# Blosxom Plugin: zlocaldepth # Author: Fletcher T. Penney # Version: 0.3 package zlocaldepth; $localdepth = 0; sub start { 1; } sub filter { my ($pkg, $files) = @_; if ($localdepth ne 0) { @files_list = sort keys %$files; $myroot = $blosxom::datadir ."/" . $blosxom::path_info; $myroot =~ s/\/$//; $myroot =~ s/\/[^\/]+\.[^\/]+$//; foreach (@files_list) { if ($_ !~ /$myroot([^\/]*\/[^\/]*){0,$localdepth}$/) { delete $files->{$_}; } } } 1; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Blosxom Plug-in: zlocaldepth =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin restricts entries to those within the $zlocaldepth::localdepth variable, which works just like blosxom's $depth variable. Except that it is always calculated relative to the current directory. This is useful, because unlike the built-in depth variable, it can be appropriately set from a config file via the config plugin to easily allow different depths in different parts of your site. BTW, the name starts with a z so that it will follow other plugins that affect filters and abide by their settings. =head1 AUTHOR Fletcher T. Penney - http://fletcher.freeshell.org =head1 VERSION HISTORY =item 0.2 Corrected an issue with a depth of 1 and the root directory. =head1 LICENSE This source is submitted to the public domain. Feel free to use and modify it. If you like, a comment in your modified source attributing credit to myself for my work would be appreciated. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!