% both left and right margin distance, because we don't know what will be the
% outer margin (and it will probably only use the distance of the margin it's
% actually aligning against).
-% We also set an offset, to prevent protruding text (overfull hboxes) from
-% jamming into the intermezzo. Also, some extra space is easier on the eye
-% (However, the intermezzo is moved to the right by this offset, instead of
-% moving the text to left. We can't increase the offset by much...)
-\setupfloat[intermezzo][offset=-.3cm,leftmargindistance=-\leftmarginwidth, rightmargindistance=-\rightmarginwidth, default={outer}]
-\setupcaption[intermezzo][location=top,number=no] % Put captions on top
+% The default= option corresponds to the first option to \placefloat.
+% outer puts it in the outer margin, none means no caption, high means
+% no spacing at the top (placing it high wrt the text) and low means no
+% spacing at the bottom.
+\setupfloat[intermezzo][leftmargindistance=-\leftmarginwidth, rightmargindistance=-\rightmarginwidth, default={outer,none,low,high}]
+% Let floats float next to titles, instead of inserting whitespace so a
+% section head comes after a float.
% A variant of \startquotation that puts a citation directly after the