import qualified "transformers" Control.Monad.Trans as Trans
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Accessor
-import Data.Accessor.MonadState as MonadState
+import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
import CoreSyn
import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (render)
-import Data.Accessor
+import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Accessor.Template
-import Data.Accessor
+import qualified Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
import qualified GHC
-- module(s)?
isTopLevelBinder :: CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> TranslatorSession Bool
isTopLevelBinder bndr = do
- bindings <- getA tsBindings
+ bindings <- MonadState.get tsBindings
return $ Map.member bndr bindings
-- Finds the value of a global binding, if available
getGlobalBind :: CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> TranslatorSession (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreExpr)
getGlobalBind bndr = do
- bindings <- getA tsBindings
+ bindings <- MonadState.get tsBindings
return $ Map.lookup bndr bindings
-- Adds a new global binding with the given value
addGlobalBind :: CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> TranslatorSession ()
-addGlobalBind bndr expr = modA tsBindings (Map.insert bndr expr)
+addGlobalBind bndr expr = MonadState.modify tsBindings (Map.insert bndr expr)
-- Returns a list of all global binders
getGlobalBinders :: TranslatorSession [CoreSyn.CoreBndr]
getGlobalBinders = do
- bindings <- getA tsBindings
+ bindings <- MonadState.get tsBindings
return $ Map.keys bindings
-- vim: set ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab:
-- Standard Imports
import qualified Maybe
import Data.Accessor
+import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
-> State.StateT s m v -- ^ The resulting value, from the cache or freshly
-- computed.
makeCached key accessor create = do
- cache <- getA accessor
+ cache <- MonadState.get accessor
case Map.lookup key cache of
-- Found in cache, just return
Just value -> return value
-- Not found, compute it and put it in the cache
Nothing -> do
value <- create
- modA accessor (Map.insert key value)
+ MonadState.modify accessor (Map.insert key value)
return value
unzipM :: (Monad m) =>
module CLasH.Utils.Core.BinderTools where
-- Standard modules
-import Data.Accessor.MonadState as MonadState
+import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
import CoreSyn
import qualified HscTypes
-- Local imports
-import Data.Accessor
-import Data.Accessor.MonadState as MonadState
import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
-- Create a new Unique
mkUnique :: TranslatorSession Unique.Unique
mkUnique = do
- us <- getA tsUniqSupply
+ us <- MonadState.get tsUniqSupply
let (us', us'') = UniqSupply.splitUniqSupply us
- putA tsUniqSupply us'
+ MonadState.set tsUniqSupply us'
return $ UniqSupply.uniqFromSupply us''
-- Create a new internal var with the given name and type. A Unique is
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Accessor
-import Data.Accessor.MonadState as MonadState
+import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
import Debug.Trace
-- ForSyDe
-- ^ The id and content of the types package
createTypesPackage = do
- tyfuns <- getA (tsType .> tsTypeFuns)
+ tyfuns <- MonadState.get (tsType .> tsTypeFuns)
let tyfun_decls = mkBuiltInShow ++ (map snd $ Map.elems tyfuns)
- ty_decls_maybes <- getA (tsType .> tsTypeDecls)
+ ty_decls_maybes <- MonadState.get (tsType .> tsTypeDecls)
let ty_decls = Maybe.catMaybes ty_decls_maybes
let subProgSpecs = map (\(AST.SubProgBody spec _ _) -> AST.PDISS spec) tyfun_decls
let type_package_dec = AST.LUPackageDec $ AST.PackageDec (mkVHDLBasicId "types") ([tfvec_index_decl] ++ ty_decls ++ subProgSpecs)
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Maybe
import qualified Data.Either as Either
-import Data.Accessor
-import Data.Accessor.MonadState as MonadState
+import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
import Debug.Trace
-- ForSyDe
args' <- catMaybesM $ mapM mkMap args
-- TODO: Handle Nothing
res' <- mkMap res
- count <- getA tsEntityCounter
+ count <- MonadState.get tsEntityCounter
let vhdl_id = mkVHDLBasicId $ varToString fname ++ "Component_" ++ show count
- putA tsEntityCounter (count + 1)
+ MonadState.set tsEntityCounter (count + 1)
let ent_decl = createEntityAST vhdl_id args' res'
let signature = Entity vhdl_id args' res' ent_decl
return signature
let (in_state_maybes, out_state_maybes) = unzip state_vars
let (statementss, used_entitiess) = unzip sms
-- Get initial state, if it's there
- initSmap <- getA tsInitStates
+ initSmap <- MonadState.get tsInitStates
let init_state = Map.lookup fname initSmap
-- Create a state proc, if needed
(state_proc, resbndr) <- case (Maybe.catMaybes in_state_maybes, Maybe.catMaybes out_state_maybes, init_state) of
(dst -> func -> [Literal.Literal] -> TranslatorSession [AST.ConcSm])
-> (dst -> func -> [Either CoreSyn.CoreExpr AST.Expr] -> TranslatorSession [AST.ConcSm])
genLitArgs wrap dst func args = do
- hscenv <- MonadState.lift tsType $ getA tsHscEnv
+ hscenv <- MonadState.lift tsType $ MonadState.get tsHscEnv
let (exprargs, []) = Either.partitionEithers args
-- FIXME: Check if we were passed an CoreSyn.App
let litargs = concat (map (getLiterals hscenv) exprargs)
-- TODO: This should not be duplicated from mk_vector_ty. Probably but it in
-- the VHDLState or something.
let vectorTM = mkVHDLExtId $ "vector_" ++ (AST.fromVHDLId elemTM)
- typefuns <- getA tsTypeFuns
+ typefuns <- MonadState.get tsTypeFuns
el_htype <- mkHType error_msg el_ty
case Map.lookup (UVecType el_htype, fname) typefuns of
-- Function already generated, just return it
let functions = genUnconsVectorFuns elemTM vectorTM
case lookup fname functions of
Just body -> do
- modA tsTypeFuns $ Map.insert (UVecType el_htype, fname) (function_id, (fst body))
+ MonadState.modify tsTypeFuns $ Map.insert (UVecType el_htype, fname) (function_id, (fst body))
mapM_ (vectorFunId el_ty) (snd body)
return function_id
Nothing -> error $ "\nGenerate.vectorFunId: I don't know how to generate vector function " ++ fname
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Accessor
-import qualified Data.Accessor.MonadState as MonadState
+import qualified Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
-- ForSyDe
import qualified Language.VHDL.AST as AST
-- testbench has no outputs and no inputs.
bndr <- mkInternalVar "testbench" TysWiredIn.unitTy
let entity = createTestbenchEntity bndr
- modA tsEntities (Map.insert bndr entity)
+ MonadState.modify tsEntities (Map.insert bndr entity)
arch <- createTestbenchArch mCycles stimuli' top entity
- modA tsArchitectures (Map.insert bndr arch)
+ MonadState.modify tsArchitectures (Map.insert bndr arch)
return bndr
createTestbenchEntity ::
import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
-import Data.Accessor
-import Data.Accessor.MonadState as MonadState
+import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
import Debug.Trace
-- ForSyDe
-- Turn a datacon (without arguments!) into a VHDL expression.
dataconToVHDLExpr :: DataCon.DataCon -> TypeSession AST.Expr
dataconToVHDLExpr dc = do
- typemap <- getA tsTypes
+ typemap <- MonadState.get tsTypes
htype_either <- mkHTypeEither (DataCon.dataConRepType dc)
case htype_either of
-- No errors
| otherwise = do
case Type.splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
Just (tycon, args) -> do
- typemap <- getA tsTypes
+ typemap <- MonadState.get tsTypes
let name = Name.getOccString (TyCon.tyConName tycon)
let builtinTyMaybe = Map.lookup (BuiltinType name) typemap
case builtinTyMaybe of
vhdlTyMaybe :: HType -> TypeSession (Maybe AST.TypeMark)
vhdlTyMaybe htype = do
- typemap <- getA tsTypes
+ typemap <- MonadState.get tsTypes
-- If not a builtin type, try the custom types
let existing_ty = Map.lookup htype typemap
case existing_ty of
-- No type yet, try to construct it
Nothing -> do
newty <- (construct_vhdl_ty htype)
- modA tsTypes (Map.insert htype newty)
+ MonadState.modify tsTypes (Map.insert htype newty)
case newty of
Just (ty_id, ty_def) -> do
- modA tsTypeDecls (\typedefs -> typedefs ++ [mktydecl (ty_id, ty_def)])
+ MonadState.modify tsTypeDecls (\typedefs -> typedefs ++ [mktydecl (ty_id, ty_def)])
return $ Just ty_id
Nothing -> return Nothing
let ty_id = mkVHDLExtId $ tycon ++ elem_names
let ty_def = AST.TDR $ AST.RecordTypeDef elems
let tupshow = mkTupleShow elem_tys ty_id
- modA tsTypeFuns $ Map.insert (htype, showIdString) (showId, tupshow)
+ MonadState.modify tsTypeFuns $ Map.insert (htype, showIdString) (showId, tupshow)
return $ Just (ty_id, Just $ Left ty_def)
(EnumType tycon dcs) -> do
let elems = map mkVHDLExtId dcs
let ty_id = mkVHDLExtId tycon
let ty_def = AST.TDE $ AST.EnumTypeDef elems
let enumShow = mkEnumShow elems ty_id
- modA tsTypeFuns $ Map.insert (htype, showIdString) (showId, enumShow)
+ MonadState.modify tsTypeFuns $ Map.insert (htype, showIdString) (showId, enumShow)
return $ Just (ty_id, Just $ Left ty_def)
otherwise -> error $ "\nVHDLTools.mkTyconTy: Called for HType that is neiter a AggrType or EnumType: " ++ show htype
-- ^ An error message or The typemark created.
mkVectorTy (VecType len elHType) = do
- typesMap <- getA tsTypes
+ typesMap <- MonadState.get tsTypes
elTyTmMaybe <- vhdlTyMaybe elHType
case elTyTmMaybe of
(Just elTyTm) -> do
Nothing -> do
let vec_id = mkVHDLExtId $ "vector_" ++ (AST.fromVHDLId elTyTm)
let vec_def = AST.TDA $ AST.UnconsArrayDef [tfvec_indexTM] elTyTm
- modA tsTypes (Map.insert (UVecType elHType) (Just (vec_id, (Just $ Left vec_def))))
- modA tsTypeDecls (\typedefs -> typedefs ++ [mktydecl (vec_id, (Just $ Left vec_def))])
+ MonadState.modify tsTypes (Map.insert (UVecType elHType) (Just (vec_id, (Just $ Left vec_def))))
+ MonadState.modify tsTypeDecls (\typedefs -> typedefs ++ [mktydecl (vec_id, (Just $ Left vec_def))])
let vecShowFuns = mkVectorShow elTyTm vec_id
- mapM_ (\(id, subprog) -> modA tsTypeFuns $ Map.insert (UVecType elHType, id) ((mkVHDLExtId id), subprog)) vecShowFuns
+ mapM_ (\(id, subprog) -> MonadState.modify tsTypeFuns $ Map.insert (UVecType elHType, id) ((mkVHDLExtId id), subprog)) vecShowFuns
let ty_def = AST.SubtypeIn vec_id (Just range)
return (Just (ty_id, Just $ Right ty_def))
Nothing -> return Nothing
let error_msg = "\nVHDLTools.getFieldLabels: Can not get field labels, because: " ++ pprString ty ++ "can not be generated."
vhdlTy error_msg ty
-- Get the types map, lookup and unpack the VHDL TypeDef
- types <- getA tsTypes
+ types <- MonadState.get tsTypes
-- Assume the type for which we want labels is really translatable
htype <- mkHType error_msg ty
case Map.lookup htype types of
tfp_to_int :: Type.Type -> TypeSession Int
tfp_to_int ty = do
- hscenv <- getA tsHscEnv
+ hscenv <- MonadState.get tsHscEnv
let norm_ty = normalise_tfp_int hscenv ty
case Type.splitTyConApp_maybe norm_ty of
Just (tycon, args) -> do
len <- tfp_to_int' ty
return len
otherwise -> do
- modA tsTfpInts (Map.insert (OrdType norm_ty) (-1))
+ MonadState.modify tsTfpInts (Map.insert (OrdType norm_ty) (-1))
return $ error ("Callin tfp_to_int on non-dec:" ++ (show ty))
Nothing -> return $ error ("Callin tfp_to_int on non-dec:" ++ (show ty))
tfp_to_int' :: Type.Type -> TypeSession Int
tfp_to_int' ty = do
- lens <- getA tsTfpInts
- hscenv <- getA tsHscEnv
+ lens <- MonadState.get tsTfpInts
+ hscenv <- MonadState.get tsHscEnv
let norm_ty = normalise_tfp_int hscenv ty
let existing_len = Map.lookup (OrdType norm_ty) lens
case existing_len of
Just len -> return len
Nothing -> do
let new_len = eval_tfp_int hscenv ty
- modA tsTfpInts (Map.insert (OrdType norm_ty) (new_len))
+ MonadState.modify tsTfpInts (Map.insert (OrdType norm_ty) (new_len))
return new_len
mkTupleShow ::
build-depends: ghc >= 6.11, pretty, vhdl > 0.1, haskell98, syb,
data-accessor, containers, base >= 4, transformers,
filepath, template-haskell, data-accessor-template,
- prettyclass, directory, th-lift-ng, tfp, tfvec
+ data-accessor-transformers, prettyclass, directory,
+ th-lift-ng, tfp, tfvec
exposed-modules: CLasH.HardwareTypes