-- Perform this transform everywhere
funproptop = everywhere ("funprop", funprop)
+-- Function-typed argument extraction
+-- This transform takes any function-typed argument that cannot be propagated
+-- (because the function that is applied to it is a builtin function), and
+-- puts it in a brand new top level binder. This allows us to for example
+-- apply map to a lambda expression This will not conflict with inlinefun,
+-- since that only inlines local let bindings, not top level bindings.
+funextract, funextracttop :: Transform
+funextract expr@(App _ _) | is_var fexpr = do
+ body_maybe <- Trans.lift $ getGlobalBind f
+ case body_maybe of
+ -- We don't have a function body for f, so we can perform this transform.
+ Nothing -> do
+ -- Find the new arguments
+ args' <- mapM doarg args
+ -- And update the arguments. We use return instead of changed, so the
+ -- changed flag doesn't get set if none of the args got changed.
+ return $ MkCore.mkCoreApps fexpr args'
+ -- We have a function body for f, leave this application to funprop
+ Just _ -> return expr
+ where
+ -- Find the function called and the arguments
+ (fexpr, args) = collectArgs expr
+ Var f = fexpr
+ -- Leave simple arguments untouched
+ doarg (Var arg) = return $ Var arg
+ -- Change any arguments that have a function type, but no free variables.
+ -- We could use is_applicable here, but I think arguments to functions
+ -- could only have forall typing when existential typing is enabled. Not
+ -- sure, though.
+ doarg arg | is_fun arg && not (has_free_vars arg) = do
+ -- Create a new top level binding that binds the argument
+ id <- mkBinderFor arg "fun"
+ Trans.lift $ addGlobalBind id arg
+ -- Replace the argument with a reference to the argument
+ change $ Var id
+ -- Leave all other arguments untouched
+ doarg arg = return arg
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+funextract expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+funextracttop = everywhere ("funextract", funextract)
-- End of transformations
-- What transforms to run?
-transforms = [typeproptop, funproptop, etatop, betatop, castproptop, letremovetop, letrectop, letsimpltop, letflattop, casewildtop, scrutsimpltop, casevalsimpltop, caseremovetop, inlinefuntop, appsimpltop]
+transforms = [typeproptop, funproptop, funextracttop, etatop, betatop, castproptop, letremovetop, letrectop, letsimpltop, letflattop, casewildtop, scrutsimpltop, casevalsimpltop, caseremovetop, inlinefuntop, appsimpltop]
-- Turns the given bind into VHDL
normalizeModule ::