# Blosxom Plugin: blogroll -*- perl -*- # Author: Todd Larason (jtl@molehill.org) # Author: Kevin Scaldeferri (kevin@scaldeferri.com) # (line and version added by Doug Nerad to show latest version) # Version: 0+5i # Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing: http://blosxom.sourceforge.net/ # Blogroll plugin Home/Docs/Licensing: # http://molelog.molehill.org/blox/Computers/Internet/Web/Blosxom/Blogroll/ package blogroll; # -------------- Configuration Variables --- ------------- # files to read; should be either OPML, NewNewsWire .plist, or 'table' # files (tab<url>\n); with the default, just create a directory # "$plugin_state_dir/.blogroll" and put your files (or symlinks to # them) in it @source_files = glob "$blosxom::plugin_state_dir/.blogroll/*" if ($#source_files < 0); $use_caching = 1 unless defined $use_caching; $debug_level = 0 unless defined $debug_level; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- use IO::File; use File::stat; my $package = 'blogroll'; my $cachefile = "$blosxom::plugin_state_dir/.$package.cache"; my $save_cache = 0; my $cache; sub debug { my ($level, @msg) = @_; $debug .= "@msg<br>\n"; if ($debug_level >= $level) { print STDERR "$package debug $level: @msg\n"; } } sub load_template { my ($bit) = @_; return $blosxom::template->('', "$package.$bit", $blosxom::flavour); } # Output & formatting functions sub report { my ($bit, $title, $htmlurl, $xmlurl) = @_; my $f = load_template($bit); $f =~ s/((\$[\w:]+)|(\$\{[\w:]+\}))/$1 . "||''"/gee; return $f; } sub finish_file_tree { my ($tree) = @_; my $results; if ($tree->{items}) { $results .= report('sub_head', $tree->{title}); $results .= finish_file_tree($_) foreach @{$tree->{items}}; $results .= report('sub_foot', $tree->{title}); } else { $results .= report($tree->{xmlurl} ? 'item_xml':'item_no_xml', $tree->{title}, $tree->{htmlurl}, $tree->{xmlurl}); } return $results; } sub finish_file { my ($fc, $filename, $tree) = @_; local $_; my $results; $filename =~ s:.*/::; $filename =~ s:[^a-zA-Z0-9]+:_:g; $$filename = $fc->{blogroll}{$blosxom::flavour}; return if defined $$filename; $results = report('head'); foreach (@{$tree->{items}}) { $results .= finish_file_tree($_); } $results .= report('foot'); $$filename = $fc->{blogroll}{$blosxom::flavour} = $results; } sub finish { my (@filenames) = @_; my $key = ''; foreach (@filenames) { my $fc = $cache->{file}{$_}; $key .= "|$fc->{mtime}"; finish_file($fc, $_, $fc->{tree}) if ($fc->{tree}); } return $cache->{blogroll}{$blosxom::flavour} if ($cache->{blogroll_key}{$blosxom::flavour} eq $key); debug(1, "cache miss: blogroll results: $key"); my @items; foreach my $filename (@filenames) { my $fc = $cache->{file}{$filename}; foreach (@{$fc->{items}}) { push @items, $_; } } my $results; $results = report('head'); foreach (sort {lc($a->[0]) cmp lc($b->[0])} @items) { $results .= report(defined($_->[2]) ? 'item_xml':'item_no_xml', @{$_}); } $results .= report('foot'); $cache->{blogroll_key}{$blosxom::flavour} = $key; $cache->{blogroll}{$blosxom::flavour} = $results; $save_cache = 1; return $results; } # input and parsing functions sub handle_item { my ($fc, @record) = @_; push @{$fc->{items}}, [@record]; debug(3, "handle_item(@record)"); } sub handle_tree { my ($fc, $tree) = @_; if ($tree->{items}) { handle_tree($fc, $_) foreach @{$tree->{items}}; } else { handle_item($fc, $tree->{title}, $tree->{htmlurl}, $tree->{xmlurl}); } } sub handle_opml_subscription_file { my ($fh, $fc) = @_; my $count = 0; # XXX this should maybe do 'real' xml parsing # XML::Simple fast enough? worth requiring more # modules installed? my $text = join '',<$fh>; while ($text =~ m!\s<outline (.*?)>!msg) { $_ = $1; next unless m|/$|; my ($htmlurl, $title, $xmlurl); ($htmlurl) = m:html[uU]rl=" ( [^\"]+ ) ":x; ($title ) = m:title =" ( [^\"]+ ) ":x; ($xmlurl ) = m:xml[uU]rl =" ( [^\"]+ ) ":x; if (defined($title) && (defined($htmlurl) || defined($xmlurl))) { push @{$fc->{tree}{items}}, {title => $title, htmlurl => $htmlurl, xmlurl => $xmlurl}; $count++; } } debug(2, "handle_opml_subscription_file finished, $count items"); } sub handle_tab_file { my ($fh, $fc) = @_; my $count = 0; while ($_ = $fh->getline) { chomp; my ($title, $htmlurl) = split /\t+/; push @{$fc->{tree}{items}}, {title => $title, htmlurl => $htmlurl, xmlurl => $xmlurl}; } debug(2, "handle_tab_file finished, $count items"); } sub read_plist_dict { my ($fh) = @_; my $self = { type => 'dict'}; my ($key, $value); while ($_ = $fh->getline) { if (m!<key>(.*)</key>!) { $key = $1; } elsif (m!<array>!) { $self->{$key} = read_plist_array($fh); } elsif (m!<array/>!) { $self->{$key} = {type => 'array', array => []}; } elsif (m!<string>(.*)</string>!) { $self->{$key} = $1; } elsif (m!</dict>!) { return $self; } else { die "$_ in dict"; } } } sub read_plist_array { my ($fh) = @_; my $self = { type => 'array'}; $self->{array} = []; while ($_ = $fh->getline) { if (/<dict>/) { push @{$self->{array}}, read_plist_dict($fh); } elsif (m!</array>!) { return $self; } else { die "$_ in <array>"; } } } sub prettify_plist_tree { my ($tree) = @_; if ($tree->{type} eq 'array') { return [map {prettify_plist_tree($_)} @{$tree->{array}}]; } elsif ($tree->{isContainer}) { return {title => $tree->{name}, items => prettify_plist_tree($tree->{childrenArray})}; } elsif ($tree->{type} eq 'dict' && $tree->{name} && $tree->{home} && $tree->{rss}) { return {title => $tree->{name}, htmlurl => $tree->{home}, xmlurl => $tree->{rss}}; } else { die "Unexpected node: $tree->{type}"; } } sub handle_nnw_file { my ($fh, $fc) = @_; my $count = 0; do { $_ = $fh->getline } while ($_ && !m!<key>Subscriptions</key>!); $_ = $fh->getline; m:<array>: or die "Unexpected format: $_ at nnw toplevel"; my $tree = read_plist_array($fh); $fc->{tree} = {items => prettify_plist_tree($tree)}; } sub handle_file { my ($filename) = @_; my $filecache = $cache->{file}{$filename}; my $mtime = stat($filename)->mtime; # If this file is in the cache, and hasn't been modified, we're # done here return if (defined($filecache) && $filecache->{mtime} == $mtime); debug(1, "cache miss $filename: $mtime"); # Either not there or outdated, start over $filecache = {mtime => $mtime, items => []}; my $fh = new IO::File("< $filename"); if (!$fh) { warn "Couldn't open $filename"; return; } if ($filename =~ m:\.opml$:) { handle_opml_subscription_file($fh, $filecache) } elsif ($filename =~ m:\.tab$:) { handle_tab_file($fh, $filecache); } elsif ($filename =~ m:/com\.ranchero\.NetNewsWire\.plist:) { handle_nnw_file($fh, $filecache); } else { warn "Unrecognized filetype $filename"; } $fh->close; handle_tree($filecache, $filecache->{tree}); $cache->{file}{$filename} = $filecache; } # blosxom plugin interface $blogroll; $last_flavour = ''; sub prime_cache { return 0 if !$use_caching; eval "require Storable"; if ($@) { debug(1, "cache disabled, Storable not available"); $use_caching = 0; return 0; } if (!Storable->can('lock_retrieve')) { debug(1, "cache disabled, Storable::lock_retrieve not available"); $use_caching = 0; return 0; } $cache = (-r $cachefile ? Storable::lock_retrieve($cachefile) : undef); # for this, the cache is always valid if it exists if (defined($cache)) { debug(1, "Loaded cache"); return 1; } $cache = {}; return 0; } sub save_cache { return if (!$use_caching || !$save_cache); debug(1, "Saving cache"); Storable::lock_store($cache, $cachefile); } sub start { debug(1, "start() called, enabled"); while (<DATA>) { chomp; last if /^(__END__)?$/; my ($flavour, $comp, $txt) = split ' ',$_,3; $txt =~ s:\\n:\n:g; $blosxom::template{$flavour}{"$package.$comp"} = $txt; } prime_cache(); return 1; } sub head { my ($pkg, $currentdir, $head_ref) = @_; local $_; # for static generation, don't do the same work over and over return 1 if ($blogroll && $last_flavour eq $blosxom::flavour); $last_flavour = $blosxom::flavour; debug(1, "head() called"); foreach my $filename (@source_files) { handle_file($filename) ; } $blogroll = finish(@source_files); debug(1, "head() finished, length(\$blogroll) =", length($blogroll)); save_cache(); 1; } 1; # default flavour files; the 'error' flavour is default # 'blogroll.' is prepended to the name given here # to create an html flavour, then, create files 'blogroll.head.html' and so on. __DATA__ error head <ul class="blogroll">\n error sub_head <li>$title<ul>\n error item_no_xml <li><a href="$htmlurl">$title</a></li>\n error item_xml <li><a href="$htmlurl">$title</a> (<a href="$xmlurl">xml</a>)</li>\n error sub_foot </ul></li>\n error foot </ul>\n __END__ =head1 NAME Blosxom Plug-in: blogroll =head1 SYNOPSIS Purpose: Provides a blogroll from pre-exsting data files and/or an simple text file * $blogroll::blogroll -- blogroll, sorted, combined from all input files * $blogroll::<sanitized filename> -- blogroll of items from C<filename>, in their original order. <sanitized filename> is C<filename> with all non-alphanumerics replaced with underscores =head1 VERSION 0+4i 4th test release =head1 AUTHOR Todd Larason <jtl@molehill.org>, http://molelog.molehill.org/ This plugin is now maintained by the Blosxom Sourceforge Team, <blosxom-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>. =head1 BUGS None known; please send bug reports and feedback to the Blosxom development mailing list <blosxom-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>. =head1 Customization =head2 Input files Three file formats are currently supported =head3 OPML subscription files These are recognized by a '.opml' extension. Only subscription files are supported; general OPML files are not. Although OPML itself is standardized, the subscription subset is not, and there's more variation than you might expect. This is known to work with AmphetaDesk and Radio native subscription files (but not Radio's other OPML files), and NetNewsWire export files; I'm interested in both success and failure reports for files from other OPML generators. =head3 TAB files These are recognized by a '.tab' extension. This is a simple text format intended for human editing, either to supplment the items from the other file formats or for people who don't wish to use one of the others. Each line represents a record. Each record contains two fields, separated by a tab. The first field is the name of the item, the second feld is the URL. =head3 NNW plist files These are recognized by the full name "com.ranchero.NetNewsWire.plist" (there may be other plist formats supported in the future, so ".plist" isn't enough). This is the native subscription format for NetNewsWire and NetNewsWire Pro. This format supports hierarchical categorization of entries, available via the $blogroll::com_ranchero_NetNewsWire_plist variable. =head2 Configuration variables C<@source_files> is the list of files to be used; by default, it's all the files in $blosxom::plugin_state_dir/.blogroll. C<$use_caching> controls whether or not to try to cache data and formatted results; caching requires Storable, but the plugin will work just fine without it. C<$debug_level> can be set to a value between 0 and 5; 0 will output no debug information, while 5 will be very verbose. The default is 1, and should be changed after you've verified the plugin is working correctly. =head2 Class for CSS control There's a class used, available for CSS customization. * C<blogroll> -- the blogroll list as a whole =head2 Flavour-style files If you want a format change that can't be made by CSS, you can override the HTML generated by creating files similar to Blosxom's flavour files. They should be named blogroll.I<bit>.I<flavour>; for available I<bit>s and their default meanings, see the C<__DATA__> section in the plugin. =head1 Caching If the Storable module is available and $use_caching is set, various bits of data will be cached; this includes the parsed items from the input files and the final formatted output of any blogrolls generated. The cache will never be entirely flushed, but relevant pieces are invalidated when input files are modified. If you're making template changes, you may wish to either disable the cache (by setting $use_caching to 0) or manually flush the cache; this can be done by removing $plugin_state_dir/.calendar.cache, and is always safe to do. =head1 LICENSE this Blosxom Plug-in Copyright 2003, Todd Larason (This license is the same as Blosxom's) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.