function boundaries), but eventually, the partial application will become
completely applied.
+ \section{State}
+ \subsection{Introduction}
+ Provide some examples
+ \subsection{Approaches to state}
+ Explain impact of state (or rather, temporal behaviour) on function signature.
+ \subsubsection{Stream arguments and results}
+ \subsubsection{Explicit state arguments and results}
+ Nested state for called functions.
+ \subsection{Explicit state specification}
+ Note about semantic correctness of top level state.
+ Note about automatic ``down-pushing'' of state.
+ Note about explicit state specification as the best solution.
+ Note about substates
+ Note about conditions on state variables and checking them.
+ \subsection{Explicit state implementation}
+ Recording state variables at the type level.
+ Ideal: Type synonyms, since there is no additional code overhead for
+ packing and unpacking. Downside: there is no explicit conversion in Core
+ either, so type synonyms tend to get lost in expressions (they can be
+ preserved in binders, but this makes implementation harder, since that
+ statefulness of a value must be manually tracked).
+ Less ideal: Newtype. Requires explicit packing and unpacking of function
+ arguments. If you don't unpack substates, there is no overhead for
+ (un)packing substates. This will result in many nested State constructors
+ in a nested state type. \eg:
+ \starttyping
+ State (State Bit, State (State Word, Bit), Word)
+ \stoptyping
+ Alternative: Provide different newtypes for input and output state. This
+ makes the code even more explicit, and typechecking can find even more
+ errors. However, this requires defining two type synomyms for each
+ stateful function instead of just one. \eg:
+ \starttyping
+ type AccumStateIn = StateIn Bit
+ type AccumStateOut = StateOut Bit
+ \stoptyping
+ This also increases the possibility of having different input and output
+ states. Checking for identical input and output state types is also
+ harder, since each element in the state must be unpacked and compared
+ separately.
+ Alternative: Provide a type for the entire result type of a stateful
+ function, not just the state part. \eg:
+ \starttyping
+ newtype Result state result = Result (state, result)
+ \stoptyping
+ This makes it easy to say "Any stateful function must return a
+ \type{Result} type, without having to sort out result from state. However,
+ this either requires a second type for input state (similar to
+ \type{StateIn} / \type{StateOut} above), or requires the compiler to
+ select the right argument for input state by looking at types (which works
+ for complex states, but when that state has the same type as an argument,
+ things get ambiguous) or by selecting a fixed (\eg, the last) argument,
+ which might be limiting.
+ \subsubsection{Example}
+ As an example of the used approach, a simple averaging circuit, that lets
+ the accumulation of the inputs be done by a subcomponent.
+ \starttyping
+ newtype State s = State s
+ type AccumState = State Bit
+ accum :: Word -> AccumState -> (AccumState, Word)
+ accum i (State s) = (State (s + i), s + i)
+ type AvgState = (AccumState, Word)
+ avg :: Word -> AvgState -> (AvgState, Word)
+ avg i (State s) = (State s', o)
+ where
+ (accums, count) = s
+ -- Pass our input through the accumulator, which outputs a sum
+ (accums', sum) = accum i accums
+ -- Increment the count (which will be our new state)
+ count' = count + 1
+ -- Compute the average
+ o = sum / count'
+ s' = (accums', count')
+ \stoptyping
+ And the normalized, core-like versions:
+ \starttyping
+ accum i spacked = res
+ where
+ s = case spacked of (State s) -> s
+ s' = s + i
+ spacked' = State s'
+ o = s + i
+ res = (spacked', o)
+ avg i spacked = res
+ where
+ s = case spacked of (State s) -> s
+ accums = case s of (accums, \_) -> accums
+ count = case s of (\_, count) -> count
+ accumres = accum i accums
+ accums' = case accumres of (accums', \_) -> accums'
+ sum = case accumres of (\_, sum) -> sum
+ count' = count + 1
+ o = sum / count'
+ s' = (accums', count')
+ spacked' = State s'
+ res = (spacked', o)
+ \stoptyping
+ As noted above, any component of a function's state that is a substate,
+ \eg passed on as the state of another function, should have no influence
+ on the hardware generated for the calling function. Any state-specific
+ \small{VHDL} for this component can be generated entirely within the called
+ function. So,we can completely leave out substates from any function.
+ From this observation, we might think to remove the substates from a
+ function's states alltogether, and leave only the state components which
+ are actual states of the current function. While doing this would not
+ remove any information needed to generate \small{VHDL} from the function, it would
+ cause the function definition to become invalid (since we won't have any
+ substate to pass to the functions anymore). We could solve the syntactic
+ problems by passing \type{undefined} for state variables, but that would
+ still break the code on the semantic level (\ie, the function would no
+ longer be semantically equivalent to the original input).
+ To keep the function definition correct until the very end of the process,
+ we will not deal with (sub)states until we get to the \small{VHDL} generation.
+ Here, we are translating from Core to \small{VHDL}, and we can simply not generate
+ \small{VHDL} for substates, effectively removing the substate components
+ alltogether.
+ There are a few important points when ignore substates.
+ First, we have to have some definition of "substate". Since any state
+ argument or return value that represents state must be of the \type{State}
+ type, we can simply look at its type. However, we must be careful to
+ ignore only {\em substates}, and not a function's own state.
+ In the example above, this means we should remove \type{accums'} from
+ \type{s'}, but not throw away \type{s'} entirely. We should, however,
+ remove \type{s'} from the output port of the function, since the state
+ will be handled by a \small{VHDL} procedure within the function.
+ When looking at substates, these can appear in two places: As part of an
+ argument and as part of a return value. As noted above, these substates
+ can only be used in very specific ways.
+ \desc{State variables can appear as an argument.} When generating \small{VHDL}, we
+ completely ignore the argument and generate no input port for it.
+ \desc{State variables can be extracted from other state variables.} When
+ extracting a state variable from another state variable, this always means
+ we're extracting a substate, which we can ignore. So, we simply generate no
+ \small{VHDL} for any extraction operation that has a state variable as a result.
+ \desc{State variables can be passed to functions.} When passing a
+ state variable to a function, this always means we're passing a substate
+ to a subcomponent. The entire argument can simply be ingored in the
+ resulting port map.
+ \desc{State variables can be returned from functions.} When returning a
+ state variable from a function (probably as a part of an algebraic
+ datatype), this always mean we're returning a substate from a
+ subcomponent. The entire state variable should be ignored in the resulting
+ port map. The type binder of the binder that the function call is bound
+ to should not include the state type either.
+ \startdesc{State variables can be inserted into other variables.} When inserting
+ a state variable into another variable (usually by constructing that new
+ variable using its constructor), we can identify two cases:
+ \startitemize
+ \item The state is inserted into another state variable. In this case,
+ the inserted state is a substate, and can be safely left out of the
+ constructed variable.
+ \item The state is inserted into a non-state variable. This happens when
+ building up the return value of a function, where you put state and
+ retsult variables together in an algebraic type (usually a tuple). In
+ this case, we should leave the state variable out as well, since we
+ don't want it to be included as an output port.
+ \stopitemize
+ So, in both cases, we can simply leave out the state variable from the
+ resulting value. In the latter case, however, we should generate a state
+ proc instead, which assigns the state variable to the input state variable
+ at each clock tick.
+ \stopdesc
+ \desc{State variables can appear as (part of) a function result.} When
+ generating \small{VHDL}, we can completely ignore any part of a function result
+ that has a state type. If the entire result is a state type, this will
+ mean the entity will not have an output port. Otherwise, the state
+ elements will be removed from the type of the output port.
+ Now, we know how to handle each use of a state variable separately. If we
+ look at the whole, we can conclude the following:
+ \startitemize
+ \item A state unpack operation should not generate any \small{VHDL}. The binder
+ to which the unpacked state is bound should still be declared, this signal
+ will become the register and will hold the current state.
+ \item A state pack operation should not generate any \small{VHDL}. The binder th
+ which the packed state is bound should not be declared. The binder that is
+ packed is the signal that will hold the new state.
+ \item Any values of a State type should not be translated to \small{VHDL}. In
+ particular, State elements should be removed from tuples (and other
+ datatypes) and arguments with a state type should not generate ports.
+ \item To make the state actually work, a simple \small{VHDL} proc should be
+ generated. This proc updates the state at every clockcycle, by assigning
+ the new state to the current state. This will be recognized by synthesis
+ tools as a register specification.
+ \stopitemize
+ When applying these rules to the example program (in normal form), we will
+ get the following result. All the parts that don't generate any value are
+ crossed out, leaving some very boring assignments here and there.
+ \starthaskell
+ avg i --spacked-- = res
+ where
+ s = --case spacked of (State s) -> s--
+ --accums = case s of (accums, \_) -> accums--
+ count = case s of (--\_,-- count) -> count
+ accumres = accum i --accums--
+ --accums' = case accumres of (accums', \_) -> accums'--
+ sum = case accumres of (--\_,-- sum) -> sum
+ count' = count + 1
+ o = sum / count'
+ s' = (--accums',-- count')
+ --spacked' = State s'--
+ res = (--spacked',-- o)
+ \stophaskell
+ When we would really leave out the crossed out parts, we get a slightly
+ weird program: There is a variable \type{s} which has no value, and there
+ is a variable \type{s'} that is never used. Together, these two will form
+ the state proc of the function. \type{s} contains the "current" state,
+ \type{s'} is assigned the "next" state. So, at the end of each clock
+ cycle, \type{s'} should be assigned to \type{s}.
+ Note that the definition of \type{s'} is not removed, even though one
+ might think it as having a state type. Since the state type has a single
+ argument constructor \type{State}, some type that should be the resulting
+ state should always be explicitly packed with the State constructor,
+ allowing us to remove the packed version, but still generate \small{VHDL} for the
+ unpacked version (of course with any substates removed).
+ As you can see, the definition of \type{s'} is still present, since it
+ does not have a state type (The State constructor. The \type{accums'} substate has been removed,
+ leaving us just with the state of \type{avg} itself.
+ \subsection{Initial state}
+ How to specify the initial state? Cannot be done inside a hardware
+ function, since the initial state is its own state argument for the first
+ call (unless you add an explicit, synchronous reset port).
+ External init state is natural for simulation.
+ External init state works for hardware generation as well.
+ Implementation issues: state splitting, linking input to output state,
+ checking usage constraints on state variables.
An import concept in functional languages is recursion. In it's most basic
form, recursion is a function that is defined in terms of itself. This
+++ /dev/null
- \section{Introduction}
- Provide some examples
- \section{Approaches to state}
- Explain impact of state (or rather, temporal behaviour) on function signature.
- \subsection{Stream arguments and results}
- \subsection{Explicit state arguments and results}
- Nested state for called functions.
- \section{Explicit state specification}
- Note about semantic correctness of top level state.
- Note about automatic ``down-pushing'' of state.
- Note about explicit state specification as the best solution.
- Note about substates
- Note about conditions on state variables and checking them.
- \section{Explicit state implementation}
- Recording state variables at the type level.
- Ideal: Type synonyms, since there is no additional code overhead for
- packing and unpacking. Downside: there is no explicit conversion in Core
- either, so type synonyms tend to get lost in expressions (they can be
- preserved in binders, but this makes implementation harder, since that
- statefulness of a value must be manually tracked).
- Less ideal: Newtype. Requires explicit packing and unpacking of function
- arguments. If you don't unpack substates, there is no overhead for
- (un)packing substates. This will result in many nested State constructors
- in a nested state type. \eg:
-State (State Bit, State (State Word, Bit), Word)
- Alternative: Provide different newtypes for input and output state. This
- makes the code even more explicit, and typechecking can find even more
- errors. However, this requires defining two type synomyms for each
- stateful function instead of just one. \eg:
-type AccumStateIn = StateIn Bit
-type AccumStateOut = StateOut Bit
- This also increases the possibility of having different input and output
- states. Checking for identical input and output state types is also
- harder, since each element in the state must be unpacked and compared
- separately.
- Alternative: Provide a type for the entire result type of a stateful
- function, not just the state part. \eg:
-newtype Result state result = Result (state, result)
- This makes it easy to say "Any stateful function must return a
- \type{Result} type, without having to sort out result from state. However,
- this either requires a second type for input state (similar to
- \type{StateIn} / \type{StateOut} above), or requires the compiler to
- select the right argument for input state by looking at types (which works
- for complex states, but when that state has the same type as an argument,
- things get ambiguous) or by selecting a fixed (\eg, the last) argument,
- which might be limiting.
- \subsection{Example}
- As an example of the used approach, a simple averaging circuit, that lets
- the accumulation of the inputs be done by a subcomponent.
- \starttyping
- newtype State s = State s
- type AccumState = State Bit
- accum :: Word -> AccumState -> (AccumState, Word)
- accum i (State s) = (State (s + i), s + i)
- type AvgState = (AccumState, Word)
- avg :: Word -> AvgState -> (AvgState, Word)
- avg i (State s) = (State s', o)
- where
- (accums, count) = s
- -- Pass our input through the accumulator, which outputs a sum
- (accums', sum) = accum i accums
- -- Increment the count (which will be our new state)
- count' = count + 1
- -- Compute the average
- o = sum / count'
- s' = (accums', count')
- \stoptyping
- And the normalized, core-like versions:
- \starttyping
- accum i spacked = res
- where
- s = case spacked of (State s) -> s
- s' = s + i
- spacked' = State s'
- o = s + i
- res = (spacked', o)
- avg i spacked = res
- where
- s = case spacked of (State s) -> s
- accums = case s of (accums, \_) -> accums
- count = case s of (\_, count) -> count
- accumres = accum i accums
- accums' = case accumres of (accums', \_) -> accums'
- sum = case accumres of (\_, sum) -> sum
- count' = count + 1
- o = sum / count'
- s' = (accums', count')
- spacked' = State s'
- res = (spacked', o)
- \stoptyping
- As noted above, any component of a function's state that is a substate,
- \eg passed on as the state of another function, should have no influence
- on the hardware generated for the calling function. Any state-specific
- \small{VHDL} for this component can be generated entirely within the called
- function. So,we can completely leave out substates from any function.
- From this observation, we might think to remove the substates from a
- function's states alltogether, and leave only the state components which
- are actual states of the current function. While doing this would not
- remove any information needed to generate \small{VHDL} from the function, it would
- cause the function definition to become invalid (since we won't have any
- substate to pass to the functions anymore). We could solve the syntactic
- problems by passing \type{undefined} for state variables, but that would
- still break the code on the semantic level (\ie, the function would no
- longer be semantically equivalent to the original input).
- To keep the function definition correct until the very end of the process,
- we will not deal with (sub)states until we get to the \small{VHDL} generation.
- Here, we are translating from Core to \small{VHDL}, and we can simply not generate
- \small{VHDL} for substates, effectively removing the substate components
- alltogether.
- There are a few important points when ignore substates.
- First, we have to have some definition of "substate". Since any state
- argument or return value that represents state must be of the \type{State}
- type, we can simply look at its type. However, we must be careful to
- ignore only {\em substates}, and not a function's own state.
- In the example above, this means we should remove \type{accums'} from
- \type{s'}, but not throw away \type{s'} entirely. We should, however,
- remove \type{s'} from the output port of the function, since the state
- will be handled by a \small{VHDL} procedure within the function.
- When looking at substates, these can appear in two places: As part of an
- argument and as part of a return value. As noted above, these substates
- can only be used in very specific ways.
- \desc{State variables can appear as an argument.} When generating \small{VHDL}, we
- completely ignore the argument and generate no input port for it.
- \desc{State variables can be extracted from other state variables.} When
- extracting a state variable from another state variable, this always means
- we're extracting a substate, which we can ignore. So, we simply generate no
- \small{VHDL} for any extraction operation that has a state variable as a result.
- \desc{State variables can be passed to functions.} When passing a
- state variable to a function, this always means we're passing a substate
- to a subcomponent. The entire argument can simply be ingored in the
- resulting port map.
- \desc{State variables can be returned from functions.} When returning a
- state variable from a function (probably as a part of an algebraic
- datatype), this always mean we're returning a substate from a
- subcomponent. The entire state variable should be ignored in the resulting
- port map. The type binder of the binder that the function call is bound
- to should not include the state type either.
- \startdesc{State variables can be inserted into other variables.} When inserting
- a state variable into another variable (usually by constructing that new
- variable using its constructor), we can identify two cases:
- \startitemize
- \item The state is inserted into another state variable. In this case,
- the inserted state is a substate, and can be safely left out of the
- constructed variable.
- \item The state is inserted into a non-state variable. This happens when
- building up the return value of a function, where you put state and
- retsult variables together in an algebraic type (usually a tuple). In
- this case, we should leave the state variable out as well, since we
- don't want it to be included as an output port.
- \stopitemize
- So, in both cases, we can simply leave out the state variable from the
- resulting value. In the latter case, however, we should generate a state
- proc instead, which assigns the state variable to the input state variable
- at each clock tick.
- \stopdesc
- \desc{State variables can appear as (part of) a function result.} When
- generating \small{VHDL}, we can completely ignore any part of a function result
- that has a state type. If the entire result is a state type, this will
- mean the entity will not have an output port. Otherwise, the state
- elements will be removed from the type of the output port.
- Now, we know how to handle each use of a state variable separately. If we
- look at the whole, we can conclude the following:
- \startitemize
- \item A state unpack operation should not generate any \small{VHDL}. The binder
- to which the unpacked state is bound should still be declared, this signal
- will become the register and will hold the current state.
- \item A state pack operation should not generate any \small{VHDL}. The binder th
- which the packed state is bound should not be declared. The binder that is
- packed is the signal that will hold the new state.
- \item Any values of a State type should not be translated to \small{VHDL}. In
- particular, State elements should be removed from tuples (and other
- datatypes) and arguments with a state type should not generate ports.
- \item To make the state actually work, a simple \small{VHDL} proc should be
- generated. This proc updates the state at every clockcycle, by assigning
- the new state to the current state. This will be recognized by synthesis
- tools as a register specification.
- \stopitemize
- When applying these rules to the example program (in normal form), we will
- get the following result. All the parts that don't generate any value are
- crossed out, leaving some very boring assignments here and there.
- avg i --spacked-- = res
- where
- s = --case spacked of (State s) -> s--
- --accums = case s of (accums, \_) -> accums--
- count = case s of (--\_,-- count) -> count
- accumres = accum i --accums--
- --accums' = case accumres of (accums', \_) -> accums'--
- sum = case accumres of (--\_,-- sum) -> sum
- count' = count + 1
- o = sum / count'
- s' = (--accums',-- count')
- --spacked' = State s'--
- res = (--spacked',-- o)
- When we would really leave out the crossed out parts, we get a slightly
- weird program: There is a variable \type{s} which has no value, and there
- is a variable \type{s'} that is never used. Together, these two will form
- the state proc of the function. \type{s} contains the "current" state,
- \type{s'} is assigned the "next" state. So, at the end of each clock
- cycle, \type{s'} should be assigned to \type{s}.
- Note that the definition of \type{s'} is not removed, even though one
- might think it as having a state type. Since the state type has a single
- argument constructor \type{State}, some type that should be the resulting
- state should always be explicitly packed with the State constructor,
- allowing us to remove the packed version, but still generate \small{VHDL} for the
- unpacked version (of course with any substates removed).
- As you can see, the definition of \type{s'} is still present, since it
- does not have a state type (The State constructor. The \type{accums'} substate has been removed,
- leaving us just with the state of \type{avg} itself.
- \section{Initial state}
- How to specify the initial state? Cannot be done inside a hardware
- function, since the initial state is its own state argument for the first
- call (unless you add an explicit, synchronous reset port).
- External init state is natural for simulation.
- External init state works for hardware generation as well.
- Implementation issues: state splitting, linking input to output state,
- checking usage constraints on state variables.