{-# LINE 84 "PolyAlu.lhs" #-}
vectOp :: (a -> a -> a) -> Op s a
vectOp f a b = foldl f a b
-{-# LINE 96 "PolyAlu.lhs" #-}
+{-# LINE 99 "PolyAlu.lhs" #-}
alu ::
Op s a ->
Op s a ->
Opcode -> a -> Vector s a -> a
alu op1 op2 Low a b = op1 a b
alu op1 op2 High a b = op2 a b
-{-# LINE 112 "PolyAlu.lhs" #-}
+{-# LINE 118 "PolyAlu.lhs" #-}
registerBank ::
- ((NaturalT s ,PositiveT (s :+: D1),((s :+: D1) :>: s) ~ True )) =>
- (RegState s a) -> a -> RangedWord s ->
+ ((NaturalT s ,PositiveT (s :+: D1),((s :+: D1) :>: s) ~ True )) => (RegState s a) -> a -> RangedWord s ->
RangedWord s -> Bit -> ((RegState s a), a )
registerBank (State mem) data_in rdaddr wraddr wrenable =
data_out = mem!rdaddr
mem' | wrenable == Low = mem
| otherwise = replace mem wraddr data_in
-{-# LINE 133 "PolyAlu.lhs" #-}
+{-# LINE 141 "PolyAlu.lhs" #-}
{-# ANN actual_cpu TopEntity#-}
actual_cpu ::
(Opcode, Word, Vector D4 Word, RangedWord D9,
alu_out = alu (primOp (+)) (vectOp (+)) opc ram_out b
(ram',ram_out) = registerBank ram a rdaddr wraddr wren
-{-# LINE 149 "PolyAlu.lhs" #-}
+{-# LINE 160 "PolyAlu.lhs" #-}
{-# ANN initstate InitState#-}
initstate :: RegState D9 Word
initstate = State (copy (0 :: Word))
\item Each function is turned into a hardware component
\item Use of state will be simple
+\item Small "toy"-example of what can be done in \clash{}
+\item Show what can be translated to Hardware
+\item Put your hardware glasses on: each function will be a component
+\item Use of state will be kept simple
import CLasH.Translator.Annotations
+\item The first input is always needed, as it contains the builtin types
+\item The second one is only needed if you want to make use of Annotations
\subsection{Type Definitions}
type Word = SizedInt D12
+\item The first type is already polymorphic, both in size, and element type
+\item It's a small example, so Opcode is just a Bit
+\item State has to be of the State type to be recognized as such
+\item SizedInt D12: One concrete type for now, to make the signatures smaller
\subsection{Frameworks for Operations}
\uncover<3->{\item We support Higher-Order Functionality}
+\item These are just frameworks for 'real' operations
+\item Notice how they are High-Order functions
\subsection{Polymorphic, Higher-Order ALU}
\uncover<2->{\item We support Patter Matching}
+\item Alu is both higher-order, and polymorphic
+\item We support pattern matching
\subsection{Register bank}
\uncover<2->{\item We support Guards}
+\item RangedWord runs from 0 to the upper bound
+\item mem is statefull
+\item We support guards
\subsection{Simple CPU: ALU \& Register Bank}
\uncover<2->{\item Annotation is used to indicate top-level component}
+\item We use the new Annotion functionality to indicate this is the top level
+\item the primOp and vectOp frameworks are now supplied with real functionality, the plus (+) operations
+\item No polymorphism or higher-order stuff is allowed at this level.
+\item Functions must be specialized, and have primitives for input and output
%if style == newcode
let input = program
let istate = initstate
let output = run actual_cpu istate input
- mapM_ (\x -> putStr $ ("# (" P.++ (show x) P.++ ")\n")) output
+ mapM_ (\x -> putStr $ ("(" P.++ (show x) P.++ ")\n")) output
return ()
\ No newline at end of file
+\item Small tour: what can we describe in \clash{}
+\item Quick real demo
\ No newline at end of file
-\frametitle{How do we use \clash{}?}
-As a library:
- \item Import the module: CLasH.Translator
- \item And call \emph{makeVHDLAnnotations ghc\_lib\_dir [files\_to\_translate]}
-Customized GHC:
- \item Call GHC with the --vhdl flag
- \item Use the :vhdl command in GHCi
-\frametitle{Real Demo}
\item We will simulate the small CPU from earlier
- \item Translate the CPU code to VHDL
+ \item Translate that CPU code to VHDL
\item Simulate the generated VHDL
- \item Synthesize the VHDL to get a hardware schematic
+ \item See the hardware schematic of the synthesized VHDL
\ No newline at end of file
+% \frame{
+% \frametitle{How do we use \clash{}?}
+% As a library:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Import the module: CLasH.Translator
+% \item And call \emph{makeVHDLAnnotations ghc\_lib\_dir [files\_to\_translate]}
+% \end{itemize}
+% Customized GHC:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Call GHC with the --vhdl flag
+% \item Use the :vhdl command in GHCi
+% \end{itemize}
+% }
\large{In three simple steps} \pause
\item No Effort:\\
- GHC API Parses, Typechecks and Desugars Haskell \pause
- \item Hard.. sort of: \\
+ GHC API Parses, Typechecks and Desugars the Haskell code \pause
+ \item Hard: \\
Transform resulting Core, GHC's Intermediate Language,\linebreak to a normal form \pause
\item Easy: \\
Translate Normalized Core to synthesizable VHDL
+\item Here is a quick insight as to how WE translate Haskell to Hardware
+\item You can also use TH, like ForSyDe. Or traverse datastructures, like Lava.
\ No newline at end of file
%include talk.fmt
-\subsection{What will you see}
- \frametitle{What will we see?}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Small tour: what can we describe in \clash{}
- \item Quick real demo
- \end{itemize}
-\note{Virtuele demo}
\subsection{What is \texorpdfstring{\clash{}}{CLasH}}
-\item Wij zijn wij
-\item \clash{} voor rapid prototyping
-\item Subset haskell vertaalbaar
-\item Mealy machine beschrijving
+\item We are a Computer Architectures group, this has been a 6 month project, no prior experience with Haskell.
+\item \clash{} is written in Haskell, of course
+\item \clash{} is currently meant for rapid prototyping, not verification of hardware desigs
+\item Functional languages are close to Hardware
+\item We can only translate a subset of Haskell
+\item All functions are descriptions of Mealy Machines
\subsection{Mealy Machine}
-\frametitle{Mealy Machine}
+\frametitle{What again is a Mealy Machine?}
-Voor wie het niet meer weet, dit is een mealy machine
+\item Mealy machine bases its output on current input and previous state
outputs = logic {-"{\color<2>[rgb]{1,0,0}"-}state{-"}"-} input
+\uncover<2->{\item Current state is part of the input}
+\uncover<3->{\item New state is part of the output}
+\item State is part of the function signature
+\item Both the current state, as the updated State
out = run func {-"{\color<3>[rgb]{1,0,0}"-}state'{-"}"-} input
\ No newline at end of file
+\item State behaves like an accumulator
+\item This is just a quick example of how we can simulate the mealy machine
+\item It sort of behaves like MapAccumN
\section{Real Hardware Designs}
-\frametitle{Is \clash{} usable?}
+\frametitle{More than just toys}
- \item It can be used for more than toy examples\pause
\item We designed a matrix reduction circuit\pause
- \item We simulated it in Haskell\pause
- \item Simulation results in VHDL match\pause
+ \item Simulation results in Haskell match VHDL simulation results
\item Synthesis completes without errors or warnings
+ \item It runs at half the speed of a hand-coded VHDL design
+\item Toys like the poly cpu one are good to give a quick demo
+\item But we used \clash{} to design 'real' hardware
+\item Reduction circuit sums the numbers in a row of a (sparse) matrix
+\item Half speed is nice, considering we don't optimize for speed
\ No newline at end of file
\frametitle{Some final words}
- \item Still a lot to do: make a bigger subset of Haskell translatable
- \item Real world designs work
- \item We bring functional expressivity to hardware designs
+ \item Still a lot to do: translate larger subset of Haskell
+ \item Real world prototypes can be made in \clash{}
+ \item \clash{} is another great example of how to bring functional expressivity to hardware designs
\Huge{Thank you for listening}
+\centerline{\clash{} Clone URL:}
(RegState s a) -> a -> RangedWord s ->
RangedWord s -> Bit -> ((RegState s a), a )
\ No newline at end of file