2012-02-29 Matthijs Kooijmanrsyslog: Only do local logging for local messages.
2012-02-29 Matthijs Kooijmanrsyslog: Don't do remote logging
2012-02-29 Matthijs Kooijmanrsyslog: Enable remote logging mail template
2012-02-29 Matthijs Kooijmanbash: Don't enable extended completion twice.
2012-02-29 Matthijs Kooijmansystem: Set nameserver to use Google DNS
2012-02-29 Matthijs Kooijmanpam: Use minimum_uid=2000 instead of 1000
2012-02-29 Matthijs Kooijmanbash: Enable colored prompts by default
2012-02-29 Matthijs Kooijmanpam: Enable pam_mkhomedir for sshd and login.
2012-02-28 Matthijs Kooijmanapt: Add wheezy mirror to sources.list
2012-02-28 Matthijs Kooijmanpam: Add complete configuration.
2012-02-28 Matthijs Kooijmannslcd: Set rootpwmoddn so root can change ldap passwords.
2012-02-28 Matthijs Kooijmannslcd: Update configuration for 0.7.x.
2011-10-03 Matthijs Kooijmannss: Use libnss-ldapd for user and group lookups.
2011-10-03 Matthijs Kooijmannslcd: Add working configuration files.
2011-09-22 rootnss: Add default nsswitch.conf.
2011-08-16 Matthijsrsyslog: Update configuration.
2011-08-16 Matthijsrsyslog: Add default configuration
2011-08-16 Matthijsnullmailer: Add configuration.
2011-08-16 Matthijs Kooijmanapt: Set the Default-Release to "stable".
2011-08-16 Matthijs Kooijmanbash: Enable extended completion.
2011-08-16 Matthijsbash: Add initial bashrc.
2011-08-16 Matthijs Kooijmanapt: Add to sources.list.
2011-08-16 Matthijs Kooijmanapt: Add default sources.list.
2011-03-24 Matthijs KooijmanEmpty initial commit.