# Blosxom Plugin: netflix # Author: Todd Larason (jtl@molehill.org) # Version: 0+1i # Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing: http://blosxom.sourceforge.net/ # Netflix plugin Home/Docs/Licensing: # http://molelog.molehill.org/blox/Computers/Internet/Web/Blosxom/Netflix/ package netflix; # -------------- Configuration Variables -------------- # Get this from your browser's cookie file. I don't know (yet) how often it # will need to be updated $ShopperID = undef unless defined $ShopperID; # how long to go between re-fetching the data, in seconds # default value is 1 day $max_cache_age = 60 * 60 * 24 unless defined $max_cache_age; $debug_level = 1 unless defined $debug_level; # ----------------------------------------------------- $have = ''; $queue = ''; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use Storable; use vars qw/$ShopperID $debug_level $max_cache_age $have $queue/; use strict; my $cache; my $package = "netflix"; my $cachefile = "$blosxom::plugin_state_dir/.$package.cache"; my $save_cache = 0; my $url = 'http://www.netflix.com/Queue?'; my $main_re = qr!DVDs\sYou\sHave\sOut (.*) .* DVDs\sin\sYour\sQueue (.*) !xs; my $item_re = qr!href="http://www\.netflix\.com/MovieDisplay\?movieid= (\d+) &trkid=\d+"> ([^<]+) !xs; sub debug { my ($level, @msg) = @_; if ($debug_level >= $level) { print STDERR "$package debug $level: @msg\n"; } } sub load_template { my ($bit) = @_; return $blosxom::template->('', "$package.$bit", $blosxom::flavour); } sub report { my ($bit, $list, $id, $title) = @_; my $f = load_template($bit); $f =~ s/((\$[\w:]+)|(\$\{[\w:]+\}))/$1 . "||''"/gee; return $f; } sub prime_cache { $cache = (-r $cachefile ? Storable::lock_retrieve($cachefile) : undef); if ($cache && time - $cache->{timestamp} < $max_cache_age) { debug(1, "Using cached state"); return 1; } $cache = {timestamp => time}; return 0; } sub save_cache { return if (!$save_cache); debug(1, "Saving cache"); Storable::lock_store($cache, $cachefile); } sub get_page { return $cache->{text} if defined $cache->{text}; my $jar = HTTP::Cookies->new; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $jar->set_cookie(0, 'NetflixShopperId', $ShopperID, '/', '.netflix.com'); $jar->add_cookie_header($req); my $res = $ua->request($req); if (!$res->is_success) { my $error = $res->status_line; debug(0, "HTTP error: $error"); return undef; } $cache->{text} = $res->content; # don't set $save_cache, because we only want to save the text # if it's valid & parsable return $cache->{text}; } sub parse_page { return if $#{$cache->{items}{have}} >= 0; return if $#{$cache->{items}{queue}} >= 0; local ($_) = @_; my ($out_text, $queue_text) = (m/$main_re/); push @{$cache->{items}{have}}, [$1,$2] while ($out_text =~ m/$item_re/g); push @{$cache->{items}{queue}},[$1,$2] while ($queue_text =~ m/$item_re/g); } sub build_list { my ($name, $items) = @_; my $results; return $cache->{list}{$name}{$blosxom::flavour} if defined $cache->{list}{$name}{$blosxom::flavour}; $results = report("head", "$name"); $results .= report("item", "$name", $_->[0], $_->[1]) foreach (@$items); $results .= report("foot", "$name"); $cache->{list}{$name}{$blosxom::flavour} = $results; $save_cache = 1 if $#{$items} >= 0; return $results; } sub start { return 0 unless defined $netflix::ShopperID; while () { last if /^(__END__)?$/; chomp; my ($flavour, $comp, $txt) = split ' ',$_,3; $txt =~ s:\\n:\n:g; $blosxom::template{$flavour}{"$package.$comp"} = $txt; } return 1; } sub head { prime_cache(); my $text = get_page(); return 0 unless defined $text; parse_page($text); $have = build_list('have', $cache->{items}{have}); $queue = build_list('queue', $cache->{items}{queue}); save_cache(); } 1; __DATA__ error head \n __END__ =head1 NAME Blosxom Plug-in: netflix =head1 SYNOPSIS Purpose: Lets you easily share your Netflix queue information * $netflix::have -- list of DVDs currently checked out (or on the way)) * $netflix::queue -- list of DVDs in your queue =head1 VERSION 0+1i 1st test release =head1 Customization =head2 Configuration variables C<$ShopperID> is the key to your Netflix identity; it's a cookie set by the login process. If your browser keeps its cookies in the historical Netscape format, look in C for a line like: .netflix.com TRUE / FALSE 1050405980 NetflixShopperId P0000000000000000000000445557579205 The long value starting with "P000" is the ShopperID. Until you define this, the plugin does nothing at all. C<$max_cache_age> sets how long to cache the queue information for. C<$debug_level> can be set to a value between 0 and 5; 0 will output no debug information, while 5 will be very verbose. The default is 1, and should be changed after you've verified the plugin is working correctly. =head2 Classes for CSS control There's are some classes used, available for CSS customization. * C -- both lists are in the netflix class * C -- the 'have' list is also in the have class * C -- the 'queue' list is also in the queue class =head2 Flavour-style files If you want a format change that can't be made by CSS, you can override the HTML generated by creating files similar to Blosxom's flavour files. They should be named netflix.I.I; for available Is and their default meanings, see the C<__DATA__> section in the plugin. =head1 Caching Because fetching the queue information is relatively slow, I don't believe anyone would want to use it without caching. Thus, this module requires Storable, and caching is always on. =head1 BUGS None known; please send bug reports and feedback to the Blosxom development mailing list . =head1 AUTHOR Todd Larason , http://molelog.molehill.org/ This plugin is now maintained by the Blosxom Sourceforge Team, . =head1 LICENSE this Blosxom Plug-in Copyright 2003, Todd Larason (This license is the same as Blosxom's) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =end