# Blosxom Plugin: storydate # Author(s): Gavin Carr # (based on work by Frank Hecker # and Bob Schumaker ) # Version: 0.003000 # Documentation: See the bottom of this file or type: perldoc storydate package storydate; use strict; use vars qw(%config); use File::stat; # Uncomment next line to enable debug output (don't uncomment debug() lines) #use Blosxom::Debug debug_level => 1; # --- Configuration variables ----- %config = (); # Perl modules to use for strftime, in search order $config{strftime_modules} = [ qw(Time::Piece Date::Format POSIX) ]; # --------------------------------- # __END_CONFIG__ # Package variables use vars qw( $story_rfc822 $story_iso8601 $story_mtime_rfc822 $story_mtime_iso8601 $now_rfc822 $now_iso8601 $latest_rfc822 $latest_iso8601 %strftime_formats ); %strftime_formats = ( rfc822 => "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z", # ISO 8601 format (localtime, including time zone offset) # Format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD per http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime iso8601 => "%Y-%m-%dT%T%z", ); sub start { my $now = time(); $now_rfc822 = format_date('rfc822', $now); $now_iso8601 = format_date('iso8601', $now); # debug(1, "now_rfc822: $now_rfc822"); # debug(1, "now_iso8601: $now_iso8601"); 1; } sub filter { my ($pkg, $files, $others) = @_; # Find the latest publish date in our stories my $latest_ts = 0; for (values %$files) { $latest_ts = $_ if $_ > $latest_ts; } # Format the 'latest' variables $latest_rfc822 = format_date('rfc822', $latest_ts); $latest_iso8601 = format_date('iso8601', $latest_ts); return 1; } sub story { my ($pkg, $path, $filename, $story_ref, $title_ref, $body_ref) = @_; ($story_rfc822, $story_mtime_rfc822) = get_story_dates('rfc822', $path, $filename); ($story_iso8601, $story_mtime_iso8601) = get_story_dates('iso8601', $path, $filename); return 1; } # Get the 'file' (publish/official) and 'mtime' formatted dates for the given story file sub get_story_dates { my ($format, $path, $filename) = @_; my ($file_dt, $mtime_dt) = ('', ''); $path ||= ''; my $story_file = "$blosxom::datadir$path/$filename.$blosxom::file_extension"; my $timestamp = $blosxom::files{ $story_file }; # debug(2, "$path/$filename timestamp: $timestamp"); if (my $stat = stat( $story_file )) { if (my $mtime = $stat->mtime) { # debug(2, "$path/$filename mtime: = $mtime"); $mtime_dt = format_date($format, $mtime); $timestamp ||= $mtime; } else { warn "storydate: cannot get mtime on story file '$story_file'\n"; } } else { warn "storydate: cannot stat story file '$story_file'\n"; } $file_dt = format_date($format, $timestamp) if $timestamp; return wantarray ? ( $file_dt, $mtime_dt ) : $file_dt; } sub format_date { my ($format, $time, $use_gmtime) = @_; return unless $format; my $date = ''; if ($format =~ m/%/) { $date = strftime($format, $time, $use_gmtime); } elsif ($strftime_formats{ $format }) { $date = strftime($strftime_formats{ $format }, $time, $use_gmtime); } # Hack to handle the fact that ISO8601 dates require a : in the timezone, which strftime doesn't support if ($format eq 'iso8601') { $date =~ s/(\d)(\d{2})$/$1:$2/; } return $date; } # strftime wrapper, using the first strftime() it finds in 'strftime_modules' my %cache = (); my $strftime_module = ''; sub strftime { my ($format, $time, $use_gmtime) = @_; return unless $format && $time; $use_gmtime = 0 unless defined $use_gmtime; # Check cache my $cache_key = "$time:$use_gmtime:$format"; return $cache{ $cache_key } if exists $cache{ $cache_key }; # For testing $strftime_module = $ENV{BLOSXOM_STORYDATE_STRFTIME_MODULE}; # Search for a strftime module, and load if (! $strftime_module) { for my $module (@{$config{strftime_modules}}) { if (eval "require $module") { $strftime_module = $module; # debug(2, "strftime_module: $strftime_module"); last; } } if (! $strftime_module) { warn "storydate: cannot find any suitable strftime module\n"; return ''; } } my $datetime = ''; if ($strftime_module eq 'Time::Piece') { my $t = $use_gmtime ? Time::Piece->gmtime($time) : Time::Piece->localtime($time); # Seems to be a bug in Time::Piece %z handling - workaround my $tz_offset = sprintf("%+03d%02d", int($t->tzoffset / 3600), ($t->tzoffset % 3600) / 60); $format =~ s/%z/$tz_offset/g; $datetime = $t->strftime( $format ); } elsif ($strftime_module eq 'Date::Format') { my @t = $use_gmtime ? gmtime($time) : localtime($time); $datetime = Date::Format::strftime($format, \@t); } elsif ($strftime_module eq 'POSIX') { my @t = $use_gmtime ? gmtime($time) : localtime($time); $datetime = POSIX::strftime($format, @t); } $cache{ $cache_key } = $datetime if $datetime; return $datetime; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME storydate - blosxom plugin to provide story dates in various formats for use by other plugins =head1 DESCRIPTION storydate is a blosxom plugin that provides story dates in various formats for use by other plugins. It defines the following variables: =over 4 =item $story_rfc822 The official/publication date of the story in RFC822 format. =item $story_iso8601 The official/publication date of the story in ISO8601 format. =item $story_mtime_rfc822 The last modification time of the story in RFC822 format. =item $story_mtime_iso8601 The last modification time of the story in ISO8601 format. =item $now_rfc822 The current time in RFC822 format. =item $now_iso8601 The current time in ISO8601 format. =item $latest_rfc822 The latest story publication date, in RFC822 format. =item $latest_iso8601 The latest story publication date, in ISO8601 format. =back In addition, storydate defines a few subroutines that might be useful to other plugins: =over 4 =item strftime($format, $time) Returns $time, formatted according to the L format $format. Requires one of the following perl modules be available to provide a strftime() function: Time::Piece, Date::Format, or POSIX. =item get_story_dates($format, $path, $filename) Returns the publication date and the last modified date of the story at "$path/$filename.$blosxom::file_extension", formatted according to the L format $format. =back =head1 USAGE storydate should be loaded early, before any story plugins that want to make use of it. =head1 SEE ALSO lastmodified2 Blosxom: http://blosxom.sourceforge.net/ =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS storydate is based on Frank Hecker's lastmodified2 plugin, which is itself based on Bob Schumaker's lastmodified plugin. The problem with lastmodified2 is that its HTTP header functionality requires that it runs very late, which makes it useless for providing dates to story plugins. storydate is basically just all the parts of lastmodified2 that can be run early pulled out into a separate plugin. =head1 AUTHOR Gavin Carr , http://www.openfusion.net/ =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2007, Gavin Carr. This plugin is licensed under the same terms as blosxom itself i.e. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =cut # vim:ft=perl:sw=4