# Blosxom Plugin: mason_blocks # Author(s): Gavin Carr # Version: 0.001000 package mason_blocks; use strict; # --- Configurable variables ----- # Debug verbosity my $debug_level = 0; # -------------------------------- sub start { 1 }; sub head { my($pkg, $currentdir, $head_ref) = @_; munge_blocks($head_ref); return 1; } sub story { my ($pkg, $path, $filename, $story_ref, $title_ref, $body_ref) = @_; munge_blocks($story_ref); return 1; } sub foot { my($pkg, $currentdir, $foot_ref) = @_; munge_blocks($foot_ref); return 1; } sub munge_blocks { my ($flavour_ref) = @_; my @flavour = (); my ($doc, @if, @else, @if_blocks, @else_blocks); @if = @else = @if_blocks = @else_blocks = (); for (split /\n/, $$flavour_ref) { # Ignore lines beginning with '%#' next if m/^%\s*#/; # Ignore if in doc block <%doc> .... (at beginning of lines) if (m!^! && $doc) { $doc = 0; next; } elsif ($doc) { next; } elsif (m!^<%doc>!) { $doc = 1; next; } # Minimalist version - if, } else {, } only, nesting supported if (m/^%\s*if\b/) { my $if = $_; $if =~ s/^%\s*if\s*//; $if =~ s/\s*{\s*$//; # New block, record condition, and add new entries to other arrays push @if, $if; push @else, 0; push @if_blocks, []; push @else_blocks, []; next; } elsif (m/^%\s*\}\s*else\s*\{/) { # Else at same level - set current else flag to true $else[$#else] = 1; next; } elsif (m/^%\s*\}/) { # End of block - pull latest entries from all arrays my $if = pop @if; my $else = pop @else; my $if_block = pop @if_blocks; my $else_block = pop @else_blocks; warn "end_block: if '$if', if block " . scalar(@$if_block) . " lines, else block " . scalar(@$else_block) . " lines\n" if $debug_level; # Check condition, and replace current line with appropriate flattened block if (eval "$if") { $_ = join "\n", @$if_block; } else { $_ = join "\n", @$else_block; } } # Regular line - add to @else_blocks, @if_blocks, or @flavour if (@else && $else[$#else]) { push @{$else_blocks[$#else_blocks]}, $_; } elsif (@if) { push @{$if_blocks[$#if_blocks]}, $_; } else { push @flavour, $_; } } $$flavour_ref = join "\n", @flavour; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME mason_blocks - blosxom plugin to support simple mason-style if-blocks in blosxom flavours/templates =head1 SYNOPSIS # In a flavour or template file ... # Mason-style conditionals % if ($pagetype::pagetype ne 'story') { Comments ($feedback::count) » % } else { Leave a comment » % } # Mason-style comments %# Only show a comments section if there are comments % if ($feedback::count > 0) { $feedback::comments % } # Mason-style block comments <%doc> This is a great big multi-line, extremely important comment. =head1 DESCRIPTION mason_blocks is a blosxom plugin implementing simple conditional and commment blocks using mason-style syntax (as in the HTML::Mason perl templating system), for use in blosxom flavour and template files. =head2 CONDITIONALS mason_blocks supports simple if and if-else blocks using lines beginning with the '%' character (which must be the first character on the line) e.g. % if ($pagetype::pagetype eq 'story') { Leave a comment » % } and % if ($pagetype::pagetype ne 'story') { Comments ($feedback::count) » % } else { Leave a comment » % } Whitespace is not significant, but braces are required and should match, just as in perl. The if-conditions can comprise any valid perl condition. =head2 COMMENTS Two comment styles are also supported. Single line comments must begin with a '%' character, followed by optional whitespace, follwed by a '#' character, and continue only to the end of the line e.g. %# This is a completely profound and illuminating comment % # As is this Block comments must begin with a <%doc> token (at the beginning of a line) and end with a token (also at the beginning of a line). All text between these two tokens is treated as a comment and not included in output. For example: <%doc> More enlightening profundities from your template author Explaining why this stuff is as ugly as it is ... Block comments cannot be nested. =head2 VS. INTERPOLATE_FANCY mason_blocks was initially born out of my frustration with older versions of interpolate_fancy not supporting nested constructs properly (though I'd also been frustrated with the syntax and the limits on the conditionals available). I thought for an experiment I'd see how hard simple non-nested conditionals using a mason-style syntax would be, and it turned out to be not very difficult at all. I no longer use interpolate_fancy at all - my limited use cases seem better met using mason_blocks. As I see it, mason_blocks has the following advantages over interpolate_fancy: =over 4 =item Nesting support Earlier versions of interpolate_fancy had problems with nested constructs. I believe that this has been fixed in the later versions updated by Matthijs Kooijman (>= version 20060111). mason_blocks fully supports nested conditionals. =item If-Else Constructs mason_blocks supports simple if-else blocks, instead of making you use 'if x eq 1; if x ne 1' pairs. It does not currently support elsif, however. =item Full perl conditions mason_blocks allows you to use full perl conditions (including composite conditions) instead of being limited to simple conditions using only the most common operators. For instance, all of the following require hoop jumping with interpolate_fancy: =over 4 =item if ($foo >= 3) =item if (substr($foo, 3, 1) eq 'X') =item if ($pagetype::pagetype eq 'story' && $feedback::comments > 0) =back =back mason_blocks does not provide any of interpolate_fancy's interpolation or action functionality, however. =head1 USAGE mason_blocks should probably be loaded relatively late, since you'll often want to use various plugin package variables in your conditionals. It uses the 'head', 'story', and 'footer' hooks, rather than 'interpolate', so it should be able to be used alongside any of the interpolate plugins if you wish. =head1 SEE ALSO HTML::Mason, for the block syntax (the module is not used or required by this plugin, however). Blosxom: http://blosxom.sourceforge.net/ =head1 BUGS Please report bugs either directly to the author or to the blosxom development mailing list: . =head1 TODO - add elsif support =head1 AUTHOR Gavin Carr , http://www.openfusion.net/ =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2007, Gavin Carr. This plugin is licensed under the same terms as blosxom itself i.e. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =cut # vim:ft=perl