# Blosxom Plugin: tags # Author(s): Gavin Carr # Version: 0.001000 # Documentation: See the bottom of this file or type: perldoc tags package tags; use strict; use File::stat; # Uncomment next line to enable debug output (don't uncomment debug() lines) #use Blosxom::Debug debug_level => 2; use vars qw($tagroot $tag_cache $tag_entries $tag_counts); # --- Configuration variables ----- # What path prefix is used for tag-based queries? $tagroot = "/tags"; # What story header to you use for your tags? my $tag_header = 'Tags'; # Where is our $tag_cache file? my $tag_cache_file = "$blosxom::plugin_state_dir/tag_cache"; # --------------------------------- $tag_cache = {}; $tag_entries = {}; $tag_counts = {}; my $tag_cache_dirty = 0; my @path_tags; my $path_tags_op; sub start { # Load tag_cache if (-f $tag_cache_file) { my $fh = FileHandle->new( $tag_cache_file, 'r' ) or warn "[tags] cannot open cache: $!"; { local $/ = undef; eval <$fh>; } close $fh; } 1; } sub entries { @path_tags = (); my $path_info = "/$blosxom::path_info"; # debug(3, "entries, path_info $path_info"); if ($path_info =~ m!^$tagroot/(.*)!) { my $taglist = $1; # debug(3, "entries, path_info matches tagroot (taglist $taglist)"); if ($taglist =~ m/;/) { @path_tags = split /\s*;\s*/, $taglist; $path_tags_op = ';'; } else { @path_tags = split /\s*,\s*/, $taglist; $path_tags_op = ','; } # If $path_info matches $tagroot it's a virtual path, so reset $blosxom::path_info = ''; } return 0; } sub filter { my ($pkg, $files_ref) = @_; return 1 unless @path_tags; my %tagged = (); for my $tag (@path_tags) { if ($tag_entries->{$tag} && @{ $tag_entries->{$tag} }) { for my $entry ( @{ $tag_entries->{$tag} } ) { $tagged{"$blosxom::datadir$entry.$blosxom::file_extension"}++; } } } # debug(2, "entries tagged with " . join($path_tags_op,@path_tags) . ":\n " . join("\n ", sort keys %tagged)); # Now delete all entries from $files_ref except those tagged my $tag_count = scalar @path_tags; for (keys %$files_ref) { if ($path_tags_op eq ';') { # OR semantics - delete unless at least one tag delete $files_ref->{$_} unless exists $tagged{$_}; } else { # AND semantics - delete unless ALL tags delete $files_ref->{$_} unless $tagged{$_} == $tag_count; } } return 1; } # Update tag cache on new or updated stories sub story { my ($pkg, $path, $filename, $story_ref, $title_ref, $body_ref) = @_; my $file = "$blosxom::datadir$path/$filename.$blosxom::file_extension"; unless (-f $file) { warn "[tags] cannot find story file '$file'"; return 0; } # Check story mtime my $st = stat($file) or die "bad stat: $!"; my $mtime = $st->mtime; if ($tag_cache->{"$path/$filename"}->{mtime} == $mtime) { # debug(3, "$path/$filename found up to date in tag_cache - skipping"); return 1; } # mtime has changed (or story is new) - compare old and new tagsets my $tags_new = $blosxom::meta{$tag_header}; my $tags_old = $tag_cache->{"$path/$filename"}->{tags}; # debug(2, "tags_new: $tags_new, tags_old: $tags_old"); return 1 if defined $tags_new && defined $tags_old && $tags_old eq $tags_new; # Update tag_cache # debug(2, "updating tag_cache, mtime $mtime, tags '$tags_new'"); $tag_cache->{"$path/$filename"} = { mtime => $mtime, tags => $tags_new }; $tag_cache_dirty++; } # Write tag_cache to disk if updated sub last { if ($tag_cache_dirty) { # Refresh tag entries and tag counts $tag_entries = {}; $tag_counts = {}; for my $entry (keys %{$tag_cache}) { next unless $tag_cache->{$entry}->{tags}; for (split /\s*,\s*/, $tag_cache->{$entry}->{tags}) { $tag_entries->{$_} ||= []; push @{ $tag_entries->{$_} }, $entry; $tag_counts->{$_}++; } } # Save tag caches back to $tag_cache_file my $fh = FileHandle->new( $tag_cache_file, 'w' ) or warn "[tags] cannot open cache '$tag_cache_file': $!" and return 0; print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([ $tag_cache, $tag_entries, $tag_counts ], [ qw(tag_cache tag_entries tag_counts) ]); close $fh; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME tags - blosxom plugin to read tags from story files, maintain a tag cache, and allow tag-based filtering =head1 DESCRIPTION L is a blosxom plugin to read tags from story files, maintain a tag cache, and allow tag-based filtering. Tags are defined in a comma-separated list in a $tag_header header at the beginning of a blosxom post, with $tag_header defaulting to 'Tags'. So for example, your post might look like: My Post Title Tags: dogs, cats, pets Post text goes here ... L uses the L plugin to parse story headers, and stores the tags in a cache (in $tag_cache_file, which defaults to $blosxom::plugin_state_dir/tag_cache). The tag cache is only updated when the mtime of the story file changes, so L should perform pretty well. L also supports tag-based filtering. If the blosxom $path_info begins with $tagroot ('/tags', by default, e.g. '/tags/dogs'), then L filters the entries list to include only posts with the specified tag. The following syntaxes are supported (assuming the default '/tags' for $tagroot): =over 4 =item /tags/ e.g. /tags/dog Show only posts with the specified tag. =item /tags/,[,...] e.g. /tags/dogs,cats (Comma-separated) Show only posts with ALL of the specified tags i.e. AND semantics. =item /tags/;[;...] e.g. /tags/dogs;cats (Comma-separated) Show only posts with ANY of the specified tags i.e. OR semantics. =back =head1 USAGE L should be loaded early as it modifies blosxom $path_info when doing tag-based filtering. Specifically, it needs to be loaded BEFORE any C plugins (e.g. L, L, L, etc.) L depends on the L plugin to parse the tags header, though, so it must be loaded AFTER L. Also, because L does tag-based filtering, any filter plugins that you want to have a global view of your entries (like L, for example) should be loaded BEFORE L. =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This plugin was inspired by xtaran's excellent L plugin. Initially I was just looking to add caching to L, but found I wanted to use a more modular approach, and wanted to do slightly different filtering than L offered as well. L is still more full-featured. =head1 SEE ALSO L only handles maintaining the tags cache and doing tag-based filtering. For displaying tag lists in stories, see L. For displaying a tagcloud, see L. L is used for the tags header parsing. See also xtaran's L plugin, which inspired L. Blosxom: http://blosxom.sourceforge.net/ =head1 AUTHOR Gavin Carr , http://www.openfusion.net/ =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2007, Gavin Carr. This plugin is licensed under the same terms as blosxom itself i.e. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =cut # vim:ft=perl:sw=4