aboutwindow = GTK_WIDGET(load_object("aboutwindow"));
prefswindow = GTK_WIDGET(load_object("prefswindow"));
GtkActionGroup *actiongroup = GTK_ACTION_GROUP(load_object("actiongroup"));
+ /* Set the default value of the "View/Toolbar" menu item upon creation of a
+ new window to the "show-toolbar-default" setting, but bind the setting
+ one-way only - we don't want toolbars to disappear suddenly */
GtkToggleAction *toolbar_action = GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(load_object("toolbar"));
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active(toolbar_action, g_settings_get_boolean(state_settings, "show-toolbar-default"));
+ g_settings_bind(state_settings, "show-toolbar-default", toolbar_action, "active", G_SETTINGS_BIND_SET);
const gchar **ptr;
GtkRecentFilter *filter = gtk_recent_filter_new();
+ <key name="show-toolbar-default" type="b">
+ <default>true</default>
+ <summary>Show toolbar by default</summary>
+ <description>
+ Whether to show or hide the toolbar by default in new game windows.
+ </description>
+ </key>
\ No newline at end of file