# Blosxom Plugin: calendar -*- perl -*- # Author: Todd Larason (jtl@molehill.org) # Version: 0+6i # Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing: http://blosxom.sourceforge.net/ # Calendar plugin Home/Docs/Licensing: # http://molelog.molehill.org/blox/Computers/Internet/Web/Blosxom/Calendar/ package calendar; # --- Configuration Variables --- @monthname = qw/January February March April May June July August September October November December/ if ($#monthname != 11); @monthabbr = qw/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec/ if ($#monthabbr != 11); @downame = qw/Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday/ if ($#downame != 6); @dowabbr = qw/Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat/ if ($#dowabbr != 6); $first_dow = 0 if not defined $first_dow; # set to 0 to disable attempted caching $use_caching = 1 unless defined $use_caching; $months_per_row = 3 unless defined $months_per_row; $debug_level = 1 unless defined $debug_level; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- use Time::Local; $month_calendar = ''; $year_calendar = ''; $calendar = ''; $prev_month_link = ''; $next_month_link = ''; $prev_year_link = ''; $next_year_link = ''; my $package = "calendar"; my $cachefile = "$blosxom::plugin_state_dir/.$package.cache"; my $cache; my $save_cache = 0; my $files; sub debug { my ($level, @msg) = @_; if ($debug_level >= $level) { print STDERR "$package debug $level: @msg\n"; } 1; } sub load_template { my ($bit) = @_; return $blosxom::template->('', "$package.$bit", $blosxom::flavour); } sub report { my ($bit, $year, $month, $day, $dow) = @_; my ($monthname, $monthabbr) = ($monthname[$month-1], $monthabbr[$month-1]); my ($downame, $dowabbr) = ($downame[$dow], $dowabbr[$dow]); my $year2digit = sprintf("%02d", $year % 100); my $url = $blosxom::url; $url .= sprintf("/%04d/", $year) if defined $year; $url .= sprintf("%02d/", $month) if defined $month; $url .= sprintf("%02d/", $day) if defined $day; my $date = ''; $date .= "$year" if defined $year; $date .= "/$month" if defined $month; $date .= "/$day" if defined $day; my $count = $cache->{stories}{$date}; my $f = load_template($bit); $f =~ s/((\$[\w:]+)|(\$\{[\w:]+\}))/$1 . "||''"/gee; return $f; } sub days_in_month { my ($year, $month) = @_; my $days = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)[$month-1]; if ($month == 2 && ($year % 4 == 0 && (($year % 100 != 0) || ($year % 400 == 0)))) { $days++; } return $days; } sub pseudo_now { my ($year, $month, $day); if (defined($blosxom::path_info_yr)) { $year = $blosxom::path_info_yr + 0; $month = $blosxom::path_info_mo_num + 0; $day = $blosxom::path_info_da + 0; if ($month == 0 && $cache->{stories}{$year}) { for ($month = 12; $month > 0; $month--) { last if $cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"}; } } $month ||= 12; } else { my $now; # is this a single-article view? # XXX this probably doesn't work for static if ($blosxom::path_info =~ m!\.!) { my $filename = $blosxom::path_info; # replace whatever flavour with the file extension $filename =~ s!\..*!.$blosxom::file_extension!; # remove any dated dirs, if present $filename =~ s!/\d+/.*/!/!; # and convert from an URL relative to a filename $filename = "$blosxom::datadir/$filename"; # at this point, it's our best guess at a filename # if it's not in the index, oh well, we tried - fall back to present $now = $files->{$filename} || $^T; } else { $now = $^T; } # no date given at all, do this month and highlight today my @now = localtime($now); $year = $now[5] + 1900; $month = $now[4] + 1; $day = $now[3] + 0; } return ($year, $month, $day); } sub build_prev_month_link { my ($year, $month) = @_; my $year_orig = $year; my $month_orig = $month; while (1) { $month--; if ($month <= 0) { # == 0 is right, <= 2xprotects against infinite loop bug $year--; $month = 12; # XXX assumption: once a log is active, no full years are skipped if ($cache->{stories}{"$year"} == 0) { return report('prev_month_nolink', $month_orig == 1 ? $year_orig-1 : $year_orig, $month_orig == 1 ? 12 : $month_orig-1); } } if ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"}) { return report('prev_month_link', $year, $month); } } } sub build_next_month_link { my ($year, $month) = @_; my $year_orig = $year; my $month_orig = $month; while (1) { $month++; if ($month == 13) { $year++; $month = 1; # XXX assumption: once a log is active, no full years are skipped if ($cache->{stories}{"$year"} == 0) { return report('next_month_nolink', $month_orig == 1 ? $year_orig-1 : $year_orig, $month_orig == 1 ? 12 : $month_orig-1); } } if ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"}) { return report('next_month_link', $year, $month); } } } sub build_prev_year_link { my ($year) = @_; $year--; return report($cache->{stories}{"$year"} ? 'prev_year_link': 'prev_year_nolink', $year); } sub build_next_year_link { my ($year) = @_; my $results; $year++; return report($cache->{stories}{"$year"} ? 'next_year_link': 'next_year_nolink', $year); } sub build_month_calendar { my ($year, $month, $highlight_dom) = @_; my $results; my (@now, $monthstart, @monthstart); my ($day, $days, $wday); my $future_dom = 0; @now = localtime($^T); $future_dom = $now[3]+1 if ($year == $now[5]+1900 && $month == $now[4]+1); $days = days_in_month($year, $month); $monthstart = timelocal(0,0,0,1,$month-1,$year-1900); @monthstart = localtime($monthstart); $results = report('month_head', $year, $month); $results .= report('month_sub_head', $year, $month); $wday = $first_dow; do { $results .= report('month_sub_day', $year, $month, undef, $wday); $wday++; $wday %= 7; } while ($wday != $first_dow); $results .= report('month_sub_foot', $year, $month); # First, skip over the first partial week (possibly empty) # before the month started for ($wday = $first_dow; $wday != $monthstart[6]; $wday++, $wday %= 7) { $results .= report('week_head', $year, $month) if ($wday == $first_dow); $results .= report('noday', $year, $month, undef, $wday); } # now do the month itself for ($day = 1; $day <= $days; $day++) { $results .= report('week_head', $year, $month, $day) if ($wday == $first_dow); my $tag; if ($day == $highlight_dom) { if ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month/$day"}){$tag='this_day_link'} else {$tag = 'this_day_nolink'}} elsif ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month/$day"}){$tag = 'day_link'} elsif ($future_dom && $day >= $future_dom) {$tag = 'day_future'} else {$tag = 'day_nolink'} $results .= report($tag, $year, $month, $day, $wday); $wday = 0 if (++$wday == 7); $results .= report('week_foot', $year, $month) if ($wday == $first_dow); } # and finish up the last week, if any left if ($wday != $first_dow) { for(; $wday != $first_dow; $wday++, $wday %= 7) { $results .= report('noday', $year, $month, undef, $wday); } $results .= report('week_foot', $year, $month); } $results .= report('month_foot', $year, $month); return $results; } sub build_year_calendar { my ($year, $highlight_month) = @_; my $results; my $month; my $future_month = 0; @now = localtime($^T); $future_month = $now[4]+1 if ($year == $now[5]+1900); $results = report('year_head', $year); for ($month = 1; $month <= 12; $month++) { $results .= report('quarter_head', $year) if ($month % $months_per_row == 1); my $tag; if ($month == $highlight_month) { if ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"}) {$tag = 'this_month_link'} else {$tag = 'this_month_nolink'}} elsif ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"}) {$tag = 'month_link'} elsif ($future_month && $month >=$future_month){$tag = 'month_future'} else {$tag = 'month_nolink'} $results .= report($tag, $year, $month); $results .= report('quarter_foot', $year) if ($month % $months_per_row == 0); } $results .= report('year_foot', $year); return $results; } sub build_calendar { return report('calendar'); } sub cached { my ($sub, $cachetag, @args) = @_; my $cachekey = join '/',@args,$blosxom::flavour; return $cache->{$cachetag}{$cachekey} ||= (debug(1, "cache miss $cachetag @args $blosxom::flavour") and ($save_cache = 1) and $sub->(@args)); } sub prime_cache { my ($num_files) = @_; return 0 if !$use_caching; eval "require Storable"; if ($@) { debug(1, "cache disabled, Storable not available"); $use_caching = 0; return 0; } if (!Storable->can('lock_retrieve')) { debug(1, "cache disabled, Storable::lock_retrieve not available"); $use_caching = 0; return 0; } $cache = (-r $cachefile ? Storable::lock_retrieve($cachefile) : undef); # >= rather than ==, so that if we're being used along with a search # plugin that reduces %files, rather than dumping the cache and showing # a limited calendar, we'll display the full thing (if available) . I # think that's preferable as well as being more efficient. # XXX improvement: rather than dumping the whole thing, just update the # count and dump the current month (and sometimes the previous month # and year) @now = localtime; $now[4] += 1; $now[5] += 1900; $today = "$now[5]/$now[4]/$now[3]"; if ($cache && $cache->{num_files} >= $num_files && $cache->{today} eq $today) { debug(1, "Using cached state"); return 1; } $cache = {num_files => $num_files, today => $today}; return 0; } sub save_cache { return if (!$use_caching || !$save_cache); debug(1, "Saving cache"); -d $blosxom::plugin_state_dir or mkdir $blosxom::plugin_state_dir; Storable::lock_store($cache, $cachefile); } sub start { debug(1, "start() called, enabled"); while () { chomp; last if /^(__END__)?$/; my ($flavour, $comp, $txt) = split ' ',$_,3; $txt =~ s:\\n:\n:g; $blosxom::template{$flavour}{"$package.$comp"} = $txt; } return 1; } sub filter { my ($pkg, $files_ref) = @_; debug(1, "filter() called"); $files = $files_ref; my $num_files = scalar keys %$files; my @latest = (sort {$b <=> $a} values %$files); while ($latest[0] == $^T) { $num_files--; shift @latest; } return 1 if prime_cache($num_files); debug(1, "cache miss: %stories"); foreach (keys %{$files}) { next if ($_ == $^T); my @date = localtime($files->{$_}); my $mday = $date[3]; my $month = $date[4] + 1; my $year = $date[5] + 1900; $cache->{stories}{"$year"}++; $cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"}++; $cache->{stories}{"$year/$month/$mday"}++; } debug(1, "filter() done"); return 1; } sub head { debug(1, "head() called"); my ($year, $month, $day) = pseudo_now(); if ($year < 1970) { debug(0,"Bad year $year requested ($year, path_info $ENV{PATH_INFO}, year to 2000"); $year = 2000; } $prev_month_link = cached(\&build_prev_month_link, "pml", $year,$month); $next_month_link = cached(\&build_next_month_link, "nml", $year,$month); $prev_year_link = cached(\&build_prev_year_link, "pyl", $year); $next_year_link = cached(\&build_next_year_link, "nyl", $year); $month_calendar = cached(\&build_month_calendar, "mc", $year,$month,$day); $year_calendar = ''; for (my $y = (localtime)[5]+1900; $cache->{stories}{$y}; $y--) { my $varname = "year_calendar_$y"; if ($y == $year) { $year_calendar = cached(\&build_year_calendar, "yc",$year,$month); $$varname = $year_calendar; } else { $$varname = cached(\&build_year_calendar, "yc", $y); } } $year_calendar = cached(\&build_year_calendar, "yc", $year,$month) unless $year_calendar; $calendar = cached(\&build_calendar, "c", $year,$month,$day); save_cache(); debug(1, "head() done, length(\$month_calendar, \$year_calendar, \$calendar) = ", length($month_calendar), length($year_calendar), length($calendar)); return 1; } # these look better (to me), but don't use like they 'should', and # the year one assumes 3 columns #html month_head \n #html year_head
\n 1; __DATA__ error month_head
\n error month_sub_head \n error month_sub_day \n error month_sub_foot \n error week_head \n error noday \n error day_link \n error day_nolink \n error day_future \n error this_day_link \n error this_day_nolink \n error week_foot \n error month_foot
\n error prev_month_link error next_month_link error prev_month_nolink ← error next_month_nolink → error year_head \n error quarter_head \n error month_link \n error month_nolink \n error month_future \n error this_month_link error this_month_nolink error quarter_foot \n error year_foot
\n error prev_year_link error next_year_link error prev_year_nolink ← error next_year_nolink → error calendar
__END__ =head1 NAME Blosxom Plug-in: calendar =head1 SYNOPSIS Purpose: Provides a Radio-style archive navigation calendar * $calendar::calendar -- side-by-side month and year calendars * $calendar::month_calendar -- month calendar only * $calendar::year_calendar -- year calendar only * $calendar::year_calendar_2003 -- year calendar for 2003; these are built for every year with stories. =head1 VERSION 0+6i 6th test release =head1 AUTHOR Todd Larason , http://molelog.molehill.org/ This plugin is now maintained by the Blosxom Sourceforge Team, . =head1 BUGS None known; please send bug reports and feedback to the Blosxom development mailing list . =head1 Customization =head2 Configuration variables C<@monthname>, C<@monthabbr>, C<@downame> and C<@dowabbr> contain the long and short forms of the names of the months and days of the week; @downame and @dowabbr should always start with Sunday, regardless of $first_dow. C<$first_dow> sets the plugin's idea of the first day day of the week; use 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on; using a number outside the range [0..6] will cause undefined behavior, possibly including a nuclear meltdown. C<$use_caching> controls whether or not to try to cache statistics and formatted results; caching requires Storable, but the plugin will work just fine without it. C<$months_per_row> controls how many months are on each row of the year calendar. This should be a number that evenly divides 12 (1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 12), but nothing checks for that. C<$debug_level> can be set to a value between 0 and 5; 0 will output no debug information, while 5 will be very verbose. The default is 1, and should be changed after you've verified the plugin is working correctly. =head2 Classes for CSS control There's an (over)abundance of classes used, available for CSS customization. * C -- the calendar as a whole * C -- the month calendar as a whole * C -- the head of the month calendar (ie, "March") * C -- a column head in the month calendar (ie, a day-of-week abbreviation) * C, C, C, C, C -- the day squares on the month calendar, for days that don't exist (before or after the month itself), that don't have stories, that do have stories, that are in the future, or are that currently selected, respectively * Day-of-week-name -- each day square is also given a class matching its day of week, from C<@downame>; this can be used to hilight weekends * C -- the year calendar as a whole * C -- the head of the year calendar (ie, "2003") * C -- ie, "Months" * C, C, C, C -- the month squares on the year calendar, for months with stories, without, in the future, and currently selected, respectively. =head2 Flavour-style files If you want a format change that can't be made by CSS, you can override the HTML generated by creating files similar to Blosxom's flavour files. They should be named calendar.I.I; for available Is and their default meanings, see the C<__DATA__> section in the plugin. =head1 Installation 1. Download and unpack (if you're reading this, you've probably already done that) 2. Copy it to your plugins directory. Make sure it's world-readable. 3. Modify a C or C file to include C<$calendar::calendar>, C<$calendar::month_calendar> or C<$calendar::year_calendar> 4. Try it out -- load your blog in your browser. If you see a calendar, great! 5. Look at your error log. Verify you have an 'enabled' line. 6. If you're wanting to verify caching is working, load the page again, and now look for an error log line "calendar debug 1: Using cached state" 7. Once you're satisfied it's working, edit the C<$debug_level> configuration variable to C<0>. There are a couple other configuration variables you may wish to change, too. =head1 Caching If the Storable module is available and $use_caching is set, various bits of data will be cached; this includes the information on what days have stories (and are thus linkable, and what months and years are included in the next/forward lists), the contents of any flavour files, and the final formatted output of any calendars generated. The cache will be flushed whenever a story is added (but not when one is removed), so in normal use should be invisible. If you're making template changes however, or are removing stories, you may wish to either disable the cache (by setting $use_caching to 0) or manually flush the cache; this can be done by removing $plugin_state_dir/.calendar.cache, and is always safe to do. =head1 LICENSE this Blosxom Plug-in Copyright 2003, Todd Larason (This license is the same as Blosxom's) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.