-- | Generate a function call from the destination binder, function name and a
-- list of expressions (its arguments)
-genFCall :: BuiltinBuilder
-genFCall = genExprArgs $ genExprRes genFCall'
-genFCall' :: Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> [AST.Expr] -> VHDLSession AST.Expr
-genFCall' (Left res) f args = do
+genFCall :: Bool -> BuiltinBuilder
+genFCall switch = genExprArgs $ genExprRes (genFCall' switch)
+genFCall' :: Bool -> Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> [AST.Expr] -> VHDLSession AST.Expr
+genFCall' switch (Left res) f args = do
let fname = varToString f
- let el_ty = (tfvec_elem . Var.varType) res
+ let el_ty = if switch then (Var.varType res) else ((tfvec_elem . Var.varType) res)
id <- vectorFunId el_ty fname
return $ AST.PrimFCall $ AST.FCall (AST.NSimple id) $
map (\exp -> Nothing AST.:=>: AST.ADExpr exp) args
-genFCall' (Right name) _ _ = error $ "\nGenerate.genFCall': Cannot generate builtin function call assigned to a VHDLName: " ++ show name
+genFCall' _ (Right name) _ _ = error $ "\nGenerate.genFCall': Cannot generate builtin function call assigned to a VHDLName: " ++ show name
-- | Generate a generate statement for the builtin function "map"
genMap :: BuiltinBuilder
-- builder function.
globalNameTable :: NameTable
globalNameTable = Map.fromList
- [ (exId , (2, genFCall ) )
- , (replaceId , (3, genFCall ) )
- , (headId , (1, genFCall ) )
- , (lastId , (1, genFCall ) )
- , (tailId , (1, genFCall ) )
- , (initId , (1, genFCall ) )
- , (takeId , (2, genFCall ) )
- , (dropId , (2, genFCall ) )
- , (selId , (4, genFCall ) )
- , (plusgtId , (2, genFCall ) )
- , (ltplusId , (2, genFCall ) )
- , (plusplusId , (2, genFCall ) )
+ [ (exId , (2, genFCall False ) )
+ , (replaceId , (3, genFCall False ) )
+ , (headId , (1, genFCall True ) )
+ , (lastId , (1, genFCall True ) )
+ , (tailId , (1, genFCall False ) )
+ , (initId , (1, genFCall False ) )
+ , (takeId , (2, genFCall False ) )
+ , (dropId , (2, genFCall False ) )
+ , (selId , (4, genFCall False ) )
+ , (plusgtId , (2, genFCall False ) )
+ , (ltplusId , (2, genFCall False ) )
+ , (plusplusId , (2, genFCall False ) )
, (mapId , (2, genMap ) )
, (zipWithId , (3, genZipWith ) )
, (foldlId , (3, genFoldl ) )
, (foldrId , (3, genFoldr ) )
, (zipId , (2, genZip ) )
, (unzipId , (1, genUnzip ) )
- , (shiftlId , (2, genFCall ) )
- , (shiftrId , (2, genFCall ) )
- , (rotlId , (1, genFCall ) )
- , (rotrId , (1, genFCall ) )
+ , (shiftlId , (2, genFCall False ) )
+ , (shiftrId , (2, genFCall False ) )
+ , (rotlId , (1, genFCall False ) )
+ , (rotrId , (1, genFCall False ) )
, (concatId , (1, genConcat ) )
- , (reverseId , (1, genFCall ) )
+ , (reverseId , (1, genFCall False ) )
, (iteratenId , (3, genIteraten ) )
, (iterateId , (2, genIterate ) )
, (generatenId , (3, genGeneraten ) )
, (generateId , (2, genGenerate ) )
- , (emptyId , (0, genFCall ) )
- , (singletonId , (1, genFCall ) )
- , (copynId , (2, genFCall ) )
+ , (emptyId , (0, genFCall False ) )
+ , (singletonId , (1, genFCall False ) )
+ , (copynId , (2, genFCall False ) )
, (copyId , (1, genCopy ) )
- , (lengthTId , (1, genFCall ) )
- , (nullId , (1, genFCall ) )
+ , (lengthTId , (1, genFCall False ) )
+ , (nullId , (1, genFCall False ) )
, (hwxorId , (2, genOperator2 AST.Xor ) )
, (hwandId , (2, genOperator2 AST.And ) )
, (hworId , (2, genOperator2 AST.Or ) )
vhdl_ty :: String -> Type.Type -> VHDLSession AST.TypeMark
vhdl_ty msg ty = do
typemap <- getA vsTypes
+ htype <- mkHType ty
let builtin_ty = do -- See if this is a tycon and lookup its name
(tycon, args) <- Type.splitTyConApp_maybe ty
let name = Name.getOccString (TyCon.tyConName tycon)
Map.lookup name builtin_types
-- If not a builtin type, try the custom types
- let existing_ty = (fmap fst) $ Map.lookup (OrdType ty) typemap
+ let existing_ty = (fmap fst) $ Map.lookup htype typemap
case Monoid.getFirst $ Monoid.mconcat (map Monoid.First [builtin_ty, existing_ty]) of
-- Found a type, return it
Just t -> return t
case newty_maybe of
Just (ty_id, ty_def) -> do
-- TODO: Check name uniqueness
- modA vsTypes (Map.insert (OrdType ty) (ty_id, ty_def))
+ modA vsTypes (Map.insert htype (ty_id, ty_def))
modA vsTypeDecls (\typedefs -> typedefs ++ [mktydecl (ty_id, ty_def)])
return ty_id
Nothing -> error $ msg ++ "\nVHDLTools.vhdl_ty: Unsupported Haskell type: " ++ pprString ty ++ "\n"
el_ty_tm <- vhdl_ty error_msg el_ty
let ty_id = mkVHDLExtId $ "vector-"++ (AST.fromVHDLId el_ty_tm) ++ "-0_to_" ++ (show len)
let range = AST.ConstraintIndex $ AST.IndexConstraint [AST.ToRange (AST.PrimLit "0") (AST.PrimLit $ show (len - 1))]
- let existing_elem_ty = (fmap fst) $ Map.lookup (OrdType vec_ty) types_map
+ let existing_elem_ty = (fmap fst) $ Map.lookup (StdType $ OrdType vec_ty) types_map
case existing_elem_ty of
Just t -> do
let ty_def = AST.SubtypeIn t (Just range)
Nothing -> do
let vec_id = mkVHDLExtId $ "vector_" ++ (AST.fromVHDLId el_ty_tm)
let vec_def = AST.TDA $ AST.UnconsArrayDef [tfvec_indexTM] el_ty_tm
- modA vsTypes (Map.insert (OrdType vec_ty) (vec_id, (Left vec_def)))
+ modA vsTypes (Map.insert (StdType $ OrdType vec_ty) (vec_id, (Left vec_def)))
modA vsTypeDecls (\typedefs -> typedefs ++ [mktydecl (vec_id, (Left vec_def))])
let ty_def = AST.SubtypeIn vec_id (Just range)
return (ty_id, ty_def)
vhdl_ty error_msg ty
-- Get the types map, lookup and unpack the VHDL TypeDef
types <- getA vsTypes
- case Map.lookup (OrdType ty) types of
+ htype <- mkHType ty
+ case Map.lookup htype types of
Just (_, Left (AST.TDR (AST.RecordTypeDef elems))) -> return $ map (\(AST.ElementDec id _) -> id) elems
_ -> error $ "\nVHDL.getFieldLabels: Type not found or not a record type? This should not happen! Type: " ++ (show ty)
mktydecl :: (AST.VHDLId, Either AST.TypeDef AST.SubtypeIn) -> AST.PackageDecItem
mktydecl (ty_id, Left ty_def) = AST.PDITD $ AST.TypeDec ty_id ty_def
mktydecl (ty_id, Right ty_def) = AST.PDISD $ AST.SubtypeDec ty_id ty_def
+mkHType :: Type.Type -> VHDLSession HType
+mkHType ty = do
+ -- FIXME: Do we really need to do this here again?
+ let builtin_ty = do -- See if this is a tycon and lookup its name
+ (tycon, args) <- Type.splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ let name = Name.getOccString (TyCon.tyConName tycon)
+ Map.lookup name builtin_types
+ case builtin_ty of
+ Just typ ->
+ return $ BuiltinType $ prettyShow typ
+ Nothing ->
+ case Type.splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tycon, args) -> do
+ let name = Name.getOccString (TyCon.tyConName tycon)
+ case name of
+ "TFVec" -> do
+ elem_htype <- mkHType (tfvec_elem ty)
+ return $ VecType (tfvec_len ty) elem_htype
+ otherwise -> do
+ mkTyConHType tycon args
+ Nothing -> return $ StdType $ OrdType ty
+-- FIXME: Do we really need to do this here again?
+mkTyConHType :: TyCon.TyCon -> [Type.Type] -> VHDLSession HType
+mkTyConHType tycon args =
+ case TyCon.tyConDataCons tycon of
+ -- Not an algebraic type
+ [] -> error $ "\nVHDLTools.mkHType: Only custom algebraic types are supported: " ++ pprString tycon
+ [dc] -> do
+ let arg_tys = DataCon.dataConRepArgTys dc
+ let real_arg_tys = map (CoreSubst.substTy subst) arg_tys
+ elem_htys <- mapM mkHType real_arg_tys
+ return $ ADTType (nameToString (TyCon.tyConName tycon)) elem_htys
+ dcs -> error $ "\nVHDLTools.mkHType: Only single constructor datatypes supported: " ++ pprString tycon
+ where
+ tyvars = TyCon.tyConTyVars tycon
+ subst = CoreSubst.extendTvSubstList CoreSubst.emptySubst (zip tyvars args)
\ No newline at end of file