data Bit = High | Low
deriving (P.Show, P.Eq, P.Read, Typeable)
-$(deriveLift1 ''Bit)
+deriveLift1 ''Bit
hwand :: Bit -> Bit -> Bit
hwor :: Bit -> Bit -> Bit
import qualified "transformers" Control.Monad.Trans as Trans
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as Writer
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
-import Data.Accessor
import CoreSyn
-import qualified UniqSupply
import qualified CoreUtils
import qualified Type
-import qualified TcType
-import qualified Name
import qualified Id
import qualified Var
import qualified VarSet
-import qualified NameSet
import qualified CoreFVs
-import qualified CoreUtils
import qualified MkCore
-import qualified HscTypes
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, nest )
-- Local imports
import CLasH.Normalize.NormalizeTypes
import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
import CLasH.Normalize.NormalizeTools
-import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTypes
import qualified CLasH.Utils as Utils
import CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreTools
import CLasH.Utils.Core.BinderTools
-- Remove empty (recursive) lets
letremove, letremovetop :: Transform
-letremove (Let (Rec []) res) = change $ res
+letremove (Let (Rec []) res) = change res
-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
letremove expr = return expr
-- Perform this transform everywhere
-- Extract a complex expression, if possible. For this we check if any of
-- the new list of bndrs are used by expr. We can't use free_vars here,
-- since that looks at the old bndrs.
- let uses_bndrs = not $ VarSet.isEmptyVarSet $ CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (`elem` newbndrs) $ expr
+ let uses_bndrs = not $ VarSet.isEmptyVarSet $ CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (`elem` newbndrs) expr
(exprbinding_maybe, expr') <- doexpr expr uses_bndrs
-- Create a new alternative
let newalt = (con, newbndrs, expr')
id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor expr "caseval"
-- We don't flag a change here, since casevalsimpl will do that above
-- based on Just we return here.
- return $ (Just (id, expr), Var id)
+ return (Just (id, expr), Var id)
-- Don't simplify anything else
return (Nothing, expr)
doarg arg = do
repr <- isRepr arg
bndrs <- Trans.lift getGlobalBinders
- let interesting var = Var.isLocalVar var && (not $ var `elem` bndrs)
+ let interesting var = Var.isLocalVar var && (var `notElem` bndrs)
if not repr && not (is_var arg && interesting (exprToVar arg)) && not (has_free_tyvars arg)
then do
-- Propagate all complex arguments that are not representable, but not
CoreBndr -- ^ The function to get
-> TranslatorSession CoreExpr -- The normalized function body
-getNormalized bndr = Utils.makeCached bndr tsNormalized $ do
+getNormalized bndr = Utils.makeCached bndr tsNormalized $
if is_poly (Var bndr)
-- This should really only happen at the top level... TODO: Give
CoreBndr -- ^ The binder to get the expression for
-> TranslatorSession CoreExpr -- ^ The value bound to the binder
-getBinding bndr = Utils.makeCached bndr tsBindings $ do
+getBinding bndr = Utils.makeCached bndr tsBindings $
-- If the binding isn't in the "cache" (bindings map), then we can't create
-- it out of thin air, so return an error.
error $ "Normalize.getBinding: Unknown function requested: " ++ show bndr
module CLasH.Normalize.NormalizeTools where
-- Standard modules
-import Debug.Trace
-import qualified List
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
-import qualified Data.Either as Either
-import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
-import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as Writer
import qualified "transformers" Control.Monad.Trans as Trans
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Accessor
-import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
+import qualified Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
+-- import Debug.Trace
import CoreSyn
import qualified Name
import qualified Id
import qualified CoreSubst
-import qualified CoreUtils
import qualified Type
-import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, nest )
+-- import qualified CoreUtils
+-- import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, nest )
-- Local imports
import CLasH.Normalize.NormalizeTypes
import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
import CLasH.Utils
-import CLasH.Utils.Pretty
import qualified CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreTools as CoreTools
-import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTypes
import qualified CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTools as VHDLTools
-- Apply the given transformation to all expressions in the given expression,
-- Apply the first transformation, followed by the second transformation, and
-- keep applying both for as long as expression still changes.
applyboth :: Transform -> (String, Transform) -> Transform
-applyboth first (name, second) expr = do
+applyboth first (name, second) expr = do
-- Apply the first
expr' <- first expr
-- Apply the second
(expr'', changed) <- Writer.listen $ second expr'
- if Monoid.getAny $
--- trace ("Trying to apply transform " ++ name ++ " to:\n" ++ showSDoc (nest 4 $ ppr expr') ++ "\nType: \n" ++ (showSDoc $ nest 4 $ ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType expr') ++ "\n") $
+ if Monoid.getAny
+ -- $ trace ("Trying to apply transform " ++ name ++ " to:\n" ++ showSDoc (nest 4 $ ppr expr') ++ "\nType: \n" ++ (showSDoc $ nest 4 $ ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType expr') ++ "\n") $
--- trace ("Applying transform " ++ name ++ " to:\n" ++ showSDoc (nest 4 $ ppr expr') ++ "\nType: \n" ++ (showSDoc $ nest 4 $ ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType expr') ++ "\n") $
--- trace ("Result of applying " ++ name ++ ":\n" ++ showSDoc (nest 4 $ ppr expr'') ++ "\n" ++ "Type: \n" ++ (showSDoc $ nest 4 $ ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType expr'') ++ "\n" ) $
- applyboth first (name, second) $
+ -- trace ("Applying transform " ++ name ++ " to:\n" ++ showSDoc (nest 4 $ ppr expr') ++ "\nType: \n" ++ (showSDoc $ nest 4 $ ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType expr') ++ "\n") $
+ -- trace ("Result of applying " ++ name ++ ":\n" ++ showSDoc (nest 4 $ ppr expr'') ++ "\n" ++ "Type: \n" ++ (showSDoc $ nest 4 $ ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType expr'') ++ "\n" ) $
+ applyboth first (name, second)
--- trace ("No changes") $
+ -- trace ("No changes") $
return expr''
-- Apply the given transformation to all direct subexpressions (only), not the
is_local_var :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> TranslatorSession Bool
is_local_var (CoreSyn.Var v) = do
bndrs <- getGlobalBinders
- return $ not $ v `elem` bndrs
+ return $ v `notElem` bndrs
is_local_var _ = return False
-- Is the given binder defined by the user?
-- System names are certain to not be user defined
isUserDefined bndr | Name.isSystemName (Id.idName bndr) = False
-- Check a list of typical compiler-defined names
-isUserDefined bndr = not $ str `elem` compiler_names
+isUserDefined bndr = str `notElem` compiler_names
str = Name.getOccString bndr
-- These are names of bindings usually generated by the compiler. For some
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module CLasH.Normalize.NormalizeTypes where
-- Standard modules
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as Writer
-import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
-import qualified Data.Accessor.Template
-import Data.Accessor
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Debug.Trace
-import CoreSyn
-import qualified VarSet
-import Outputable ( Outputable, showSDoc, ppr )
+import qualified CoreSyn
-- Local imports
-import CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreShow
-import CLasH.Utils.Pretty
import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
-- Wrap a writer around a TranslatorSession, to run a single transformation
type TransformMonad = Writer.WriterT Monoid.Any TranslatorSession
-- | Transforms a CoreExpr and keeps track if it has changed.
-type Transform = CoreExpr -> TransformMonad CoreExpr
+type Transform = CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> TransformMonad CoreSyn.CoreExpr
module CLasH.Translator
- ( -- makeVHDLStrings
+ (
) where
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (render)
import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Debug.Trace
import qualified CoreSyn
-import qualified GHC
import qualified HscTypes
import qualified UniqSupply
-- VHDL Imports
import qualified Language.VHDL.AST as AST
-import qualified Language.VHDL.FileIO
+import qualified Language.VHDL.FileIO as FileIO
import qualified Language.VHDL.Ppr as Ppr
-- Local Imports
-import CLasH.Normalize
import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
import CLasH.Translator.Annotations
import CLasH.Utils
-import CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreTools
import CLasH.Utils.GhcTools
import CLasH.VHDL
import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTools
FilePath -- ^ The GHC Library Dir
-> [FilePath] -- ^ The FileNames
-> IO ()
-makeVHDLAnnotations libdir filenames = do
+makeVHDLAnnotations libdir filenames =
makeVHDL libdir filenames finder
finder = findSpec (hasCLasHAnnotation isTopEntity)
let top_entity = head $ Maybe.catMaybes $ map (\(t, _, _) -> t) specs
let dir = "./vhdl/" ++ (show top_entity) ++ "/"
prepareDir dir
- mapM (writeVHDL dir) vhdl
+ mapM_ (writeVHDL dir) vhdl
return ()
-- | Translate the specified entities in the given modules to VHDL.
-> IO [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
moduleToVHDL env cores specs = do
vhdl <- runTranslatorSession env $ do
- let all_bindings = concat (map (\x -> CoreSyn.flattenBinds (HscTypes.cm_binds x)) cores)
+ let all_bindings = concatMap (\x -> CoreSyn.flattenBinds (HscTypes.cm_binds x)) cores
-- Store the bindings we loaded
tsBindings %= Map.fromList all_bindings
- let all_initstates = concat (map (\x -> case x of (_, Nothing, _) -> []; (_, Just inits, _) -> inits) specs)
+ let all_initstates = concatMap (\x -> case x of (_, Nothing, _) -> []; (_, Just inits, _) -> inits) specs
tsInitStates %= Map.fromList all_initstates
test_binds <- catMaybesM $ Monad.mapM mkTest specs
- mapM_ printAnns specs
let topbinds = Maybe.catMaybes $ map (\(top, _, _) -> top) specs
case topbinds of
- [] -> error $ "Could not find top entity requested"
+ [] -> error "Could not find top entity requested"
tops -> createDesignFiles (tops ++ test_binds)
- mapM (putStr . render . Ppr.ppr . snd) vhdl
+ mapM_ (putStr . render . Ppr.ppr . snd) vhdl
return vhdl
mkTest :: EntitySpec -> TranslatorSession (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr)
mkTest (Just top, _, Just input) = do
bndr <- createTestbench Nothing cores input top
return $ Just bndr
- printAnns :: EntitySpec -> TranslatorSession ()
- printAnns (_, Nothing, _) = trace ("no anns found:\n\n") $ return ()
- printAnns (_, (Just anns), _) = trace ("anns:\n\n" ++ show anns ++ "\n") $ return ()
-- Run the given translator session. Generates a new UniqSupply for that
-- session.
-- Find the filename
let fname = dir ++ (AST.fromVHDLId name) ++ ".vhdl"
-- Write the file
- Language.VHDL.FileIO.writeDesignFile vhdl fname
+ FileIO.writeDesignFile vhdl fname
-- vim: set ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module CLasH.Translator.Annotations where
-import Language.Haskell.TH
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import Data.Data
-data CLasHAnn = TopEntity | InitState Name | TestInput | TestCycles
+data CLasHAnn = TopEntity | InitState TH.Name | TestInput | TestCycles
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
isTopEntity :: CLasHAnn -> Bool
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- Simple module providing some types used by Translator. These are in a
-- separate module to prevent circular dependencies in Pretty for example.
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes where
-- Standard modules
import qualified HscTypes
import qualified UniqSupply
--- ForSyDe
+-- VHDL Imports
import qualified Language.VHDL.AST as AST
-- Local imports
import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTypes
-import CLasH.Translator.Annotations
-- | A specification of an entity we can generate VHDL for. Consists of the
-- binder of the top level entity, an optional initial state and an optional
-- Derive accessors
-$( Data.Accessor.Template.deriveAccessors ''TypeState )
+Data.Accessor.Template.deriveAccessors ''TypeState
-- Define a session
type TypeSession = State.State TypeState
-- Derive accessors
-$( Data.Accessor.Template.deriveAccessors ''TranslatorState )
+Data.Accessor.Template.deriveAccessors ''TranslatorState
type TranslatorSession = State.State TranslatorState
-- Standard Imports
import qualified Maybe
import Data.Accessor
-import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
+import qualified Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
--- Local Imports
-- Make a caching version of a stateful computatation.
makeCached :: (Monad m, Ord k) =>
module CLasH.Utils.Core.BinderTools where
-- Standard modules
-import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
+import qualified Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
-import CoreSyn
+import qualified CoreSyn
import qualified Type
import qualified UniqSupply
import qualified Unique
import qualified SrcLoc
import qualified IdInfo
import qualified CoreUtils
-import qualified CoreSubst
-import qualified VarSet
-import qualified HscTypes
-- Local imports
import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
-- Creates a binder for the given expression with the given name. This
-- works for both value and type level expressions, so it can return a Var or
-- TyVar (which is just an alias for Var).
-mkBinderFor :: CoreExpr -> String -> TranslatorSession Var.Var
-mkBinderFor (Type ty) string = mkTypeVar string (Type.typeKind ty)
+mkBinderFor :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> String -> TranslatorSession Var.Var
+mkBinderFor (CoreSyn.Type ty) string = mkTypeVar string (Type.typeKind ty)
mkBinderFor expr string = mkInternalVar string (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
-- Creates a reference to the given variable. This works for both a normal
-- variable as well as a type variable
-mkReferenceTo :: Var.Var -> CoreExpr
-mkReferenceTo var | Var.isTyVar var = (Type $ Type.mkTyVarTy var)
- | otherwise = (Var var)
+mkReferenceTo :: Var.Var -> CoreSyn.CoreExpr
+mkReferenceTo var | Var.isTyVar var = (CoreSyn.Type $ Type.mkTyVarTy var)
+ | otherwise = (CoreSyn.Var var)
cloneVar :: Var.Var -> TranslatorSession Var.Var
cloneVar v = do
-- Creates a new function with the same name as the given binder (but with a
-- new unique) and with the given function body. Returns the new binder for
-- this function.
-mkFunction :: CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> TranslatorSession CoreBndr
+mkFunction :: CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> TranslatorSession CoreSyn.CoreBndr
mkFunction bndr body = do
let ty = CoreUtils.exprType body
id <- cloneVar bndr
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving,FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
-module CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreShow where
-- This module derives Show instances for CoreSyn types.
+module CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreShow where
import qualified BasicTypes
import qualified CoreSyn
import qualified TypeRep
import qualified TyCon
import qualified HsTypes
import qualified HsExpr
import qualified HsBinds
import qualified SrcLoc
import qualified RdrName
import Outputable ( Outputable, OutputableBndr, showSDoc, ppr)
-- Derive Show for core expressions and binders, so we can see the actual
-- structure.
deriving instance (Show b) => Show (CoreSyn.Expr b)
-- Implement dummy shows, since deriving them will need loads of other shows
-- as well.
instance Show TypeRep.PredType where
- show t = "_PredType:(" ++ (showSDoc $ ppr t) ++ ")"
+ show t = "_PredType:(" ++ showSDoc (ppr t) ++ ")"
instance Show TyCon.TyCon where
show t | TyCon.isAlgTyCon t && not (TyCon.isTupleTyCon t) =
showtc "AlgTyCon" ""
| TyCon.isSuperKindTyCon t =
showtc "SuperKindTyCon" ""
| otherwise =
- "_Nonexistant tycon?:(" ++ (showSDoc $ ppr t) ++ ")_"
+ "_Nonexistant tycon?:(" ++ showSDoc (ppr t) ++ ")_"
showtc con extra = "(" ++ con ++ " {tyConName = " ++ name ++ extra ++ ", ...})"
name = show (TyCon.tyConName t)
instance (Outputable x) => Show x where
- show x = "__" ++ (showSDoc $ ppr x) ++ "__"
+ show x = "__" ++ showSDoc (ppr x) ++ "__"
--Standard modules
import qualified Maybe
-import System.IO.Unsafe
+import qualified System.IO.Unsafe
import qualified GHC
import qualified TcType
import qualified HsExpr
import qualified HsTypes
-import qualified HsBinds
import qualified HscTypes
-import qualified RdrName
import qualified Name
-import qualified OccName
-import qualified Type
import qualified Id
import qualified TyCon
import qualified DataCon
import qualified TysWiredIn
-import qualified Bag
import qualified DynFlags
import qualified SrcLoc
import qualified CoreSyn
import qualified Var
import qualified IdInfo
import qualified VarSet
-import qualified Unique
import qualified CoreUtils
import qualified CoreFVs
import qualified Literal
import qualified MkCore
import qualified VarEnv
-import qualified Literal
-- Local imports
import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
normalise_tfp_int :: HscTypes.HscEnv -> Type.Type -> Type.Type
normalise_tfp_int env ty =
- unsafePerformIO $ do
- nty <- normaliseType env ty
- return nty
+ System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO $
+ normaliseType env ty
-- | Get the width of a SizedWord type
-- sized_word_len :: HscTypes.HscEnv -> Type.Type -> Int
-- Is the given var the State data constructor?
isStateCon :: Var.Var -> Bool
-isStateCon var = do
+isStateCon var =
-- See if it is a DataConWrapId (not DataConWorkId, since State is a
-- newtype).
case Id.idDetails var of
genUniques' subst (CoreSyn.Let (CoreSyn.Rec binds) res) = do
-- Make each of the binders unique
(subst', bndrs') <- mapAccumLM genUnique subst (map fst binds)
- bounds' <- mapM (genUniques' subst') (map snd binds)
+ bounds' <- mapM (genUniques' subst' . snd) binds
res' <- genUniques' subst' res
let binds' = zip bndrs' bounds'
return $ CoreSyn.Let (CoreSyn.Rec binds') res'
listBindings :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [()]
listBindings libdir filenames = do
(cores,_,_) <- loadModules libdir filenames Nothing
- let binds = concat $ map (CoreSyn.flattenBinds . HscTypes.cm_binds) cores
- mapM (listBinding) binds
+ let binds = concatMap (CoreSyn.flattenBinds . HscTypes.cm_binds) cores
+ mapM listBinding binds
listBinding :: (CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr) -> IO ()
listBinding (b, e) = do
listBind libdir filenames name = do
(cores,_,_) <- loadModules libdir filenames Nothing
bindings <- concatM $ mapM (findBinder (hasVarName name)) cores
- mapM listBinding bindings
+ mapM_ listBinding bindings
return ()
-- Change a DynFlag from within the Ghc monad. Strangely enough there seems to
-- just return an IO monad when they are evaluated).
unsafeRunGhc :: FilePath -> GHC.Ghc a -> a
unsafeRunGhc libDir m =
- System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO $ do
+ System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO $
GHC.runGhc (Just libDir) $ do
dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags
, [EntitySpec]
) -- ^ ( The loaded modules, the resulting ghc environment, the entities to build)
loadModules libdir filenames finder =
- GHC.defaultErrorHandler DynFlags.defaultDynFlags $ do
+ GHC.defaultErrorHandler DynFlags.defaultDynFlags $
GHC.runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags
binders <- findBinder criteria core
case binders of
[] -> return Nothing
- bndrs -> return $ Just $ (map snd bndrs)
+ bndrs -> return $ Just (map snd bndrs)
findExpr ::
Monad m =>
-> m [(CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr)] -- ^ The binders to meet the criteria
findBinder criteria core = do
let binds = CoreSyn.flattenBinds $ HscTypes.cm_binds core
- critbinds <- Monad.filterM (criteria . fst) binds
- return critbinds
+ Monad.filterM (criteria . fst) binds
-- | Determine if a binder has an Annotation meeting a certain criteria
isCLasHAnnotation ::
String -- ^ The name the binder has to have
-> Var.Var -- ^ The Binder
-> m Bool -- ^ Indicate if the binder has the name
-hasVarName lookfor bind = return $ lookfor == (Name.occNameString $ Name.nameOccName $ Name.getName bind)
+hasVarName lookfor bind = return $ lookfor == Name.occNameString (Name.nameOccName $ Name.getName bind)
findInitStates ::
-{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module CLasH.Utils.HsTools where
-- Standard modules
import qualified TcSimplify
import qualified TcTyFuns
import qualified Desugar
-import qualified InstEnv
-import qualified FamInstEnv
import qualified PrelNames
import qualified Module
import qualified OccName
import qualified RdrName
import qualified Name
-import qualified TysWiredIn
import qualified SrcLoc
import qualified LoadIface
import qualified BasicTypes
-import qualified Bag
-- Core representation and handling
import qualified CoreSyn
import qualified Id
import qualified Type
import qualified TyCon
--- Local imports
-import CLasH.Utils.GhcTools
-import CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreShow
-- | Translate a HsExpr to a Core expression. This does renaming, type
-- checking, simplification of class instances and desugaring. The result is
-- a let expression that holds the given expression and a number of binds that
-- Desugar the expression, resulting in core.
let rdr_env = HscTypes.ic_rn_gbl_env icontext
- desugar_expr <- HscTypes.ioMsgMaybe $ Desugar.deSugarExpr env PrelNames.iNTERACTIVE rdr_env HscTypes.emptyTypeEnv letexpr
+ HscTypes.ioMsgMaybe $ Desugar.deSugarExpr env PrelNames.iNTERACTIVE rdr_env HscTypes.emptyTypeEnv letexpr
- return desugar_expr
-- | Create an Id from a RdrName. Might not work for DataCons...
mkId :: RdrName.RdrName -> GHC.Ghc Id.Id
mkId rdr_name = do
env <- GHC.getSession
- id <- HscTypes.ioMsgMaybe $ MonadUtils.liftIO $
+ HscTypes.ioMsgMaybe $ MonadUtils.liftIO $
-- Translage the TcRn (typecheck-rename) monad in an IO monad
TcRnMonad.initTcPrintErrors env PrelNames.iNTERACTIVE $
-- Automatically import all available modules, so fully qualified names
-- Note that tcLookupId doesn't seem to work for DataCons. See source for
-- tcLookupId to find out.
TcEnv.tcLookupId name
- return id
normaliseType ::
occ_name = Name.nameOccName tycon_name
tycon_rdrname = RdrName.mkRdrQual mod_name occ_name
tycon_ty = SrcLoc.noLoc $ HsTypes.HsTyVar tycon_rdrname
- Nothing -> error $ "HsTools.coreToHsType Cannot translate non-tycon type"
+ Nothing -> error "HsTools.coreToHsType Cannot translate non-tycon type"
-- | Evaluate a CoreExpr and return its value. For this to work, the caller
-- should already know the result type for sure, since the result value is
module CLasH.Utils.Pretty (prettyShow, pprString, pprStringDebug) where
+-- Standard imports
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
-import qualified List
+import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass
import qualified CoreSyn
-import qualified Module
-import qualified HscTypes
-import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass
import Outputable ( showSDoc, showSDocDebug, ppr, Outputable, OutputableBndr)
+-- VHDL Imports
import qualified Language.VHDL.Ppr as Ppr
import qualified Language.VHDL.AST as AST
import qualified Language.VHDL.AST.Ppr
-import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
+-- Local imports
import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTypes
import CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreShow
-- Standard modules
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Maybe
-import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
-import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
-import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Accessor
-import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
-import Debug.Trace
+import qualified Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
--- ForSyDe
+-- VHDL Imports
import qualified Language.VHDL.AST as AST
-import CoreSyn
---import qualified Type
-import qualified Name
-import qualified Var
-import qualified IdInfo
-import qualified TyCon
-import qualified DataCon
---import qualified CoreSubst
-import qualified CoreUtils
-import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr )
+import qualified CoreSyn
-- Local imports
import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTypes
import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTools
-import CLasH.Utils.Pretty
-import CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreTools
import CLasH.VHDL.Constants
import CLasH.VHDL.Generate
-import CLasH.VHDL.Testbench
createDesignFiles ::
[CoreSyn.CoreBndr] -- ^ Top binders
createTypesPackage = do
tyfuns <- MonadState.get (tsType .> tsTypeFuns)
- let tyfun_decls = mkBuiltInShow ++ (map snd $ Map.elems tyfuns)
+ let tyfun_decls = mkBuiltInShow ++ map snd (Map.elems tyfuns)
ty_decls_maybes <- MonadState.get (tsType .> tsTypeDecls)
let ty_decls = Maybe.catMaybes ty_decls_maybes
let subProgSpecs = map (\(AST.SubProgBody spec _ _) -> AST.PDISS spec) tyfun_decls
let type_package_dec = AST.LUPackageDec $ AST.PackageDec (mkVHDLBasicId "types") ([tfvec_index_decl] ++ ty_decls ++ subProgSpecs)
let type_package_body = AST.LUPackageBody $ AST.PackageBody typesId tyfun_decls
- return $ (mkVHDLBasicId "types", AST.DesignFile ieee_context [type_package_dec, type_package_body])
+ return (mkVHDLBasicId "types", AST.DesignFile ieee_context [type_package_dec, type_package_body])
tfvec_index_decl = AST.PDISD $ AST.SubtypeDec tfvec_indexTM tfvec_index_def
- tfvec_range = AST.ConstraintRange $ AST.SubTypeRange (AST.PrimLit "-1") (AST.PrimName $ AST.NAttribute $ AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple integerTM) (AST.NSimple $ highId) Nothing)
+ tfvec_range = AST.ConstraintRange $ AST.SubTypeRange (AST.PrimLit "-1") (AST.PrimName $ AST.NAttribute $ AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple integerTM) (AST.NSimple highId) Nothing)
tfvec_index_def = AST.SubtypeIn integerTM (Just tfvec_range)
-- Create a use statement. Takes a list of components in the used
module CLasH.VHDL.Constants where
+-- VHDL Imports
import qualified Language.VHDL.AST as AST
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Maybe
import qualified Data.Either as Either
-import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
-import Debug.Trace
+import qualified Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
--- ForSyDe
+-- VHDL Imports
import qualified Language.VHDL.AST as AST
import CLasH.VHDL.Constants
import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTypes
import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTools
-import CLasH.Utils as Utils
+import CLasH.Utils
import CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreTools
import CLasH.Utils.Pretty
import qualified CLasH.Normalize as Normalize
-> TranslatorSession Entity -- ^ The resulting entity
-getEntity fname = Utils.makeCached fname tsEntities $ do
+getEntity fname = makeCached fname tsEntities $ do
expr <- Normalize.getNormalized fname
-- Split the normalized expression
let (args, binds, res) = Normalize.splitNormalized expr
-> TranslatorSession (Architecture, [CoreSyn.CoreBndr])
-- ^ The architecture for this function
-getArchitecture fname = Utils.makeCached fname tsArchitectures $ do
+getArchitecture fname = makeCached fname tsArchitectures $ do
expr <- Normalize.getNormalized fname
-- Split the normalized expression
let (args, binds, res) = Normalize.splitNormalized expr
-- for the output port (that will already have an output port declared in
-- the entity).
sig_dec_maybes <- mapM (mkSigDec . fst) (filter ((/=res).fst) binds)
- let sig_decs = Maybe.catMaybes $ sig_dec_maybes
+ let sig_decs = Maybe.catMaybes sig_dec_maybes
-- Process each bind, resulting in info about state variables and concurrent
-- statements.
(state_vars, sms) <- Monad.mapAndUnzipM dobind binds
let resvaldec = AST.BDISD $ AST.SigDec resvalid type_mark_res Nothing
let reswform = AST.Wform [AST.WformElem (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple resvalid) Nothing]
let res_assign = AST.SigAssign (varToVHDLName old) reswform
- let blocklabel = mkVHDLBasicId $ "state"
- let statelabel = mkVHDLBasicId $ "stateupdate"
+ let blocklabel = mkVHDLBasicId "state"
+ let statelabel = mkVHDLBasicId "stateupdate"
let rising_edge = AST.NSimple $ mkVHDLBasicId "rising_edge"
let wform = AST.Wform [AST.WformElem (AST.PrimName $ varToVHDLName new) Nothing]
let clk_assign = AST.SigAssign (varToVHDLName old) wform
-- Simple a = b assignments are just like applications, but without arguments.
-- We can't just generate an unconditional assignment here, since b might be a
-- top level binding (e.g., a function with no arguments).
-mkConcSm (bndr, CoreSyn.Var v) = do
+mkConcSm (bndr, CoreSyn.Var v) =
genApplication (Left bndr) v []
mkConcSm (bndr, app@(CoreSyn.App _ _))= do
let sel_name = varToVHDLName scrut
let sel_expr = AST.PrimName sel_name
return ([mkUncondAssign (Left bndr) sel_expr], [])
- otherwise -> do
+ otherwise ->
case htypeScrt of
Right (AggrType _ _) -> do
labels <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getFieldLabels (Id.idType scrut)
Just _ -> do
vhdl_expr <- varToVHDLExpr $ exprToVar expr
return $ Just vhdl_expr
- Nothing -> return $ Nothing
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
argToVHDLExpr (Right expr) = return $ Just expr
hscenv <- MonadState.lift tsType $ MonadState.get tsHscEnv
let (exprargs, []) = Either.partitionEithers args
-- FIXME: Check if we were passed an CoreSyn.App
- let litargs = concat (map (getLiterals hscenv) exprargs)
+ let litargs = concatMap (getLiterals hscenv) exprargs
let args' = map exprToLit litargs
- concsms <- wrap dst func args'
- return concsms
+ wrap dst func args'
-- | A function to wrap a builder-like function that produces an expression
-- and expects it to be assigned to the destination.
-> ((Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName) -> func -> [arg] -> TranslatorSession [AST.ConcSm])
genExprRes wrap dst func args = do
expr <- wrap dst func args
- return $ [mkUncondAssign dst expr]
+ return [mkUncondAssign dst expr]
-- | Generate a binary operator application. The first argument should be a
-- constructor from the AST.Expr type, e.g. AST.And.
genFromSizedWord :: BuiltinBuilder
genFromSizedWord = genNoInsts $ genExprArgs genFromSizedWord'
genFromSizedWord' :: Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> [AST.Expr] -> TranslatorSession [AST.ConcSm]
-genFromSizedWord' (Left res) f args@[arg] = do
- return $ [mkUncondAssign (Left res) arg]
+genFromSizedWord' (Left res) f args@[arg] =
+ return [mkUncondAssign (Left res) arg]
-- let fname = varToString f
-- return $ AST.PrimFCall $ AST.FCall (AST.NSimple (mkVHDLBasicId toIntegerId)) $
-- map (\exp -> Nothing AST.:=>: AST.ADExpr exp) args
genFold' :: Bool -> (Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName) -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> [Var.Var] -> TranslatorSession ([AST.ConcSm], [CoreSyn.CoreBndr])
genFold' left res f args@[folded_f , start ,vec]= do
- len <- MonadState.lift tsType $ tfp_to_int $ (tfvec_len_ty (Var.varType vec))
+ len <- MonadState.lift tsType $ tfp_to_int (tfvec_len_ty (Var.varType vec))
genFold'' len left res f args
genFold'' :: Int -> Bool -> (Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName) -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> [Var.Var] -> TranslatorSession ([AST.ConcSm], [CoreSyn.CoreBndr])
[Right argexpr2, Right argexpr1]
-- Return the conditional generate part
- return $ (AST.GenerateSm cond_label cond_scheme [] app_concsms, used)
+ return (AST.GenerateSm cond_label cond_scheme [] app_concsms, used)
genOtherCell = do
len <- MonadState.lift tsType $ tfp_to_int $ (tfvec_len_ty . Var.varType) vec
[Right argexpr2, Right argexpr1]
-- Return the conditional generate part
- return $ (AST.GenerateSm cond_label cond_scheme [] app_concsms, used)
+ return (AST.GenerateSm cond_label cond_scheme [] app_concsms, used)
-- | Generate a generate statement for the builtin function "zip"
genZip :: BuiltinBuilder
genCopy' (Left res) f args@[arg] =
resExpr = AST.Aggregate [AST.ElemAssoc (Just AST.Others)
- (AST.PrimName $ (varToVHDLName arg))]
+ (AST.PrimName (varToVHDLName arg))]
out_assign = mkUncondAssign (Left res) resExpr
return [out_assign]
let argexpr = vhdlNameToVHDLExpr $ mkIndexedName tmp_name n_prev
(app_concsms, used) <- genApplication (Right resname) app_f [Right argexpr]
-- Return the conditional generate part
- return $ (AST.GenerateSm cond_label cond_scheme [] app_concsms, used)
+ return (AST.GenerateSm cond_label cond_scheme [] app_concsms, used)
genBlockRAM :: BuiltinBuilder
genBlockRAM = genNoInsts $ genExprArgs genBlockRAM'
-> TranslatorSession ([AST.ConcSm], [CoreSyn.CoreBndr])
-- ^ The corresponding VHDL concurrent statements and entities
-- instantiated.
-genApplication dst f args = do
- case Var.isGlobalId f of
- False -> do
- top <- isTopLevelBinder f
- case top of
- True -> do
- -- Local binder that references a top level binding. Generate a
- -- component instantiation.
- signature <- getEntity f
- args' <- argsToVHDLExprs args
- let entity_id = ent_id signature
- -- TODO: Using show here isn't really pretty, but we'll need some
- -- unique-ish value...
- let label = "comp_ins_" ++ (either (prettyShow . varToVHDLName) prettyShow) dst
- let portmaps = mkAssocElems args' ((either varToVHDLName id) dst) signature
- return ([mkComponentInst label entity_id portmaps], [f])
- False -> do
- -- Not a top level binder, so this must be a local variable reference.
- -- It should have a representable type (and thus, no arguments) and a
- -- signal should be generated for it. Just generate an unconditional
- -- assignment here.
- f' <- MonadState.lift tsType $ varToVHDLExpr f
- return $ ([mkUncondAssign dst f'], [])
- True ->
- case Var.idDetails f of
- IdInfo.DataConWorkId dc -> case dst of
- -- It's a datacon. Create a record from its arguments.
- Left bndr -> do
- -- We have the bndr, so we can get at the type
- htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHTypeEither (Var.varType bndr)
- let argsNostate = filter (\x -> not (either hasStateType (\x -> False) x)) args
- case argsNostate of
- [arg] -> do
- [arg'] <- argsToVHDLExprs [arg]
- return $ ([mkUncondAssign dst arg'], [])
- otherwise -> do
- case htype of
- Right (AggrType _ _) -> do
- labels <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getFieldLabels (Var.varType bndr)
- args' <- argsToVHDLExprs argsNostate
- return $ (zipWith mkassign labels $ args', [])
- where
- mkassign :: AST.VHDLId -> AST.Expr -> AST.ConcSm
- mkassign label arg =
- let sel_name = mkSelectedName ((either varToVHDLName id) dst) label in
- mkUncondAssign (Right sel_name) arg
- _ -> do -- error $ "DIE!"
- args' <- argsToVHDLExprs argsNostate
- return $ ([mkUncondAssign dst (head args')], [])
- Right _ -> error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication: Can't generate dataconstructor application without an original binder"
- IdInfo.DataConWrapId dc -> case dst of
- -- It's a datacon. Create a record from its arguments.
- Left bndr -> do
- case (Map.lookup (varToString f) globalNameTable) of
- Just (arg_count, builder) ->
- if length args == arg_count then
- builder dst f args
- else
- error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication(DataConWrapId): Incorrect number of arguments to builtin function: " ++ pprString f ++ " Args: " ++ show args
- Nothing -> error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication: Can't generate dataconwrapper: " ++ (show dc)
- Right _ -> error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication: Can't generate dataconwrapper application without an original binder"
- IdInfo.VanillaId -> do
- -- It's a global value imported from elsewhere. These can be builtin
- -- functions. Look up the function name in the name table and execute
- -- the associated builder if there is any and the argument count matches
- -- (this should always be the case if it typechecks, but just to be
- -- sure...).
+genApplication dst f args =
+ if Var.isGlobalId f then
+ case Var.idDetails f of
+ IdInfo.DataConWorkId dc -> case dst of
+ -- It's a datacon. Create a record from its arguments.
+ Left bndr -> do
+ -- We have the bndr, so we can get at the type
+ htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHTypeEither (Var.varType bndr)
+ let argsNostate = filter (\x -> not (either hasStateType (\x -> False) x)) args
+ case argsNostate of
+ [arg] -> do
+ [arg'] <- argsToVHDLExprs [arg]
+ return ([mkUncondAssign dst arg'], [])
+ otherwise ->
+ case htype of
+ Right (AggrType _ _) -> do
+ labels <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getFieldLabels (Var.varType bndr)
+ args' <- argsToVHDLExprs argsNostate
+ return (zipWith mkassign labels args', [])
+ where
+ mkassign :: AST.VHDLId -> AST.Expr -> AST.ConcSm
+ mkassign label arg =
+ let sel_name = mkSelectedName ((either varToVHDLName id) dst) label in
+ mkUncondAssign (Right sel_name) arg
+ _ -> do -- error $ "DIE!"
+ args' <- argsToVHDLExprs argsNostate
+ return ([mkUncondAssign dst (head args')], [])
+ Right _ -> error "\nGenerate.genApplication(DataConWorkId): Can't generate dataconstructor application without an original binder"
+ IdInfo.DataConWrapId dc -> case dst of
+ -- It's a datacon. Create a record from its arguments.
+ Left bndr ->
case (Map.lookup (varToString f) globalNameTable) of
- Just (arg_count, builder) ->
- if length args == arg_count then
- builder dst f args
+ Just (arg_count, builder) ->
+ if length args == arg_count then
+ builder dst f args
+ else
+ error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication(DataConWrapId): Incorrect number of arguments to builtin function: " ++ pprString f ++ " Args: " ++ show args
+ Nothing -> error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication(DataConWrapId): Can't generate dataconwrapper: " ++ (show dc)
+ Right _ -> error "\nGenerate.genApplication(DataConWrapId): Can't generate dataconwrapper application without an original binder"
+ IdInfo.VanillaId ->
+ -- It's a global value imported from elsewhere. These can be builtin
+ -- functions. Look up the function name in the name table and execute
+ -- the associated builder if there is any and the argument count matches
+ -- (this should always be the case if it typechecks, but just to be
+ -- sure...).
+ case (Map.lookup (varToString f) globalNameTable) of
+ Just (arg_count, builder) ->
+ if length args == arg_count then
+ builder dst f args
+ else
+ error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication(VanillaId): Incorrect number of arguments to builtin function: " ++ pprString f ++ " Args: " ++ show args
+ Nothing -> do
+ top <- isTopLevelBinder f
+ if top then
+ do
+ -- Local binder that references a top level binding. Generate a
+ -- component instantiation.
+ signature <- getEntity f
+ args' <- argsToVHDLExprs args
+ let entity_id = ent_id signature
+ -- TODO: Using show here isn't really pretty, but we'll need some
+ -- unique-ish value...
+ let label = "comp_ins_" ++ (either show prettyShow) dst
+ let portmaps = mkAssocElems args' ((either varToVHDLName id) dst) signature
+ return ([mkComponentInst label entity_id portmaps], [f])
- error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication(VanillaId): Incorrect number of arguments to builtin function: " ++ pprString f ++ " Args: " ++ show args
- Nothing -> do
- top <- isTopLevelBinder f
- case top of
- True -> do
- -- Local binder that references a top level binding. Generate a
- -- component instantiation.
- signature <- getEntity f
- args' <- argsToVHDLExprs args
- let entity_id = ent_id signature
- -- TODO: Using show here isn't really pretty, but we'll need some
- -- unique-ish value...
- let label = "comp_ins_" ++ (either show prettyShow) dst
- let portmaps = mkAssocElems args' ((either varToVHDLName id) dst) signature
- return ([mkComponentInst label entity_id portmaps], [f])
- False -> do
- -- Not a top level binder, so this must be a local variable reference.
- -- It should have a representable type (and thus, no arguments) and a
- -- signal should be generated for it. Just generate an unconditional
- -- assignment here.
- -- f' <- MonadState.lift tsType $ varToVHDLExpr f
- -- return $ ([mkUncondAssign dst f'], [])
- errtype <- case dst of
+ -- Not a top level binder, so this must be a local variable reference.
+ -- It should have a representable type (and thus, no arguments) and a
+ -- signal should be generated for it. Just generate an unconditional
+ -- assignment here.
+ -- f' <- MonadState.lift tsType $ varToVHDLExpr f
+ -- return $ ([mkUncondAssign dst f'], [])
+ do errtype <- case dst of
Left bndr -> do
htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHTypeEither (Var.varType bndr)
return (show htype)
Right vhd -> return $ show vhd
- error $ ("\nGenerate.genApplication(VanillaId): Using function from another module that is not a known builtin: " ++ (pprString f) ++ "::" ++ errtype)
- IdInfo.ClassOpId cls -> do
- -- FIXME: Not looking for what instance this class op is called for
- -- Is quite stupid of course.
- case (Map.lookup (varToString f) globalNameTable) of
- Just (arg_count, builder) ->
- if length args == arg_count then
- builder dst f args
- else
- error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication(ClassOpId): Incorrect number of arguments to builtin function: " ++ pprString f ++ " Args: " ++ show args
- Nothing -> error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication(ClassOpId): Using function from another module that is not a known builtin: " ++ pprString f
- details -> error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication: Calling unsupported function " ++ pprString f ++ " with GlobalIdDetails " ++ pprString details
+ error ("\nGenerate.genApplication(VanillaId): Using function from another module that is not a known builtin: " ++ (pprString f) ++ "::" ++ errtype)
+ IdInfo.ClassOpId cls ->
+ -- FIXME: Not looking for what instance this class op is called for
+ -- Is quite stupid of course.
+ case (Map.lookup (varToString f) globalNameTable) of
+ Just (arg_count, builder) ->
+ if length args == arg_count then
+ builder dst f args
+ else
+ error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication(ClassOpId): Incorrect number of arguments to builtin function: " ++ pprString f ++ " Args: " ++ show args
+ Nothing -> error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication(ClassOpId): Using function from another module that is not a known builtin: " ++ pprString f
+ details -> error $ "\nGenerate.genApplication: Calling unsupported function " ++ pprString f ++ " with GlobalIdDetails " ++ pprString details
+ else do
+ top <- isTopLevelBinder f
+ if top then
+ do
+ -- Local binder that references a top level binding. Generate a
+ -- component instantiation.
+ signature <- getEntity f
+ args' <- argsToVHDLExprs args
+ let entity_id = ent_id signature
+ -- TODO: Using show here isn't really pretty, but we'll need some
+ -- unique-ish value...
+ let label = "comp_ins_" ++ (either (prettyShow . varToVHDLName) prettyShow) dst
+ let portmaps = mkAssocElems args' ((either varToVHDLName id) dst) signature
+ return ([mkComponentInst label entity_id portmaps], [f])
+ else
+ -- Not a top level binder, so this must be a local variable reference.
+ -- It should have a representable type (and thus, no arguments) and a
+ -- signal should be generated for it. Just generate an unconditional
+ -- assignment here.
+ do f' <- MonadState.lift tsType $ varToVHDLExpr f
+ return ([mkUncondAssign dst f'], [])
-- Functions to generate functions dealing with vectors.
exSpec = AST.Function (mkVHDLExtId exId) [AST.IfaceVarDec vecPar vectorTM,
AST.IfaceVarDec ixPar unsignedTM] elemTM
exExpr = AST.ReturnSm (Just $ AST.PrimName $ AST.NIndexed
- (AST.IndexedName (AST.NSimple vecPar) [genExprFCall (mkVHDLBasicId toIntegerId) (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple $ ixPar)]))
+ (AST.IndexedName (AST.NSimple vecPar) [genExprFCall (mkVHDLBasicId toIntegerId) (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple ixPar)]))
replaceSpec = AST.Function (mkVHDLExtId replaceId) [ AST.IfaceVarDec vecPar vectorTM
, AST.IfaceVarDec iPar unsignedTM
, AST.IfaceVarDec aPar elemTM
-- res AST.:= vec(0 to i-1) & a & vec(i+1 to length'vec-1)
replaceExpr1 = AST.NSimple resId AST.:= AST.PrimName (AST.NSimple vecPar)
- replaceExpr2 = AST.NIndexed (AST.IndexedName (AST.NSimple resId) [genExprFCall (mkVHDLBasicId toIntegerId) (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple $ iPar)]) AST.:= AST.PrimName (AST.NSimple aPar)
+ replaceExpr2 = AST.NIndexed (AST.IndexedName (AST.NSimple resId) [genExprFCall (mkVHDLBasicId toIntegerId) (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple iPar)]) AST.:= AST.PrimName (AST.NSimple aPar)
replaceRet = AST.ReturnSm (Just $ AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple resId)
vecSlice init last = AST.PrimName (AST.NSlice
(AST.ToRange init last)))
lastSpec = AST.Function (mkVHDLExtId lastId) [AST.IfaceVarDec vecPar vectorTM] elemTM
-- return vec(vec'length-1);
- lastExpr = AST.ReturnSm (Just $ (AST.PrimName $ AST.NIndexed (AST.IndexedName
+ lastExpr = AST.ReturnSm (Just (AST.PrimName $ AST.NIndexed (AST.IndexedName
(AST.NSimple vecPar)
[AST.PrimName (AST.NAttribute $
AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple vecPar) (AST.NSimple $ mkVHDLBasicId lengthId) Nothing)
-- for i res'range loop
-- res(i) := vec(f+i*s);
-- end loop;
- selFor = AST.ForSM iId (AST.AttribRange $ AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple resId) (AST.NSimple $ rangeId) Nothing) [selAssign]
+ selFor = AST.ForSM iId (AST.AttribRange $ AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple resId) (AST.NSimple rangeId) Nothing) [selAssign]
-- res(i) := vec(f+i*s);
selAssign = let origExp = AST.PrimName (AST.NSimple fPar) AST.:+:
(AST.PrimName (AST.NSimple iId) AST.:*:
-- res(vec'length-i-1) := vec(i);
-- end loop;
reverseFor =
- AST.ForSM iId (AST.AttribRange $ AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple resId) (AST.NSimple $ rangeId) Nothing) [reverseAssign]
+ AST.ForSM iId (AST.AttribRange $ AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple resId) (AST.NSimple rangeId) Nothing) [reverseAssign]
-- res(vec'length-i-1) := vec(i);
reverseAssign = AST.NIndexed (AST.IndexedName (AST.NSimple resId) [destExp]) AST.:=
(AST.PrimName $ AST.NIndexed (AST.IndexedName (AST.NSimple vecPar)
, (blockRAMId , (5, genBlockRAM ) )
, (splitId , (1, genSplit ) )
--, (tfvecId , (1, genTFVec ) )
- , (minimumId , (2, error $ "\nFunction name: \"minimum\" is used internally, use another name"))
+ , (minimumId , (2, error "\nFunction name: \"minimum\" is used internally, use another name"))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
--- ForSyDe
+-- VHDL Imports
import qualified Language.VHDL.AST as AST
-import CoreSyn
+import qualified CoreSyn
import qualified HscTypes
import qualified Var
import qualified TysWiredIn
-> [HscTypes.CoreModule] -- ^ Compiled modules
-> CoreSyn.CoreExpr -- ^ Input stimuli
-> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -- ^ Top Entity
- -> TranslatorSession CoreBndr -- ^ The id of the generated archictecture
+ -> TranslatorSession CoreSyn.CoreBndr -- ^ The id of the generated archictecture
createTestbench mCycles cores stimuli top = do
stimuli' <- reduceCoreListToHsList cores stimuli
-- Create a binder for the testbench. We use the unit type (), since the
let ([], binds, res) = splitNormalized expr
(stimulansbindss, useds) <- unzipM $ Monad.mapM mkConcSm binds
sig_dec_maybes <- mapM (mkSigDec . fst) (filter ((/=res).fst) binds)
- let sig_decs = map (AST.BDISD) (Maybe.catMaybes $ sig_dec_maybes)
+ let sig_decs = map (AST.BDISD) (Maybe.catMaybes sig_dec_maybes)
let block_label = mkVHDLExtId ("testcycle_" ++ (show cycl))
let block = AST.BlockSm block_label [] (AST.PMapAspect []) sig_decs (concat stimulansbindss)
case (sig_decs,(concat stimulansbindss)) of
[AST.IfSm clkPred (writeOuts outs) [] Nothing]
where clkPred = AST.PrimName (AST.NAttribute $ AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple clockId)
- (AST.NSimple $ eventId)
+ (AST.NSimple eventId)
Nothing ) `AST.And`
(AST.PrimName (AST.NSimple clockId) AST.:=: AST.PrimLit "'1'")
writeOuts :: [AST.VHDLId] -> [AST.SeqSm]
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
-import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
-import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
-import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
-import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
-import Debug.Trace
+import qualified Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
--- ForSyDe
+-- VHDL Imports
import qualified Language.VHDL.AST as AST
-import CoreSyn
+import qualified CoreSyn
import qualified Name
import qualified OccName
import qualified Var
import qualified Id
-import qualified IdInfo
import qualified TyCon
import qualified Type
import qualified DataCon
-- Create an unconditional assignment statement
mkUncondAssign ::
- Either CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -- ^ The signal to assign to
+ Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -- ^ The signal to assign to
-> AST.Expr -- ^ The expression to assign
-> AST.ConcSm -- ^ The resulting concurrent statement
mkUncondAssign dst expr = mkAssign dst Nothing expr
-- Create a conditional assignment statement
mkCondAssign ::
- Either CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -- ^ The signal to assign to
+ Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -- ^ The signal to assign to
-> AST.Expr -- ^ The condition
-> AST.Expr -- ^ The value when true
-> AST.Expr -- ^ The value when false
-- Create a conditional or unconditional assignment statement
mkAssign ::
- Either CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -- ^ The signal to assign to
+ Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -- ^ The signal to assign to
-> Maybe (AST.Expr , AST.Expr) -- ^ Optionally, the condition to test for
-- and the value to assign when true.
-> AST.Expr -- ^ The value to assign when false or no condition
AST.CSSASm assign
mkAltsAssign ::
- Either CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -- ^ The signal to assign to
+ Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -- ^ The signal to assign to
-> [AST.Expr] -- ^ The conditions
-> [AST.Expr] -- ^ The expressions
-> AST.ConcSm -- ^ The Alt assigns
mkAltsAssign dst conds exprs
- | (length conds) /= ((length exprs) - 1) = error $ "\nVHDLTools.mkAltsAssign: conditions expression mismatch"
+ | (length conds) /= ((length exprs) - 1) = error "\nVHDLTools.mkAltsAssign: conditions expression mismatch"
| otherwise =
whenelses = zipWith mkWhenElse conds exprs
varToVHDLExpr :: Var.Var -> TypeSession AST.Expr
-varToVHDLExpr var = do
+varToVHDLExpr var =
case Id.isDataConWorkId_maybe var of
Just dc -> dataconToVHDLExpr dc
-- This is a dataconstructor.
case Name.getOccString (TyCon.tyConName tycon) of
"Dec" -> do
len <- tfp_to_int ty
- return $ AST.PrimLit $ (show len)
+ return $ AST.PrimLit (show len)
otherwise -> return $ AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple $ varToVHDLId var
-- Turn a VHDLName into an AST expression
-- dataconstructors, this is only the constructor itself, not any arguments it
-- has. Should not be called with a DEFAULT constructor.
altconToVHDLExpr :: CoreSyn.AltCon -> TypeSession AST.Expr
-altconToVHDLExpr (DataAlt dc) = dataconToVHDLExpr dc
+altconToVHDLExpr (CoreSyn.DataAlt dc) = dataconToVHDLExpr dc
-altconToVHDLExpr (LitAlt _) = error "\nVHDL.conToVHDLExpr: Literals not support in case alternatives yet"
-altconToVHDLExpr DEFAULT = error "\nVHDL.conToVHDLExpr: DEFAULT alternative should not occur here!"
+altconToVHDLExpr (CoreSyn.LitAlt _) = error "\nVHDL.conToVHDLExpr: Literals not support in case alternatives yet"
+altconToVHDLExpr CoreSyn.DEFAULT = error "\nVHDL.conToVHDLExpr: DEFAULT alternative should not occur here!"
-- Turn a datacon (without arguments!) into a VHDL expression.
dataconToVHDLExpr :: DataCon.DataCon -> TypeSession AST.Expr
(BuiltinType "Bit") -> return $ AST.PrimLit $ case Name.getOccString dcname of "High" -> "'1'"; "Low" -> "'0'"
(BuiltinType "Bool") -> return $ AST.PrimLit $ case Name.getOccString dcname of "True" -> "true"; "False" -> "false"
otherwise -> do
- let existing_ty = (Monad.liftM $ fmap fst) $ Map.lookup htype typemap
+ let existing_ty = Monad.liftM (fmap fst) $ Map.lookup htype typemap
case existing_ty of
Just ty -> do
let lit = idToVHDLExpr $ mkVHDLExtId $ Name.getOccString dcname
varToVHDLId ::
-varToVHDLId var = mkVHDLExtId $ (varToString var ++ varToStringUniq var ++ (show $ lowers $ varToStringUniq var))
+varToVHDLId var = mkVHDLExtId (varToString var ++ varToStringUniq var ++ show (lowers $ varToStringUniq var))
lowers :: String -> Int
lowers xs = length [x | x <- xs, Char.isLower x]
-- Strip leading numbers and underscores
strip_leading = dropWhile (`elem` ['0'..'9'] ++ "_")
-- Strip multiple adjacent underscores
- strip_multiscore = concat . map (\cs ->
+ strip_multiscore = concatMap (\cs ->
case cs of
('_':_) -> "_"
_ -> cs
mkHTypeEither :: (TypedThing t, Outputable.Outputable t) =>
t -> TypeSession (Either String HType)
-mkHTypeEither tything = do
+mkHTypeEither tything =
case getType tything of
Nothing -> return $ Left $ "\nVHDLTools.mkHTypeEither: Typed thing without a type: " ++ pprString tything
Just ty -> mkHTypeEither' ty
mkHTypeEither' :: Type.Type -> TypeSession (Either String HType)
mkHTypeEither' ty | ty_has_free_tyvars ty = return $ Left $ "\nVHDLTools.mkHTypeEither': Cannot create type: type has free type variables: " ++ pprString ty
| isStateType ty = return $ Right StateType
- | otherwise = do
+ | otherwise =
case Type.splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
Just (tycon, args) -> do
typemap <- MonadState.get tsTypes
let builtinTyMaybe = Map.lookup (BuiltinType name) typemap
case builtinTyMaybe of
(Just x) -> return $ Right $ BuiltinType name
- Nothing -> do
+ Nothing ->
case name of
"TFVec" -> do
let el_ty = tfvec_elem ty
"RangedWord" -> do
bound <- tfp_to_int (ranged_word_bound_ty ty)
return $ Right $ RangedWType bound
- otherwise -> do
+ otherwise ->
mkTyConHType tycon args
Nothing -> return $ Left $ "\nVHDLTools.mkHTypeEither': Do not know what to do with type: " ++ pprString ty
let real_arg_tys_nostate = filter (\x -> not (isStateType x)) real_arg_tys
elem_htys_either <- mapM mkHTypeEither real_arg_tys_nostate
case Either.partitionEithers elem_htys_either of
- ([], [elem_hty]) -> do
+ ([], [elem_hty]) ->
return $ Right elem_hty
-- No errors in element types
- ([], elem_htys) -> do
+ ([], elem_htys) ->
return $ Right $ AggrType (nameToString (TyCon.tyConName tycon)) elem_htys
-- There were errors in element types
(errors, _) -> return $ Left $
"\nVHDLTools.mkTyConHType: Can not construct type for: " ++ pprString tycon ++ "\n because no type can be construced for some of the arguments.\n"
++ (concat errors)
dcs -> do
- let arg_tys = concat $ map DataCon.dataConRepArgTys dcs
+ let arg_tys = concatMap DataCon.dataConRepArgTys dcs
let real_arg_tys = map (CoreSubst.substTy subst) arg_tys
case real_arg_tys of
[] ->
String -> t -> TypeSession (Maybe AST.TypeMark)
vhdlTy msg ty = do
htype <- mkHType msg ty
- tm <- vhdlTyMaybe htype
- return tm
+ vhdlTyMaybe htype
vhdlTyMaybe :: HType -> TypeSession (Maybe AST.TypeMark)
vhdlTyMaybe htype = do
-- message or the resulting typemark and typedef.
construct_vhdl_ty :: HType -> TypeSession TypeMapRec
-- State types don't generate VHDL
-construct_vhdl_ty htype = do
+construct_vhdl_ty htype =
case htype of
StateType -> return Nothing
(SizedWType w) -> mkUnsignedTy w
return Nothing
elem_tys -> do
let elems = zipWith AST.ElementDec recordlabels elem_tys
- let elem_names = concat $ map prettyShow elem_tys
+ let elem_names = concatMap prettyShow elem_tys
let ty_id = mkVHDLExtId $ tycon ++ elem_names
let ty_def = AST.TDR $ AST.RecordTypeDef elems
let tupshow = mkTupleShow elem_tys ty_id
(Just elTyTm) -> do
let ty_id = mkVHDLExtId $ "vector-"++ (AST.fromVHDLId elTyTm) ++ "-0_to_" ++ (show len)
let range = AST.ConstraintIndex $ AST.IndexConstraint [AST.ToRange (AST.PrimLit "0") (AST.PrimLit $ show (len - 1))]
- let existing_uvec_ty = (fmap $ fmap fst) $ Map.lookup (UVecType elHType) typesMap
+ let existing_uvec_ty = fmap (fmap fst) $ Map.lookup (UVecType elHType) typesMap
case existing_uvec_ty of
Just (Just t) -> do
let ty_def = AST.SubtypeIn t (Just range)
Just (tycon, args) -> do
let name = Name.getOccString (TyCon.tyConName tycon)
case name of
- "Dec" -> do
- len <- tfp_to_int' ty
- return len
+ "Dec" ->
+ tfp_to_int' ty
otherwise -> do
MonadState.modify tsTfpInts (Map.insert (OrdType norm_ty) (-1))
return $ error ("Callin tfp_to_int on non-dec:" ++ (show ty))
resId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "res"
headSpec = AST.Function (mkVHDLExtId headId) [AST.IfaceVarDec vecPar vectorTM] elemTM
-- return vec(0);
- headExpr = AST.ReturnSm (Just $ (AST.PrimName $ AST.NIndexed (AST.IndexedName
+ headExpr = AST.ReturnSm (Just (AST.PrimName $ AST.NIndexed (AST.IndexedName
(AST.NSimple vecPar) [AST.PrimLit "0"])))
vecSlice init last = AST.PrimName (AST.NSlice
AST.PrimName $ AST.NAttribute $ AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple integerId)
(AST.NIndexed $ AST.IndexedName (AST.NSimple imageId) [signToInt]) Nothing )
- signToInt = genExprFCall (mkVHDLBasicId toIntegerId) (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple $ signedPar)
+ signToInt = genExprFCall (mkVHDLBasicId toIntegerId) (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple signedPar)
showUnsignedSpec = AST.Function showId [AST.IfaceVarDec unsignedPar unsignedTM] stringTM
showUnsignedExpr = AST.ReturnSm (Just $
AST.PrimName $ AST.NAttribute $ AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple integerId)
(AST.NIndexed $ AST.IndexedName (AST.NSimple imageId) [unsignToInt]) Nothing )
- unsignToInt = genExprFCall (mkVHDLBasicId toIntegerId) (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple $ unsignedPar)
+ unsignToInt = genExprFCall (mkVHDLBasicId toIntegerId) (AST.PrimName $ AST.NSimple unsignedPar)
-- showNaturalSpec = AST.Function showId [AST.IfaceVarDec naturalPar naturalTM] stringTM
-- showNaturalExpr = AST.ReturnSm (Just $
-- AST.PrimName $ AST.NAttribute $ AST.AttribName (AST.NSimple integerId)
-- Some types used by the VHDL module.
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTypes where
--- Standard imports
-import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Accessor
-import qualified Data.Accessor.Template
--- GHC API imports
-import qualified HscTypes
--- ForSyDe imports
+-- VHDL imports
import qualified Language.VHDL.AST as AST
--- Local imports
-- A description of a port of an entity
type Port = (AST.VHDLId, AST.TypeMark)