import qualified Var
import qualified Type
import qualified Name
-import qualified TyCon
import qualified Maybe
-import Data.Traversable
import qualified DataCon
import qualified CoreUtils
import Control.Applicative
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr )
-import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
--- | A datatype that maps each of the single values in a haskell structure to
--- a mapto. The map has the same structure as the haskell type mapped, ie
--- nested tuples etc.
-data HsValueMap mapto =
- Tuple [HsValueMap mapto]
- | Single mapto
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance Functor HsValueMap where
- fmap f (Single s) = Single (f s)
- fmap f (Tuple maps) = Tuple (map (fmap f) maps)
-instance Foldable.Foldable HsValueMap where
- foldMap f (Single s) = f s
- -- The first foldMap folds a list of HsValueMaps, the second foldMap folds
- -- each of the HsValueMaps in that list
- foldMap f (Tuple maps) = Foldable.foldMap (Foldable.foldMap f) maps
-instance Traversable HsValueMap where
- traverse f (Single s) = Single <$> f s
- traverse f (Tuple maps) = Tuple <$> (traverse (traverse f) maps)
-data PassState s x = PassState (s -> (s, x))
-instance Functor (PassState s) where
- fmap f (PassState a) = PassState (\s -> let (s', a') = a s in (s', f a'))
-instance Applicative (PassState s) where
- pure x = PassState (\s -> (s, x))
- PassState f <*> PassState x = PassState (\s -> let (s', f') = f s; (s'', x') = x s' in (s'', f' x'))
--- | Creates a HsValueMap with the same structure as the given type, using the
--- given function for mapping the single types.
-mkHsValueMap ::
- Type.Type -- ^ The type to map to a HsValueMap
- -> HsValueMap Type.Type -- ^ The resulting map and state
-mkHsValueMap ty =
- case Type.splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tycon, args) ->
- if (TyCon.isTupleTyCon tycon)
- then
- Tuple (map mkHsValueMap args)
- else
- Single ty
- Nothing -> Single ty
+import HsValueMap
+import TranslatorTypes
+import FlattenTypes
-- Extract the arguments from a data constructor application (that is, the
-- normal args, leaving out the type args).
tycount = length $ DataCon.dataConAllTyVars dc
-data FlatFunction = FlatFunction {
- args :: [SignalDefMap],
- res :: SignalUseMap,
- --sigs :: [SignalDef],
- apps :: [FApp],
- conds :: [CondDef]
-} deriving (Show, Eq)
-type SignalUseMap = HsValueMap SignalUse
-type SignalDefMap = HsValueMap SignalDef
-useMapToDefMap :: SignalUseMap -> SignalDefMap
-useMapToDefMap = fmap (\(SignalUse u) -> SignalDef u)
-defMapToUseMap :: SignalDefMap -> SignalUseMap
-defMapToUseMap = fmap (\(SignalDef u) -> SignalUse u)
-type SignalId = Int
-data SignalUse = SignalUse {
- sigUseId :: SignalId
-} deriving (Show, Eq)
-data SignalDef = SignalDef {
- sigDefId :: SignalId
-} deriving (Show, Eq)
-data FApp = FApp {
- appFunc :: HsFunction,
- appArgs :: [SignalUseMap],
- appRes :: SignalDefMap
-} deriving (Show, Eq)
-data CondDef = CondDef {
- cond :: SignalUse,
- high :: SignalUse,
- low :: SignalUse,
- condRes :: SignalDef
-} deriving (Show, Eq)
--- | How is a given (single) value in a function's type (ie, argument or
--- return value) used?
-data HsValueUse =
- Port -- ^ Use it as a port (input or output)
- | State Int -- ^ Use it as state (input or output). The int is used to
- -- match input state to output state.
- | HighOrder { -- ^ Use it as a high order function input
- hoName :: String, -- ^ Which function is passed in?
- hoArgs :: [HsUseMap] -- ^ Which arguments are already applied? This
- -- ^ map should only contain Port and other
- -- HighOrder values.
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-type HsUseMap = HsValueMap HsValueUse
--- | Builds a HsUseMap with the same structure has the given HsValueMap in
--- which all the Single elements are marked as State, with increasing state
--- numbers.
-useAsState :: HsValueMap a -> HsUseMap
-useAsState map =
- map'
- where
- -- Traverse the existing map, resulting in a function that maps an initial
- -- state number to the final state number and the new map
- PassState f = traverse asState map
- -- Run this function to get the new map
- (_, map') = f 0
- -- This function maps each element to a State with a unique number, by
- -- incrementing the state count.
- asState x = PassState (\s -> (s+1, State s))
--- | Builds a HsUseMap with the same structure has the given HsValueMap in
--- which all the Single elements are marked as Port.
-useAsPort :: HsValueMap a -> HsUseMap
-useAsPort map = fmap (\x -> Port) map
-data HsFunction = HsFunction {
- hsFuncName :: String,
- hsFuncArgs :: [HsUseMap],
- hsFuncRes :: HsUseMap
-} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-type BindMap = [(
- CoreBndr, -- ^ The bind name
- Either -- ^ The bind value which is either
- SignalUseMap -- ^ a signal
- (
- HsValueUse, -- ^ or a HighOrder function
- [SignalUse] -- ^ With these signals already applied to it
- )
- )]
-type FlattenState = State.State ([FApp], [CondDef], SignalId)
--- | Add an application to the current FlattenState
-addApp :: FApp -> FlattenState ()
-addApp a = do
- (apps, conds, n) <- State.get
- State.put (a:apps, conds, n)
--- | Add a conditional definition to the current FlattenState
-addCondDef :: CondDef -> FlattenState ()
-addCondDef c = do
- (apps, conds, n) <- State.get
- State.put (apps, c:conds, n)
--- | Generates a new signal id, which is unique within the current flattening.
-genSignalId :: FlattenState SignalId
-genSignalId = do
- (apps, conds, n) <- State.get
- State.put (apps, conds, n+1)
- return n
genSignalUses ::
-> FlattenState SignalUseMap
--- /dev/null
+module FlattenTypes where
+import Data.Traversable
+import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
+import CoreSyn
+import HsValueMap
+-- | A signal identifier
+type SignalId = Int
+-- | A use of a signal
+data SignalUse = SignalUse {
+ sigUseId :: SignalId
+} deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | A def of a signal
+data SignalDef = SignalDef {
+ sigDefId :: SignalId
+} deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | A map of a Haskell value to signal uses
+type SignalUseMap = HsValueMap SignalUse
+-- | A map of a Haskell value to signal defs
+type SignalDefMap = HsValueMap SignalDef
+-- | Translate a SignalUseMap to an equivalent SignalDefMap
+useMapToDefMap :: SignalUseMap -> SignalDefMap
+useMapToDefMap = fmap (\(SignalUse u) -> SignalDef u)
+-- | Translate a SignalDefMap to an equivalent SignalUseMap
+defMapToUseMap :: SignalDefMap -> SignalUseMap
+defMapToUseMap = fmap (\(SignalDef u) -> SignalUse u)
+-- | How is a given (single) value in a function's type (ie, argument or
+-- return value) used?
+data HsValueUse =
+ Port -- ^ Use it as a port (input or output)
+ | State Int -- ^ Use it as state (input or output). The int is used to
+ -- match input state to output state.
+ | HighOrder { -- ^ Use it as a high order function input
+ hoName :: String, -- ^ Which function is passed in?
+ hoArgs :: [HsUseMap] -- ^ Which arguments are already applied? This
+ -- ^ map should only contain Port and other
+ -- HighOrder values.
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+-- | A map from a Haskell value to the use of each single value
+type HsUseMap = HsValueMap HsValueUse
+-- | Builds a HsUseMap with the same structure has the given HsValueMap in
+-- which all the Single elements are marked as State, with increasing state
+-- numbers.
+useAsState :: HsValueMap a -> HsUseMap
+useAsState map =
+ map'
+ where
+ -- Traverse the existing map, resulting in a function that maps an initial
+ -- state number to the final state number and the new map
+ PassState f = traverse asState map
+ -- Run this function to get the new map
+ (_, map') = f 0
+ -- This function maps each element to a State with a unique number, by
+ -- incrementing the state count.
+ asState x = PassState (\s -> (s+1, State s))
+-- | Builds a HsUseMap with the same structure has the given HsValueMap in
+-- which all the Single elements are marked as Port.
+useAsPort :: HsValueMap a -> HsUseMap
+useAsPort map = fmap (\x -> Port) map
+-- | A Haskell function with a specific signature. The signature defines what
+-- use the arguments and return value of the function get.
+data HsFunction = HsFunction {
+ hsFuncName :: String,
+ hsFuncArgs :: [HsUseMap],
+ hsFuncRes :: HsUseMap
+} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+-- | A flattened function application
+data FApp = FApp {
+ appFunc :: HsFunction,
+ appArgs :: [SignalUseMap],
+ appRes :: SignalDefMap
+} deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | A conditional signal definition
+data CondDef = CondDef {
+ cond :: SignalUse,
+ high :: SignalUse,
+ low :: SignalUse,
+ condRes :: SignalDef
+} deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | A flattened function
+data FlatFunction = FlatFunction {
+ args :: [SignalDefMap],
+ res :: SignalUseMap,
+ --sigs :: [SignalDef],
+ apps :: [FApp],
+ conds :: [CondDef]
+} deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | A list of binds in effect at a particular point of evaluation
+type BindMap = [(
+ CoreBndr, -- ^ The bind name
+ Either -- ^ The bind value which is either
+ SignalUseMap -- ^ a signal
+ (
+ HsValueUse, -- ^ or a HighOrder function
+ [SignalUse] -- ^ With these signals already applied to it
+ )
+ )]
+-- | The state during the flattening of a single function
+type FlattenState = State.State ([FApp], [CondDef], SignalId)
+-- | Add an application to the current FlattenState
+addApp :: FApp -> FlattenState ()
+addApp a = do
+ (apps, conds, n) <- State.get
+ State.put (a:apps, conds, n)
+-- | Add a conditional definition to the current FlattenState
+addCondDef :: CondDef -> FlattenState ()
+addCondDef c = do
+ (apps, conds, n) <- State.get
+ State.put (apps, c:conds, n)
+-- | Generates a new signal id, which is unique within the current flattening.
+genSignalId :: FlattenState SignalId
+genSignalId = do
+ (apps, conds, n) <- State.get
+ State.put (apps, conds, n+1)
+ return n
--- /dev/null
+-- | This module provides the HsValueMap type, which can structurally map a
+-- Haskell value to something else.
+module HsValueMap where
+import qualified Type
+import qualified TyCon
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Traversable
+import Data.Foldable
+-- | A datatype that maps each of the single values in a haskell structure to
+-- a mapto. The map has the same structure as the haskell type mapped, ie
+-- nested tuples etc.
+data HsValueMap mapto =
+ Tuple [HsValueMap mapto]
+ | Single mapto
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+instance Functor HsValueMap where
+ fmap f (Single s) = Single (f s)
+ fmap f (Tuple maps) = Tuple (map (fmap f) maps)
+instance Foldable HsValueMap where
+ foldMap f (Single s) = f s
+ -- The first foldMap folds a list of HsValueMaps, the second foldMap folds
+ -- each of the HsValueMaps in that list
+ foldMap f (Tuple maps) = foldMap (foldMap f) maps
+instance Traversable HsValueMap where
+ traverse f (Single s) = Single <$> f s
+ traverse f (Tuple maps) = Tuple <$> (traverse (traverse f) maps)
+data PassState s x = PassState (s -> (s, x))
+instance Functor (PassState s) where
+ fmap f (PassState a) = PassState (\s -> let (s', a') = a s in (s', f a'))
+instance Applicative (PassState s) where
+ pure x = PassState (\s -> (s, x))
+ PassState f <*> PassState x = PassState (\s -> let (s', f') = f s; (s'', x') = x s' in (s'', f' x'))
+-- | Creates a HsValueMap with the same structure as the given type, using the
+-- given function for mapping the single types.
+mkHsValueMap ::
+ Type.Type -- ^ The type to map to a HsValueMap
+ -> HsValueMap Type.Type -- ^ The resulting map and state
+mkHsValueMap ty =
+ case Type.splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tycon, args) ->
+ if (TyCon.isTupleTyCon tycon)
+ then
+ Tuple (map mkHsValueMap args)
+ else
+ Single ty
+ Nothing -> Single ty
import qualified HscTypes
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, Outputable, OutputableBndr)
-import Flatten
+import HsValueMap
+import FlattenTypes
import TranslatorTypes
instance Pretty HsFunction where
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (render)
import TranslatorTypes
+import HsValueMap
import Pretty
import Flatten
+import FlattenTypes
import qualified VHDL
main =
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified HscTypes
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Flatten
+import FlattenTypes
+import HsValueMap
-- | A map from a HsFunction identifier to various stuff we collect about a
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr )
import qualified ForSyDe.Backend.VHDL.AST as AST
-- | The VHDL Bit type
bit_ty :: AST.TypeMark
bit_ty = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "Bit"