xand a b = hwand a b
-functiontest :: TFVec D4 (TFVec D3 Bit) -> TFVec D12 Bit
-functiontest = \v -> let r = concat v in r
+functiontest :: TFVec D4 (TFVec D3 Bit) -> (TFVec D12 Bit, TFVec D3 Bit)
+functiontest = \v -> let r = (concat v, head v) in r
xhwnot x = hwnot x
import Data.Param.TFVec
import Data.RangedWord
-constant :: NaturalT n => e -> Op n e
+constant :: e -> Op D4 e
constant e a b =
- copy e
+ (e +> (e +> (e +> (singleton e))))
invop :: Op n Bit
invop a b = map hwnot a
-- Is any bit set?
--anyset :: (PositiveT n) => Op n Bit
-anyset :: NaturalT n => Op n Bit
+anyset :: (Bit -> Bit -> Bit) -> Op D4 Bit
--anyset a b = copy undefined (a' `hwor` b')
-anyset a b = constant (a' `hwor` b') a b
+anyset f a b = constant (a' `hwor` b') a b
- a' = foldl hwor Low a
- b' = foldl hwor Low b
+ a' = foldl f Low a
+ b' = foldl f Low b
+xhwor = hwor
type Op n e = (TFVec n e -> TFVec n e -> TFVec n e)
type Opcode = Bit
actual_alu :: Opcode -> TFVec D4 Bit -> TFVec D4 Bit -> TFVec D4 Bit
--actual_alu = alu (constant Low) andop
-actual_alu = alu anyset andop
+actual_alu = alu (anyset xhwor) andop
map (Arrow.second $ AST.DesignFile full_context) units
- init_session = VHDLState Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty
+ init_session = VHDLState Map.empty [] Map.empty Map.empty
(units, final_session) =
State.runState (createLibraryUnits binds) init_session
tyfun_decls = map snd $ Map.elems (final_session ^.vsTypeFuns)
- ty_decls = map mktydecl $ Map.elems (final_session ^. vsTypes)
- --vec_decls = map (\(v_id, v_def) -> AST.PDITD $ AST.TypeDec v_id v_def) (Map.elems (final_session ^. vsElemTypes))
+ ty_decls = final_session ^.vsTypeDecls
tfvec_index_decl = AST.PDISD $ AST.SubtypeDec tfvec_indexTM tfvec_index_def
tfvec_range = AST.ConstraintRange $ AST.SubTypeRange (AST.PrimLit "-1") (AST.PrimName $ AST.NAttribute $ AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple integerTM) highId Nothing)
tfvec_index_def = AST.SubtypeIn integerTM (Just tfvec_range)
type_package_body = AST.LUPackageBody $ AST.PackageBody typesId tyfun_decls
subProgSpecs = map subProgSpec tyfun_decls
subProgSpec = \(AST.SubProgBody spec _ _) -> AST.PDISS spec
- mktydecl :: (AST.VHDLId, Either AST.TypeDef AST.SubtypeIn) -> AST.PackageDecItem
- mktydecl (ty_id, Left ty_def) = AST.PDITD $ AST.TypeDec ty_id ty_def
- mktydecl (ty_id, Right ty_def) = AST.PDISD $ AST.SubtypeDec ty_id ty_def
-- Create a use foo.bar.all statement. Takes a list of components in the used
-- name. Must contain at least two components
Just (ty_id, ty_def) -> do
-- TODO: Check name uniqueness
modA vsTypes (Map.insert (OrdType ty) (ty_id, ty_def))
+ modA vsTypeDecls (\typedefs -> typedefs ++ [mktydecl (ty_id, ty_def)])
return ty_id
Nothing -> error $ msg ++ "\nVHDLTools.vhdl_ty: Unsupported Haskell type: " ++ pprString ty ++ "\n"
let vec_id = mkVHDLExtId $ "vector_" ++ (AST.fromVHDLId el_ty_tm)
let vec_def = AST.TDA $ AST.UnconsArrayDef [tfvec_indexTM] el_ty_tm
modA vsTypes (Map.insert (OrdType vec_ty) (vec_id, (Left vec_def)))
+ modA vsTypeDecls (\typedefs -> typedefs ++ [mktydecl (vec_id, (Left vec_def))])
let ty_def = AST.SubtypeIn vec_id (Just range)
return (ty_id, ty_def)
case Map.lookup (OrdType ty) types of
Just (_, Left (AST.TDR (AST.RecordTypeDef elems))) -> return $ map (\(AST.ElementDec id _) -> id) elems
_ -> error $ "\nVHDL.getFieldLabels: Type not found or not a record type? This should not happen! Type: " ++ (show ty)
+mktydecl :: (AST.VHDLId, Either AST.TypeDef AST.SubtypeIn) -> AST.PackageDecItem
+mktydecl (ty_id, Left ty_def) = AST.PDITD $ AST.TypeDec ty_id ty_def
+mktydecl (ty_id, Right ty_def) = AST.PDISD $ AST.SubtypeDec ty_id ty_def
data VHDLState = VHDLState {
-- | A map of Core type -> VHDL Type
vsTypes_ :: TypeMap,
+ -- | A list of type declarations
+ vsTypeDecls_ :: [AST.PackageDecItem],
-- | A map of vector Core type -> VHDL type function
vsTypeFuns_ :: TypeFunMap,
-- | A map of HsFunction -> hardware signature (entity name, port names,