# Blosxom Plugin: postgraph -*- perl -*- # Author: Todd Larason jtl@molehill.org and Nilesh Chaudhari http://nilesh.org/ # Version: 0+1i # Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing: http://blosxom.sourceforge.net/ # Categories plugin Home/Docs/Licensing: # http://molelog.molehill.org/blox/Computers/Internet/Web/Blosxom/Graph/ # parts Copyright (c) 2002 Nilesh Chaudhari http://nilesh.org/ package postgraph; # --- Configuration Variables --- $destination_dir ||= ''; # must be configured $graph_start_day ||= "19000101"; $graph_num_bars ||= 24; $graph_width ||= 200; $graph_height ||= 100; $barcolor ||= "#f5deb3"; # the bars themselves $bordercolor ||= "#83660f"; # the borders of the bars $outlinecolor ||= "#83660f"; # the outline of the box around the graph $boxcolor ||= "#fffbf0"; # the inside of the box $textcolor ||= "#4f0000"; # the various text bits $bt_width ||= 400; $bt_height ||= 30; $bt_linecolor ||= '#ffffff'; $bt_textcolor ||= '#757575'; $bt_fillcolor ||= '#757575'; $bt_bordercolor ||= '#757575'; $bt_padding = 5 unless defined $bt_padding; $bt_show_text = 1 unless defined $bt_show_text; $debug_level = 2 unless defined $debug_level; # ------------------------------------------------------------ use File::stat; use GD; use GD::Graph::bars; use GD::Graph::colour qw/:convert :colours/; use strict; use vars qw/$destination_dir $graph_start_day $graph_num_bars $graph_width $graph_height $barcolor $bordercolor $outlinecolor $boxcolor $textcolor $bt_width $bt_height $bt_linecolor $bt_textcolor $bt_fillcolor $bt_bordercolor $bt_padding $bt_show_text $debug_level/; my $package = "postgraph"; my $timestamp_file = "$blosxom::plugin_state_dir/.$package.timestamp"; my $last_timestamp; sub debug { my ($level, @msg) = @_; if ($debug_level >= $level) { print STDERR "$package debug $level: @msg\n"; } } # utility funcs sub max { my $max = 0; foreach (@_) { $max = $_ if $_ > $max; } return $max; } sub round { return int($_[0] + .5); } sub hex2rgb { my ($hex) = @_; my ($r, $g, $b) = ($hex =~ m!\#(..)(..)(..)!); return (hex($r),hex($g),hex($b)); } my @bucketcount; my $secs_per_bucket = 86400 / $graph_num_bars; my $mins_per_bucket = 1440 / $graph_num_bars; my $buckets_per_hour = $graph_num_bars / 24; sub graph_add { my ($hour, $min, $sec) = @_; my $time = $hour * 3600 + $min * 60 + $sec; my $bucket = $time / $secs_per_bucket; $bucketcount[$bucket]++; } sub build_graph { my @labels; for (my $hour = 0; $hour < 24; $hour++) { for (my $min; $min < 60; $min += $mins_per_bucket) { push @labels, $hour; # sprintf("%d:%02d", $hour, $min); } } my $graph = GD::Graph::bars->new($graph_width, $graph_height); $graph->set( # title => 'Posts per hour of day', y_max_value => max(@bucketcount) + 2, x_label_skip => $buckets_per_hour * 4, # bgclr => add_colour($bgcolor), # does nothing? fgclr => add_colour($outlinecolor), boxclr => add_colour($boxcolor), labelclr => add_colour($textcolor), axislabelclr => add_colour($textcolor), legendclr => add_colour($textcolor), valuesclr => add_colour($textcolor), textclr => add_colour($textcolor), dclrs => [add_colour($barcolor)], borderclrs => [add_colour($bordercolor)], ); $#bucketcount = $graph_num_bars; my $gd = $graph->plot([\@labels, \@bucketcount]); open IMG, "> $destination_dir/graph.png"; binmode IMG; print IMG $gd->png; close IMG; debug(2, "build graph"); } # blogtimes directly derived from BLOGTIMES by Nilesh Chaudhari # -- http://nilesh.org/mt/blogtimes/ my @monthname=('null', 'JANUARY','FEBRUARY','MARCH','APRIL','MAY','JUNE', 'JULY','AUGUST','SEPTEMBER','OCTOBER','NOVEMBER','DECEMBER'); my @bt_entry_times; sub bt_add { my ($hour, $min) = @_; push @bt_entry_times, $hour*60 + $min; } sub build_blogtimes { my ($year, $month) = @_; my $txtpad = $bt_show_text ? gdTinyFont->height : 0; my $scale_width = $bt_width + ($bt_padding*2); my $scale_height = $bt_height + ($bt_padding*2) + ($txtpad*2); my $img = GD::Image->new($scale_width,$scale_height); my $white = $img->colorAllocate(255,255,255); my $linecolor = $img->colorAllocate(hex2rgb($bt_linecolor)); my $textcolor = $img->colorAllocate(hex2rgb($bt_textcolor)); my $fillcolor = $img->colorAllocate(hex2rgb($bt_fillcolor)); my $bordercolor = $img->colorAllocate(hex2rgb($bt_bordercolor)); my $line_y1 = $bt_padding + $txtpad; my $line_y2 = $bt_padding + $txtpad + $bt_height; $img->transparent($white); $img->rectangle(0, 0, $scale_width-1, $scale_height-1, $bordercolor); $img->filledRectangle($bt_padding, $line_y1, $bt_padding + $bt_width, $line_y2, $fillcolor); my ($line_x,$i); foreach $i (@bt_entry_times) { $line_x = $bt_padding + (round(($i/1440) * $bt_width)); $img->line($line_x, $line_y1, $line_x, $line_y2, $linecolor); } # Shut off text if width is too less. if ($bt_show_text) { if ($bt_width >= 100) { my $ruler_y = $bt_padding + $txtpad + $bt_height + 2; my $ruler_x; for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i += 2) { $ruler_x = $bt_padding + round($i * $bt_width/24); $img->string(gdTinyFont,$ruler_x,$ruler_y,"$i",$textcolor); debug(5, 'tinyfont',$ruler_x,$ruler_y,"$i",$textcolor); } $img->string(gdTinyFont, $bt_padding + $bt_width-2, $ruler_y, "0", $textcolor); my $caption_x = $bt_padding; my $caption_y = $bt_padding-1; my $caption = "B L O G T I M E S $monthname[$month] $year"; $img->string(gdTinyFont, $caption_x, $caption_y, $caption, $textcolor); debug(5, 'tinyfont', $caption_x, $caption_y, $caption, $textcolor); } else { my $ruler_y = $bt_padding + $txtpad + $bt_height + 2; my $ruler_x; for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i += 6) { $ruler_x = $bt_padding + round($i * $bt_width/24); $img->string(gdTinyFont,$ruler_x,$ruler_y,"$i",$textcolor); } $img->string(gdTinyFont, $bt_padding + $bt_width - 2, $ruler_y, "0", $textcolor); my $caption_x = $bt_padding; my $caption_y = $bt_padding-1; my $caption = "$month $year"; $img->string(gdTinyFont, $caption_x, $caption_y, $caption, $textcolor); } } open IMG, "> $destination_dir/blogtimes.png" or die "$!"; binmode IMG; print IMG $img->png or die "$!"; close IMG; debug(2, "build blogtimes"); } sub filter { my ($pkg, $files) = @_; my $latest_story = (sort {$b <=> $a} values %$files)[0]; return 1 if $latest_story <= $last_timestamp; my @now = localtime; my $now_month = $now[4] + 1; my $now_year = $now[5] + 1900; debug(1, "updating graph"); foreach (keys %{$files}) { my @date = localtime($files->{$_}); my $mday = $date[3]; my $month = $date[4] + 1; my $year = $date[5] + 1900; graph_add($date[2], $date[1], $date[0]) if (sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year, $month, $mday) ge $graph_start_day); bt_add($date[2], $date[1]) if ($year == $now_year and $month == $now_month); } build_graph(); build_blogtimes($now_year, $now_month); } sub start { return 0 unless $destination_dir; $last_timestamp = -e $timestamp_file ? stat($timestamp_file)->mtime : 0; my $fh = new FileHandle; if (!$fh->open(">$timestamp_file")) { debug(0, "Couldn't touch timestamp file $timestamp_file"); return 0; } $fh->close; debug(1, "$package enabled"); return 1; } 1; =head1 NAME Blosxom Plug-in: graph =head1 SYNOPSIS Purpose: creates graphs showing the time of day stories are posted Files created: * $destination_dir/graph.png -- bar graph showing number of posts per period of time (default: hour) since $graph_start_day (default: 19000101) * $destination_dir/blogtimes.png -- a vertical-line form of a scatterplot, showing the posting time of all stories posted this month =head1 VERSION 0+1i 1st test release =head1 AUTHOR Todd Larason , http://molelog.molehill.org/ portions (the "BLOGTIMES" chart style) based on code by Nilesh Chaudhari; see http://nilesh.org/mt/blogtimes/. Nilesh gets credit, but direct bugs to Todd Larason. This plugin is now maintained by the Blosxom Sourceforge Team, . =head1 BUGS None known; please send bug reports and feedback to the Blosxom development mailing list . =head1 Customization =head2 Configuration variables There are many configuration variables controlling height, width and colors of the two graphs; see the configuration variable section for those. There's also: C<$destination_dir>, the directory where the output files will be created; this must be configured. C<$graph_start_day>, the earlist date to consider stories from for the bar graph. If you've converted from another weblogging package and lost time of day information on converted stories, you probably want to set this to when you started using Blosxom. C<$graph_num_bars> is the number of bars to create in the bargraph form; if it isn't evenly divisible by 24, things probably act weird -- that isn't well tested. The C variables control the "BLOGTIMES" style chart; the others the bar graph. For the bargraph, the width and height is the size of the overall image; for the blogtimes, it's for the graph portion only -- padding is added for a border and optionally for text. One or the other of these is likely to change in a future version to provide consistency. =head1 Caching The images are only recreated when they appear to be out of date; a timestamp file is maintained for this. To force them to be regenerated, remove $plugin_state_dir/.postgraph.timestamp. =head1 LICENSE this Blosxom Plug-in Copyright 2003, Todd Larason "BLOGTIME" Portions Copyright (c) 2002 Nilesh Chaudhari http://nilesh.org/ (This license is the same as Blosxom's and the original BLOGTIME's) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.