This testcase can be succesfully normalized and translated to VHDL.
\c d -> op' d c
+highordtest2 = \a b ->
+ case a of
+ High -> \c d -> d
+ Low -> let
+ op' :: Bit -> Bit -> Bit
+ op' = case b of
+ High -> \c d -> d
+ Low -> \c d -> c
+ in
+ \c d -> op' d c
-- Four bit adder, using the continous adder below
-- [a] -> [b] -> ([s], cout)
--con_adder_4 as bs =
import qualified VHDL
main = do
- makeVHDL "Adders.hs" "highordtest" True
+ makeVHDL "Adders.hs" "highordtest2" True
makeVHDL :: String -> String -> Bool -> IO ()
makeVHDL filename name stateful = do