r = res flatfunc
args' = map (fmap (mkMap s)) a
res' = fmap (mkMap s) r
- entity' = Entity args' res' Nothing
+ ent_decl' = createEntityAST hsfunc args' res'
+ entity' = Entity args' res' (Just ent_decl')
fdata { entity = Just entity' }
nm = Maybe.fromMaybe
(error $ "Signal not named? This should not happen!")
(name info)
+-- | Create the VHDL AST for an entity
+createEntityAST ::
+ HsFunction -- | The signature of the function we're working with
+ -> [VHDLSignalMap] -- | The entity's arguments
+ -> VHDLSignalMap -- | The entity's result
+ -> AST.EntityDec -- | The entity with the ent_decl filled in as well
+createEntityAST hsfunc args res =
+ AST.EntityDec vhdl_id ports
+ where
+ vhdl_id = mkEntityId hsfunc
+ ports = []
+-- | Generate a VHDL entity name for the given hsfunc
+mkEntityId hsfunc =
+ -- TODO: This doesn't work for functions with multiple signatures!
+ mkVHDLId $ hsFuncName hsfunc
-- | The VHDL Bit type