -> AST.ArchBody -> TranslatorState ()
-setArchitecture hsfunc arch =
- modFunc (fdArch ^= Just arch) hsfunc
--- | Modify a function in the map using the given function
-modFunc :: (FuncData -> FuncData) -> HsFunction -> TranslatorState ()
-modFunc f hsfunc =
- modFuncMap (Map.adjust f hsfunc)
--- | Get the map of functions in the session
-getFuncMap :: TranslatorState FuncMap
-getFuncMap = State.gets funcs
--- | Modify the function map in the session using the given function
-modFuncMap :: (FuncMap -> FuncMap) -> TranslatorState ()
-modFuncMap f = do
- fs <- State.gets funcs -- Get the funcs element from the session
- let fs' = f fs
- State.modify (\x -> x {funcs = fs' })
--- | Apply the given function to all functions in the map, and collect the
--- results. The function is allowed to change the function map in the
--- session, but any new functions added will not be mapped.
-modFuncs :: (HsFunction -> FuncData -> TranslatorState ()) -> TranslatorState ()
-modFuncs f = do
- hsfuncs <- getHsFuncs
- mapM doFunc hsfuncs
- return ()
- where
- doFunc hsfunc = do
- fdata_maybe <- getFunc hsfunc
- case fdata_maybe of
- Nothing -> do return ()
- Just fdata -> f hsfunc fdata
-getModule :: TranslatorState HscTypes.CoreModule
-getModule = State.gets coreMod -- Get the coreMod element from the session
--- Makes the given name unique by appending a unique number.
--- This does not do any checking against existing names, so it only guarantees
--- uniqueness with other names generated by uniqueName.
-uniqueName :: String -> TranslatorState String
-uniqueName name = do
- count <- State.gets nameCount -- Get the funcs element from the session
- State.modify (\s -> s {nameCount = count + 1})
- return $ name ++ "_" ++ (show count)
-- vim: set ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab:
import qualified Maybe
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Accessor
import TranslatorTypes
import Pretty
-getDesignFiles :: [FuncData] -> [AST.DesignFile]
-getDesignFiles funcs =
- map (AST.DesignFile context) units
+createDesignFiles ::
+ FlatFuncMap
+ -> [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
+createDesignFiles flatfuncmap =
+ -- TODO: Output types
+ map (Arrow.second $ AST.DesignFile context) units
- units = filter (not.null) $ map getLibraryUnits funcs
+ init_session = VHDLSession Map.empty Map.empty
+ (units, final_session) =
+ State.runState (createLibraryUnits flatfuncmap) init_session
context = [
AST.Library $ mkVHDLId "IEEE",
AST.Use $ (AST.NSimple $ mkVHDLId "IEEE.std_logic_1164") AST.:.: AST.All]
+createLibraryUnits ::
+ FlatFuncMap
+ -> VHDLState [(AST.VHDLId, [AST.LibraryUnit])]
+createLibraryUnits flatfuncmap = do
+ let hsfuncs = Map.keys flatfuncmap
+ let flatfuncs = Map.elems flatfuncmap
+ entities <- Monad.zipWithM createEntity hsfuncs flatfuncs
+ archs <- Monad.zipWithM createArchitecture hsfuncs flatfuncs
+ return $ zipWith
+ (\ent arch ->
+ let AST.EntityDec id _ = ent in
+ (id, [AST.LUEntity ent, AST.LUArch arch])
+ )
+ entities archs
-- | Create an entity for a given function
createEntity ::
- HsFunction -- | The function signature
- -> FuncData -- | The function data collected so far
- -> Maybe Entity -- | The resulting entity. Should return the existing
- --- Entity for builtin functions.
-createEntity hsfunc fdata =
- case fdata ^. fdFlatFunc of
- -- Skip (builtin) functions without a FlatFunction
- Nothing -> fdata ^. fdEntity
- -- Create an entity for all other functions
- Just flatfunc ->
+ HsFunction -- | The function signature
+ -> FlatFunction -- | The FlatFunction
+ -> VHDLState AST.EntityDec -- | The resulting entity
+createEntity hsfunc flatfunc =
sigs = flat_sigs flatfunc
args = flat_args flatfunc
pkg_decl = if null ty_decls && null ty_decls'
then Nothing
else Just $ AST.PackageDec pkg_id (map AST.PDITD $ ty_decls ++ ty_decls')
+ -- TODO: Output package
AST.EntityDec entity_id _ = ent_decl'
- in
- Just $ Entity entity_id args' res' (Just ent_decl') pkg_decl
+ signature = Entity entity_id args' res'
+ in do
+ modA vsSignatures (Map.insert hsfunc signature)
+ return ent_decl'
mkMap ::
[(SignalId, SignalInfo)]
-- | Create an architecture for a given function
createArchitecture ::
- FuncMap -- ^ The functions in the current session
- -> HsFunction -- ^ The function signature
- -> FuncData -- ^ The function data collected so far
- -> Maybe AST.ArchBody -- ^ The architecture for this function
-createArchitecture funcs hsfunc fdata =
- case fdata ^. fdFlatFunc of
- -- Skip (builtin) functions without a FlatFunction
- Nothing -> fdata ^. fdArch
- -- Create an architecture for all other functions
- Just flatfunc ->
- let
- sigs = flat_sigs flatfunc
- args = flat_args flatfunc
- res = flat_res flatfunc
- defs = flat_defs flatfunc
- entity_id = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Building architecture without an entity? This should not happen!")
- (getEntityId fdata)
- -- Create signal declarations for all signals that are not in args and
- -- res
- (ty_decls, sig_decs) = Arrow.second Maybe.catMaybes $ Traversable.traverse (mkSigDec . snd) sigs
- -- TODO: Unique ty_decls
- -- TODO: Store ty_decls somewhere
- -- Create concurrent statements for all signal definitions
- statements = zipWith (mkConcSm funcs sigs) defs [0..]
- procs = map mkStateProcSm (makeStatePairs flatfunc)
- procs' = map AST.CSPSm procs
- in
- Just $ AST.ArchBody (mkVHDLId "structural") (AST.NSimple entity_id) (map AST.BDISD sig_decs) (statements ++ procs')
+ HsFunction -- ^ The function signature
+ -> FlatFunction -- ^ The FlatFunction
+ -> VHDLState AST.ArchBody -- ^ The architecture for this function
+createArchitecture hsfunc flatfunc = do
+ signaturemap <- getA vsSignatures
+ let signature = Maybe.fromMaybe
+ (error $ "Generating architecture for function " ++ (prettyShow hsfunc) ++ "without signature? This should not happen!")
+ (Map.lookup hsfunc signaturemap)
+ let entity_id = ent_id signature
+ -- Create concurrent statements for all signal definitions
+ let statements = zipWith (mkConcSm signaturemap sigs) defs [0..]
+ return $ AST.ArchBody (mkVHDLId "structural") (AST.NSimple entity_id) (map AST.BDISD sig_decs) (statements ++ procs')
+ where
+ sigs = flat_sigs flatfunc
+ args = flat_args flatfunc
+ res = flat_res flatfunc
+ defs = flat_defs flatfunc
+ -- Create signal declarations for all internal and state signals
+ (ty_decls, sig_decs) = Arrow.second Maybe.catMaybes $ Traversable.traverse (mkSigDec . snd) sigs
+ -- TODO: Unique ty_decls
+ -- TODO: Store ty_decls somewhere
+ procs = map mkStateProcSm (makeStatePairs flatfunc)
+ procs' = map AST.CSPSm procs
-- | Looks up all pairs of old state, new state signals, together with
-- the state id they represent.
-- | Transforms a signal definition into a VHDL concurrent statement
mkConcSm ::
- FuncMap -- ^ The functions in the current session
+ SignatureMap -- ^ The interfaces of functions in the session
-> [(SignalId, SignalInfo)] -- ^ The signals in the current architecture
-> SigDef -- ^ The signal definition
-> Int -- ^ A number that will be unique for all
-- concurrent statements in the architecture.
-> AST.ConcSm -- ^ The corresponding VHDL component instantiation.
-mkConcSm funcs sigs (FApp hsfunc args res) num =
+mkConcSm signatures sigs (FApp hsfunc args res) num =
- fdata_maybe = Map.lookup hsfunc funcs
- fdata = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Using function '" ++ (prettyShow hsfunc) ++ "' that is not in the session? This should not happen!")
- fdata_maybe
- entity = Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Using function '" ++ (prettyShow hsfunc) ++ "' without entity declaration? This should not happen!")
- (fdata ^. fdEntity)
- entity_id = ent_id entity
+ signature = Maybe.fromMaybe
+ (error $ "Using function '" ++ (prettyShow hsfunc) ++ "' without signature? This should not happen!")
+ (Map.lookup hsfunc signatures)
+ entity_id = ent_id signature
label = (AST.fromVHDLId entity_id) ++ "_" ++ (show num)
-- Add a clk port if we have state
clk_port = Maybe.fromJust $ mkAssocElem (Just $ mkVHDLId "clk") "clk"
- portmaps = mkAssocElems sigs args res entity ++ (if hasState hsfunc then [clk_port] else [])
+ portmaps = mkAssocElems sigs args res signature ++ (if hasState hsfunc then [clk_port] else [])
AST.CSISm $ AST.CompInsSm (mkVHDLId label) (AST.IUEntity (AST.NSimple entity_id)) (AST.PMapAspect portmaps)
mkAssocElem (Just port) signal = Just $ Just port AST.:=>: (AST.ADName (AST.NSimple (mkVHDLId signal)))
mkAssocElem Nothing _ = Nothing
--- | Extracts the generated entity id from the given funcdata
-getEntityId :: FuncData -> Maybe AST.VHDLId
-getEntityId fdata =
- case fdata ^. fdEntity of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Just e -> case ent_decl e of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Just (AST.EntityDec id _) -> Just id
-getLibraryUnits ::
- FuncData -- | A function from the session
- -> [AST.LibraryUnit] -- | The entity, architecture and optional package for the function
-getLibraryUnits fdata =
- case fdata ^. fdEntity of
- Nothing -> []
- Just ent ->
- case ent_decl ent of
- Nothing -> []
- Just decl ->
- case fdata ^. fdArch of
- Nothing -> []
- Just arch ->
- [AST.LUEntity decl, AST.LUArch arch]
- ++ (Maybe.maybeToList (fmap AST.LUPackageDec $ ent_pkg_decl ent))
-- | The VHDL Bit type
bit_ty :: AST.TypeMark
bit_ty = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "Bit"
-- Some types used by the VHDL module.
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module VHDLTypes where
+-- Standard imports
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Accessor
+import qualified Data.Accessor.Template
+-- GHC API imports
+import qualified Type
+-- ForSyDe imports
import qualified ForSyDe.Backend.VHDL.AST as AST
+-- Local imports
import FlattenTypes
import HsValueMap
data Entity = Entity {
ent_id :: AST.VHDLId, -- The id of the entity
ent_args :: [VHDLSignalMap], -- A mapping of each function argument to port names
- ent_res :: VHDLSignalMap, -- A mapping of the function result to port names
- ent_decl :: Maybe AST.EntityDec, -- The actual entity declaration. Can be empty for builtin functions.
- ent_pkg_decl :: Maybe AST.PackageDec -- A package declaration with types for this entity
+ ent_res :: VHDLSignalMap -- A mapping of the function result to port names
} deriving (Show);
+-- A orderable equivalent of CoreSyn's Type for use as a map key
+newtype OrdType = OrdType Type.Type
+instance Eq OrdType where
+ (OrdType a) == (OrdType b) = Type.tcEqType a b
+instance Ord OrdType where
+ compare (OrdType a) (OrdType b) = Type.tcCmpType a b
+-- A map of a Core type to the corresponding type name (and optionally, it's
+-- declaration for non-primitive types).
+type TypeMap = Map.Map OrdType (AST.VHDLId, AST.TypeDec)
+-- A map of a Haskell function to a hardware signature
+type SignatureMap = Map.Map HsFunction Entity
+data VHDLSession = VHDLSession {
+ -- | A map of Core type -> VHDL Type
+ vsTypes_ :: TypeMap,
+ -- | A map of HsFunction -> hardware signature (entity name, port names,
+ -- etc.)
+ vsSignatures_ :: SignatureMap
+-- Derive accessors
+$( Data.Accessor.Template.deriveAccessors ''VHDLSession )
+type VHDLState = State.State VHDLSession
+-- vim: set ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab: