import GHC.Paths ( libdir )
import DynFlags ( defaultDynFlags )
import List ( find )
+import qualified List
+import qualified Monad
-- The following modules come from the ForSyDe project. They are really
-- internal modules, so ForSyDe.cabal has to be modified prior to installing
-- ForSyDe to get access to these modules.
--core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
liftIO $ printBinds (cm_binds core)
- let bind = findBind "invinv" (cm_binds core)
+ let bind = findBind "dup" (cm_binds core)
let NonRec var expr = bind
-- Turn bind into VHDL
let vhdl = State.evalState (mkVHDL bind) (VHDLSession 0 builtin_funcs)
-> [CoreExpr] -- A list of expressions to put in the tuple
-> VHDLState ( [AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId], SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)
-- See expandExpr
-expandBuildTupleExpr binds args =
- error $ "Tuple construction not supported"
+expandBuildTupleExpr binds args = do
+ -- Split the tuple constructor arguments into types and actual values.
+ let (_, vals) = splitTupleConstructorArgs args
+ -- Expand each of the values in the tuple
+ (signals_declss, statementss, arg_signalss, res_signals) <-
+ (Monad.liftM List.unzip4) $ mapM (expandExpr binds) vals
+ if any (not . null) arg_signalss
+ then error "Putting high order functions in tuples not supported"
+ else
+ return (
+ concat signals_declss,
+ concat statementss,
+ [],
+ Tuple res_signals)
-- Expands the application of argument to a function into VHDL
expandApplicationExpr ::