# Blosxom Plugin: autocorrect -*- perl -*- # Author: Todd Larason (jtl@molehill.org) # Version: 0+1i # Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing: http://blosxom.sourceforge.net/ # AutoCorrect plugin Home/Docs/Licensing: # http://molelog.molehill.org/blox/Computers/Internet/Web/Blosxom/AutoCorrect/ package autocorrect; # --- Configuration Variables --- $debug_level = 0; # ------------------------------- use CGI; use FileHandle; my $package = 'autocorrect'; my @goodhits = (); my $activated = 0; my %template = (); my $flav_cache; sub debug { my ($level, @msg) = @_; if ($debug_level >= $level) { print STDERR "$package debug $level: @msg\n"; } } sub load_template { my ($bit) = @_; my $fh = new FileHandle; return $flav_cache{$bit} ||= ($fh->open("< $blosxom::datadir/$package.$bit.$blosxom::flavour") ? join '',<$fh> : $template{$blosxom::flavour}{$bit}) || ($fh->open("< $blosxom::datadir/$package.$bit.$blosxom::default_flavour") ? join '',<$fh> : $template{$blosxom::default_flavour}{$bit}) || ($fh->open("< $blosxom::datadir/$package.$bit.html") ? join '',<$fh> : $template{html}{$bit}) || ''; } sub report { my ($bit, $path, $text) = @_; my $f = load_template($bit); $f =~ s/((\$[\w:]+)|(\$\{[\w:]+\}))/$1 . "||''"/gee; return $f; } sub start { if ($blosxom::static_or_dynamic eq 'dynamic') { debug(1, "start() called, enabled"); while () { last if /^(__END__)?$/; my ($flavour, $comp, $txt) = split ' ',$_,3; $txt =~ s:\\n:\n:g; $template{$flavour}{$comp} = $txt; } return 1; } else { debug(1, "start() called, but in static mode -- not enabling"); return 0; } } sub filter { my ($pkg, $files_ref) = @_; my $datepart; my $path_info = path_info(); debug(2, "filter() called, path_info = $path_info"); # handle normal cases as fast as possible -- no path, a category # path, or a category + file that exists return 1 if ($path_info eq ''); return 1 if ($path_info !~ s!\.[^.]+$!.$blosxom::file_extension!); return 1 if (defined($files_ref->{"$blosxom::datadir$path_info"})); debug(2, "fasttrack failed, splitting path"); # at this point, $path_info is (category + optional date + filename) # and either the file doesn't exist in that category, or the # date field is being used along with a full filename # this is straight from blosxom itself, and should be kept in-sync my @path_info = split '/', $path_info; my $filename = pop @path_info; return 1 if ($filename eq "index.$blosxom::file_extension"); shift @path_info; # remove empty '' before first / $path_info = ''; while ($path_info[0] and $path_info[0] =~ /^[a-zA-Z].*$/ and $path_info[0] !~ /(.*)\.(.*)/) { $path_info .= '/' . shift @path_info; } debug(2, "path_info=$path_info, filename=$filename"); # @path_info may have date info in it still, but we're not interested return 1 if defined($files_ref->{"blosxom::datadir$path_info/$filename"}); debug(2, "Still not found, looking for good matches"); # okay, it doesn't exist -- it's okay to spend some time now, since # slow results are better than no results # XXX this should be quite a bit smarter -- 'sounds like', 'typoed like' # look at what mod_speling does $activated = 1; foreach (keys %$files_ref) { my ($this_filename) = m:([^/]+)$:; if ($filename eq $this_filename) { push(@goodhits, $_); debug(2, "Found good hit: $_"); } } $files_ref->{"$blosxom::datadir$path_info/$filename"} = $#goodhits == 0 ? $files_ref->{$goodhits[0]} : time; return 1; } sub story { return 1 if !$activated; my ($pkg, $path, $filename, $story_ref, $title_ref, $body_ref) = @_; if ($#goodhits == -1) { debug(2, "in story(), no good hits"); $$title_ref = report('not_found_title'); $$body_ref = report('not_found_body'); } elsif ($#goodhits == 0) { debug(2, "in story(), 1 good hit"); # just one, easy case to deal with my $fh = new FileHandle; if ($fh->open($goodhits[0])) { debug(3, "opened $goodhits[0]"); # convert from filename to path+filename (w/o extension) $goodhits[0] =~ s!$blosxom::datadir(.*)\.[^./]+$!\1!; chomp(my $title = <$fh>); $$title_ref = report('found_one_title', $goodhits[0], $title); $$body_ref = report('found_one_body',$goodhits[0],(join '',<$fh>)); } else { debug(3, "Couldn't open $goodhits[0]: $!"); $goodhits[0] =~ s!$blosxom::datadir(.*)\.[^./]+$!\1!; $$title_ref = report('error_title', $goodhits[0]); $$body_ref = report('error_body', $goodhits[0]); } } else { debug(2, "in story(), multiple matches"); $$title_ref = report('multi_title'); $$body_ref = report('multi_body_head'); map { $_ =~ s!$blosxom::datadir(.*)\.[^./]+$!\1!; $$body_ref .= report('multi_body_item', $_) } @goodhits; $$body_ref .= report('multi_body_foot'); } return 1; } 1; __DATA__ html not_found_title Not Found html not_found_body

The file you asked for doesn't exist, and I'm afraid I couldn't find a good match for it. I'm sorry.

\n html found_one_title $text html found_one_body

The file you asked for doesn't exist; it may have been moved. This is actually $path.

$text html error_title Error html error_body

The file you asked for doesn't exist, and I thought I'd found a replacement with $path, but I can't open it. Sorry

html multi_title Possible Matches html multi_body_head

The file you asked for doesn't exist. Some possible matches are:

\n __END__