-> String -- ^ The TopEntity
-> String -- ^ The InitState
-> String -- ^ The TestInput
- -> Bool -- ^ Is it stateful? (in case InitState is empty)
-> IO ()
-makeVHDLStrings libdir filenames topentity initstate testinput stateful = do
- makeVHDL libdir filenames finder stateful
+makeVHDLStrings libdir filenames topentity initstate testinput = do
+ makeVHDL libdir filenames finder
finder = findSpec (hasVarName topentity)
(hasVarName initstate)
makeVHDLAnnotations ::
FilePath -- ^ The GHC Library Dir
-> [FilePath] -- ^ The FileNames
- -> Bool -- ^ Is it stateful? (in case InitState is not specified)
-> IO ()
-makeVHDLAnnotations libdir filenames stateful = do
- makeVHDL libdir filenames finder stateful
+makeVHDLAnnotations libdir filenames = do
+ makeVHDL libdir filenames finder
finder = findSpec (hasCLasHAnnotation isTopEntity)
(hasCLasHAnnotation isInitState)
FilePath -- ^ The GHC Library Dir
-> [FilePath] -- ^ The Filenames
-> Finder
- -> Bool -- ^ Indicates if it is meant to be stateful
-> IO ()
-makeVHDL libdir filenames finder stateful = do
+makeVHDL libdir filenames finder = do
-- Load the modules
(cores, env, specs) <- loadModules libdir filenames (Just finder)
-- Translate to VHDL
- vhdl <- moduleToVHDL env cores specs stateful
+ vhdl <- moduleToVHDL env cores specs
-- Write VHDL to file. Just use the first entity for the name
let top_entity = (\(t, _, _) -> t) $ head specs
let dir = "./vhdl/" ++ (show top_entity) ++ "/"
mapM (writeVHDL dir) vhdl
return ()
--- | Translate the binds with the given names from the given core module to
--- VHDL. The Bool in the tuple makes the function stateful (True) or
--- stateless (False).
+-- | Translate the specified entities in the given modules to VHDL.
moduleToVHDL ::
HscTypes.HscEnv -- ^ The GHC Environment
-> [HscTypes.CoreModule] -- ^ The Core Modules
-> [EntitySpec] -- ^ The entities to generate
- -> Bool -- ^ Is it stateful (in case InitState is not specified)
-> IO [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
-moduleToVHDL env cores specs stateful = do
+moduleToVHDL env cores specs = do
vhdl <- runTranslatorSession env $ do
let all_bindings = concat (map (\x -> CoreSyn.flattenBinds (HscTypes.cm_binds x)) cores)
-- Store the bindings we loaded