TODO: Define (E)DSL
TODO: References
- Advantages over conventional HDLs
- - More consise
- - More expressive
- - Easy to transform / optimize / etc.
- Advantages over existing FHDLs
- - More control
- - Full Haskell available
- - Concise notation
- Disadvantages over existing FHDLs
- - More work to implement advanced things
+ \section{Conventional hardware description languages}
+ Considering that we already have some hardware description language like
+ \small{VHDL} and Verilog, why would we need anything else? By introducing
+ the functional style to hardware description, we hope to obtain a hardware
+ description language that is:
+ \startitemize
+ \item More consise. Functional programs are known for their conciseness,
+ mostly caused by the ability to abstract just about any behaviour into a
+ helper function. This is largely enabled by features like an advanced
+ type system with polymorphism and higher order functions.
+ \item Type-safer. Functional programs typically have a highly expressive
+ type system, which makes it harder to write incorrect code. This is
+ probably not only directly caused by the type system, so perhaps this
+ advantage does not apply in hardware descriptions.
+ \item Easy to process. Functional languages have nice properties like
+ purity \refdef{purity} and single binding behaviour, which make it easy
+ to apply program transformations and optimizations and could potentially
+ simplify program verification.
+ \stopitemize
+ \section{Existing functional hardware description languages}
+ As noted above, we're not the first to walk this path. However, current
+ embedded functional hardware description languages (in particular those
+ using Haskell) are limited by:
+ \startitemize
+ \item Not all of Haskell's constructs can be captured by embedded domain
+ specific languages. For example, an if or case expression is typically
+ executed only once and only its result is reflected in the embedded
+ description, not the if or case expression itself. Also, sharing and
+ loops are non-trivial do properly and safely translate (though there is
+ some work to fix this, but that has not been possible in a completely
+ reliable way yet. TODO: ref
+ \item Some things are verbose to express. Especially ForSyDe suffers
+ from a lot of notational overhead due to the Template Haskell approach
+ used. Since conditional statements are not supported, a lot of Haskell's
+ syntax sugar (if expressions, pattern matching, guards) cannot be used
+ either, leading to more verbose notation as well.
+ \item Polymorphism and higher order values are not supported within the
+ embedded language. The use of Haskell as a host language allows the use
+ of polymorphism and higher order functions at circuit generation time
+ (even for free, without any additional cost on the \small{EDSL}
+ programmers), but the described circuits do not have any polymorphism
+ or higher order functions, which can be limiting (TODO: How true or
+ appropriate is this point?).
+ \stopitemize