# Blosxom Plugin: allconsuming -*- cperl -*- # Author: Todd Larason (jtl@molehill.org) # Version: 0+4i # Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing: http://blosxom.sourceforge.net/ # Netflix plugin Home/Docs/Licensing: # http://molelog.molehill.org/blox/Computers/Internet/Web/Blosxom/AllConsuming/ package allconsuming; # http://allconsuming.net/news/000012.html # -------------- Configuration Variables -------------- # AllConsuming username $username = undef unless defined $username; # Amazon Associate ID; feel free to leave this =) $associate_id = 'mtmolel-20' unless defined $associate_id; # undef == "list all" # 0 == "don't list at all" # >0 == list first N (or all, if < N) # <0 == list random N (or all in random order, if < N) %num = ( purchased => 5, # most recent 5 reading => undef, # all rereading => undef, # all favorite => -5, # random 5 completed => 5, # most recent 5 nofinish => 0 # none ) unless scalar keys %num > 0; # one of: SOAP::Lite, LWP, wget (or a pathname to wget), curl (or a pathname) # SOAP::Lite should be fastest and most likely to stay working long-term, # but is the hardest to get installed $networking = 'LWP' unless defined $networking; # Whether to try to use caching; default is yes, and caching is very # strongly recommended $use_caching = 1 unless defined $use_caching; # how long to go between re-fetching the data, in seconds # default value is 1 week $max_cache_data_age = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 unless defined $max_cache_data_age; # how long to go between re-formatting the lists, in seconds # default is 5 minutes $max_cache_layout_age = 60 * 5 unless defined $max_cache_layout_age; $debug_level = 1 unless defined $debug_level; # ----------------------------------------------------- $purchased = ''; $reading = ''; $rereading = ''; $favorite = ''; $completed = ''; $nofinish = ''; use CGI qw/param/; use strict; use vars qw/$username $associate_id $max_cache_data_age $max_cache_layout_age %num $networking $use_caching $debug_level $purchased $reading $rereading $favorite $completed $nofinish/; my $cache; my $package = "allconsuming"; my $cachefile = "$blosxom::plugin_state_dir/.$package.cache"; my $save_cache = 0; # General utility functions sub debug { my ($level, @msg) = @_; if ($debug_level >= $level) { print STDERR "$package debug $level: @msg\n"; } } sub load_template { my ($bit) = @_; return $blosxom::template->('', "$package.$bit", $blosxom::flavour); } sub report { my ($bit, $listname, $title, $author, $asin, $image, $allconsuming_url, $amazon_url) = @_; my $f = load_template("$listname.$bit") || load_template($bit); $title = encode_entities($title); $author = encode_entities($author); $f =~ s/((\$[\w:]+)|(\$\{[\w:]+\}))/$1 . "||''"/gee; return $f; } sub encode_entities { my ($text) = @_; eval "require HTML::Entities"; if ($@) { my %map = ('<' => 'lt', '&' => 'amp', '>' => 'gt'); my $keys = join '',keys %map; $text =~ s:([$keys]):&$map{$1};:g; return $text; } return HTML::Entities::encode_entities($text); } # General networking sub GET { my ($url) = @_; if ($networking =~ m:curl:) { return `$networking -m 30 -s "$url"`; } elsif ($networking =~ m:wget:) { return `$networking --quiet -O - "$url"`; } elsif ($networking eq 'LWP') { foreach (qw/LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Request::Common/) { eval "require $_"; if ($@) { debug(0, "Can't load $_, can't use LWP networking: $@"); return undef; } } my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $res = $ua->request(HTTP::Request::Common::GET $url); if (!$res->is_success) { my $error = $res->status_line; debug(0, "HTTP GET error: $error"); return undef; } return $res->content; } else { debug(0, "ERROR: invalid \$networking $networking"); } } # AllConsuming-specific networking sub allconsuming_handle { if ($networking eq 'SOAP::Lite') { eval "require SOAP::Lite;"; if ($@) { debug(0, "SOAP::Lite couldn't be loaded"); return undef; } my @now = localtime; my $soap = SOAP::Lite -> uri('http://www.allconsuming.net/AllConsumingAPI') -> proxy('http://www.allconsuming.net/soap.cgi'); my $obj = $soap -> call(new => $now[2], $now[3], $now[4] + 1, $now[5] + 1900) -> result; return {soap => $soap, obj => $obj, map => {purchased => 'GetPurchasedBooksList', reading => 'GetCurrentlyReadingList', rereading => 'GetRereadingBooksList', favorite => 'GetFavoriteBooksList', completed => 'GetCompletedBooksList', nofinish => 'GetNeverFinishedBooksList'} }; } else { return { map => {purchased => 'purchased_books', reading => 'currently_reading', rereading => 'rereading_books', favorite => 'favorite_books', completed => 'completed_books', nofinish => 'never_finished_books'} }; } } sub allconsuming_lookup { my ($handle, $username, $list) = @_; return undef unless defined $handle; if ($networking eq 'SOAP::Lite') { return undef unless defined $handle->{map}{$list}; return $handle->{soap} -> call($handle->{map}{$list} => $handle->{obj}, $username) -> result; } else { my $data = GET('http://allconsuming.net/soap-client.cgi?' . "$handle->{map}{$list}=1&username=$username"); $data =~ s:\A\
\$VAR1 =(.*)
\Z:\1:ms; return eval $data; } } sub get_data { if (defined $cache->{data} and $^T - $cache->{data_timestamp} < $max_cache_data_age) { return; } debug(1, "cache miss data"); $cache->{data_timestamp} = $^T; my $obj = allconsuming_handle(); foreach (keys %num) { next if defined($num{$_}) && $num{$_} == 0; $cache->{data}{$_} = allconsuming_lookup($obj, $username, $_); } $save_cache = 1; } # Cache handling sub prime_cache { return if (!$use_caching); eval "require Storable"; if ($@) { debug(1, "cache disabled, Storable not available"); $use_caching = 0; return 0; } if (!Storable->can('lock_retrieve')) { debug(1, "cache disabled, Storable::lock_retrieve not available"); $use_caching = 0; return 0; } $cache = (-r $cachefile ? Storable::lock_retrieve($cachefile) : {}); if (defined(param('allconsuming'))) { if (param('allconsuming') eq 'refresh_data') { $cache = {}; } elsif (param('allconsuming') eq 'refresh_layout') { $cache->{layout} = {}; } } } sub save_cache { return if (!$use_caching || !$save_cache); debug(1, "Saving cache"); -d $blosxom::plugin_state_dir or mkdir $blosxom::plugin_state_dir or (debug(0, "State dir $blosxom::plugin_state_dir nonexistant and noncreatable: $!") and return); Storable::lock_store($cache, $cachefile); } sub build_list { my ($listname, $num, $list) = @_; my $count = 0; my $results; return '' if (defined $num and $num == 0); $list = [$list] if (ref $list eq 'HASH'); if (defined $list and defined $num and $num < 0) { # algorithm from Algorithm::Numerical::Shuffle by Abigail for (my $i = @$list; -- $i;) { my $r = int rand ($i + 1); ($list -> [$i], $list -> [$r]) = ($list -> [$r], $list -> [$i]); } $num = -$num; } $results = report('head', $listname); foreach (@$list) { $results .= report('item', $listname, @{$_}{qw/title author asin image allconsuming_url amazon_url/}); $count++; last if (defined $num and $count == $num); } $results .= report('foot', $listname); return $results; } # Blosxom plugin interface sub head { prime_cache(); get_data(); save_cache(); foreach (keys %num) { next if defined($num{$_}) && $num{$_} == 0; no strict; $$_ = $cache->{layout}{$_}{$blosxom::flavour}; next if (defined $$_ && ($^T - $cache->{layout_timestamp}{$_}{$blosxom::flavour} < $max_cache_layout_age)); debug(1, "cache miss layout $_ $blosxom::flavour"); $$_ = build_list($_, $num{$_}, $cache->{data}{$_}{asins}); $cache->{layout}{$_}{$blosxom::flavour} = $$_; $cache->{layout_timestamp}{$_}{$blosxom::flavour} = $^T; $save_cache = 1; use strict; } save_cache(); 1; } sub start { return 0 unless defined $username; while () { last if /^(__END__)?$/; chomp; my ($flavour, $comp, $txt) = split ' ',$_,3; $txt =~ s:\\n:\n:g; $blosxom::template{$flavour}{"$package.$comp"} = $txt; } return 1; } 1; __DATA__ error head \n error item \n error foot
$title Book cover$title, $author
__END__ =head1 NAME Blosxom Plug-in: allconsuming =head1 SYNOPSIS Purpose: Lets you easily share your AllConsuming information * $allconsuming::purchased -- list of books you've purchased * $allconsuming::reading -- list of books you're reading * $allconsuming::rereading -- list of books you're re-reading * $allconsuming::favorite -- list of your favorite books * $allconsuming::completed -- list of books you've completed * $allconsuming::nofinish -- list of books you never finished =head1 VERSION 0+3i 2nd test release =head1 AUTHOR Todd Larason , http://molelog.molehill.org/ This plugin is now maintained by the Blosxom Sourceforge Team, . =head1 BUGS None known; please send bug reports and feedback to the Blosxom development mailing list . =head1 Customization =head2 Configuration variables C<$username> is your AllConsuming username. Until it's defined, this plugin does nothing. C<$associate_id> is an Amazon Associate ID. By default, it's mine; change it to yours if you have one. C<%num> sets how many items to include in each list. Each of C, C, C, C, C and C can be set separately. Setting C<$num{foo}> to undef means to include the whole list; setting it to 0 means to not build the list at all (or retrieve the data from AllConsuming); setting it to a positive number N means to list the first N items (or the whole list, if there aren't that many items) in order; setting it to a negative number -N means to list a randomly selected set of N items (or the whole list, in a random order, if there are fewer than N items). C<$networking> controls which networking implemenentation to use. If set to 'SOAP::Lite', then the SOAP::Lite module will be used to communicate with AllConsuming's official SOAP interface; this method is preferable for both speed and reliability, but requires by far the most work to get working if you don't already have the modules installed. If set to 'LWP', then the LWP family of modules will be used to communicate with a demonstration CGI script. If set to 'wget' or 'curl' (or a pathname that includes one of those), then the respective external utility is used to communicate with the demonstration CGI script. C<$use_caching> is a boolean controlling whether to use caching at all. Caching is very strongly recommended -- AllConsuming is rather slow. C<$max_cache_data_age> sets how long to cache the downloaded AllConsuming information for. Fetching the data is pretty slow, so this defaults to a high value -- 1 week. C<$max_cache_layout_age> sets how long to cache the formatted data. Formatting the data is relatively fast, so this defaults to a small value -- 5 minutes. If you aren't modifying templates and aren't using randomized lists, this can be set to the same as $max_cache_data_age without ill effects. C<$debug_level> can be set to a value between 0 and 5; 0 will output no debug information, while 5 will be very verbose. The default is 1, and should be changed after you've verified the plugin is working correctly. =head2 Classes for CSS control There's are some classes used, available for CSS customization. * C -- all lists are in the netflix class * C, etc -- each list is also in a class named for the list =head2 Flavour-style files If you want a format change that can't be made by CSS, you can override the HTML generated by creating files similar to Blosxom's flavour files. They should be named allconsuming.I.I; for available Is and their default meanings, see the C<__DATA__> section in the plugin. =head1 Caching Because fetching the queue information is relatively slow, caching is very strongly recommended. Caching requires a version of the Storable module that supports the 'lock_save' and 'lock_retrieve' functions. Since the data reload is so slow, you may wish to raise the $max_cache_data_age even higher, and use explicit cache reloading. The cache can be reloaded either by deleting the cache file $plugin_state_dir/.allconsuming.cache, or by passing an C parameter to the blosxom script; the latter is preferable, as you can insure that you take the time hit, not a random visitor. =head1 LICENSE this Blosxom Plug-in Copyright 2003, Todd Larason (This license is the same as Blosxom's) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =cut