module Adders where
import Bits
import qualified Sim
+import qualified Prelude as P
+import Prelude hiding (
+ null, length, head, tail, last, init, take, drop, (++), map, foldl, foldr,
+ zipWith, zip, unzip, concat, reverse, iterate )
import Language.Haskell.Syntax
-import qualified Data.TypeLevel as TypeLevel
-import qualified Data.Param.FSVec as FSVec
+import Types
+import Data.Param.TFVec
-mainIO f = Sim.simulateIO (Sim.stateless f) ()
+-- mainIO f = Sim.simulateIO (Sim.stateless f) ()
-- This function is from Sim.hs, but we redefine it here so it can get inlined
-- by default.
-stateless :: (i -> o) -> (i -> () -> ((), o))
-stateless f = \i s -> (s, f i)
-show_add f = do print ("Sum: " ++ (displaysigs s)); print ("Carry: " ++ (displaysig c))
- where
- a = [High, High, High, High]
- b = [Low, Low, Low, High]
- (s, c) = f (a, b)
-mux2 :: Bit -> (Bit, Bit) -> Bit
-mux2 Low (a, b) = a
-mux2 High (a, b) = b
+-- stateless :: (i -> o) -> (i -> () -> ((), o))
+-- stateless f = \i s -> (s, f i)
+-- show_add f = do print ("Sum: " ++ (displaysigs s)); print ("Carry: " ++ (displaysig c))
+-- where
+-- a = [High, High, High, High]
+-- b = [Low, Low, Low, High]
+-- (s, c) = f (a, b)
+-- mux2 :: Bit -> (Bit, Bit) -> Bit
+-- mux2 Low (a, b) = a
+-- mux2 High (a, b) = b
-- Not really an adder, but this is nice minimal hardware description
-wire :: Bit -> Bit
-wire a = a
+-- wire :: Bit -> Bit
+-- wire a = a
-bus :: (TypeLevel.Pos len) => BitVec len -> BitVec len
-bus v = v
-bus_4 :: BitVec TypeLevel.D4 -> BitVec TypeLevel.D4
-bus_4 v = v
+-- bus :: (TypeLevel.Pos len) => BitVec len -> BitVec len
+-- bus v = v
+-- bus_4 :: BitVec TypeLevel.D4 -> BitVec TypeLevel.D4
+-- bus_4 v = v
inv_n :: (Pos len) => BitVec len -> BitVec len
inv_n_rec v = v
-- Not really an adder either, but a slightly more complex example
-inv :: Bit -> Bit
-inv a = let r = hwnot a in r
+-- inv :: Bit -> Bit
+-- inv a = let r = hwnot a in r
-- Not really an adder either, but a slightly more complex example
-invinv :: Bit -> Bit
-invinv a = hwnot (hwnot a)
+-- invinv :: Bit -> Bit
+-- invinv a = hwnot (hwnot a)
-- Not really an adder either, but a slightly more complex example
-dup :: Bit -> (Bit, Bit)
-dup a = (a, a)
+-- dup :: Bit -> (Bit, Bit)
+-- dup a = (a, a)
-- Not really an adder either, but a simple stateful example (D-flipflop)
-dff :: Bit -> Bit -> (Bit, Bit)
-dff d s = (s', q)
- where
- q = s
- s' = d
-type ShifterState = (Bit, Bit, Bit, Bit)
-shifter :: Bit -> ShifterState -> (ShifterState, Bit)
-shifter i (a, b, c, d) =
- (s', d)
- where
- s' = (i, a, b, c)
-{-# NOINLINE shifter_en #-}
-shifter_en :: Bit -> Bit-> ShifterState -> (ShifterState, Bit)
-shifter_en High i (a, b, c, d) =
- (s', d)
- where
- s' = (i, a, b, c)
-shifter_en Low i s@(a, b, c, d) =
- (s, d)
+-- dff :: Bit -> Bit -> (Bit, Bit)
+-- dff d s = (s', q)
+-- where
+-- q = s
+-- s' = d
+-- type ShifterState = (Bit, Bit, Bit, Bit)
+-- shifter :: Bit -> ShifterState -> (ShifterState, Bit)
+-- shifter i (a, b, c, d) =
+-- (s', d)
+-- where
+-- s' = (i, a, b, c)
+-- {-# NOINLINE shifter_en #-}
+-- shifter_en :: Bit -> Bit-> ShifterState -> (ShifterState, Bit)
+-- shifter_en High i (a, b, c, d) =
+-- (s', d)
+-- where
+-- s' = (i, a, b, c)
+-- shifter_en Low i s@(a, b, c, d) =
+-- (s, d)
-- Two multiplexed shifters
-type ShiftersState = (ShifterState, ShifterState)
-shifters :: Bit -> Bit -> ShiftersState -> (ShiftersState, Bit)
-shifters sel i (sa, sb) =
- (s', out)
- where
- (sa', outa) = shifter_en sel i sa
- (sb', outb) = shifter_en (hwnot sel) i sb
- s' = (sa', sb')
- out = if sel == High then outa else outb
+-- type ShiftersState = (ShifterState, ShifterState)
+-- shifters :: Bit -> Bit -> ShiftersState -> (ShiftersState, Bit)
+-- shifters sel i (sa, sb) =
+-- (s', out)
+-- where
+-- (sa', outa) = shifter_en sel i sa
+-- (sb', outb) = shifter_en (hwnot sel) i sb
+-- s' = (sa', sb')
+-- out = if sel == High then outa else outb
-- Combinatoric stateless no-carry adder
-- A -> B -> S
-no_carry_adder :: (Bit, Bit) -> Bit
-no_carry_adder (a, b) = a `hwxor` b
+-- no_carry_adder :: (Bit, Bit) -> Bit
+-- no_carry_adder (a, b) = a `hwxor` b
-- Combinatoric stateless half adder
-- A -> B -> (S, C)
-half_adder :: (Bit, Bit) -> (Bit, Bit)
-{-# NOINLINE half_adder #-}
-half_adder (a, b) =
- ( a `hwxor` b, a `hwand` b )
+-- half_adder :: (Bit, Bit) -> (Bit, Bit)
+-- {-# NOINLINE half_adder #-}
+-- half_adder (a, b) =
+-- ( a `hwxor` b, a `hwand` b )
-- Combinatoric stateless full adder
-- (A, B, C) -> (S, C)
-full_adder :: (Bit, Bit, Bit) -> (Bit, Bit)
-full_adder (a, b, cin) = (s, c)
- where
- (s1, c1) = half_adder(a, b)
- (s, c2) = half_adder(s1, cin)
- c = c1 `hwor` c2
-sfull_adder = stateless full_adder
+-- full_adder :: (Bit, Bit, Bit) -> (Bit, Bit)
+-- full_adder (a, b, cin) = (s, c)
+-- where
+-- (s1, c1) = half_adder(a, b)
+-- (s, c2) = half_adder(s1, cin)
+-- c = c1 `hwor` c2
+-- sfull_adder = stateless full_adder
-- Four bit adder
-- Explicit version
-- [a] -> [b] -> ([s], cout)
-exp_adder :: ([Bit], [Bit]) -> ([Bit], Bit)
-exp_adder ([a3,a2,a1,a0], [b3,b2,b1,b0]) =
- ([s3, s2, s1, s0], c3)
- where
- (s0, c0) = full_adder (a0, b0, Low)
- (s1, c1) = full_adder (a1, b1, c0)
- (s2, c2) = full_adder (a2, b2, c1)
- (s3, c3) = full_adder (a3, b3, c2)
+-- exp_adder :: ([Bit], [Bit]) -> ([Bit], Bit)
+-- exp_adder ([a3,a2,a1,a0], [b3,b2,b1,b0]) =
+-- ([s3, s2, s1, s0], c3)
+-- where
+-- (s0, c0) = full_adder (a0, b0, Low)
+-- (s1, c1) = full_adder (a1, b1, c0)
+-- (s2, c2) = full_adder (a2, b2, c1)
+-- (s3, c3) = full_adder (a3, b3, c2)
-- Any number of bits adder
-- Recursive version
-- [a] -> [b] -> ([s], cout)
-rec_adder :: ([Bit], [Bit]) -> ([Bit], Bit)
-rec_adder ([], []) = ([], Low)
-rec_adder ((a:as), (b:bs)) =
- (s : rest, cout)
- where
- (rest, cin) = rec_adder (as, bs)
- (s, cout) = full_adder (a, b, cin)
-foo = id
-add, sub :: Int -> Int -> Int
-add a b = a + b
-sub a b = a - b
-highordtest = \x ->
- let s = foo x
- in
- case s of
- (a, b) ->
- case a of
- High -> add
- Low -> let
- op' = case b of
- High -> sub
- Low -> \c d -> c
- in
- \c d -> op' d c
+-- rec_adder :: ([Bit], [Bit]) -> ([Bit], Bit)
+-- rec_adder ([], []) = ([], Low)
+-- rec_adder ((a:as), (b:bs)) =
+-- (s : rest, cout)
+-- where
+-- (rest, cin) = rec_adder (as, bs)
+-- (s, cout) = full_adder (a, b, cin)
+-- foo = id
+-- add, sub :: Int -> Int -> Int
+-- add a b = a + b
+-- sub a b = a - b
+-- highordtest = \x ->
+-- let s = foo x
+-- in
+-- case s of
+-- (a, b) ->
+-- case a of
+-- High -> add
+-- Low -> let
+-- op' = case b of
+-- High -> sub
+-- Low -> \c d -> c
+-- in
+-- \c d -> op' d c
+functiontest :: TFVec D4 Bit -> Bit
+functiontest = \v -> let r = head v in r
-- Four bit adder, using the continous adder below
-- [a] -> [b] -> ([s], cout)