Previously, this used some custom set of functions. Using varToVHDLExpr
allows us to support constants for datacons later on.
Just (arg_count, builder) ->
if length valargs == arg_count then
- sigs = map (bndrToString.varBndr) valargs
- sigsNames = map (\signal -> (AST.PrimName (AST.NSimple (mkVHDLExtId signal)))) sigs
- func = builder sigsNames
+ sigs = map (varToVHDLExpr.varBndr) valargs
+ func = builder sigs
src_wform = AST.Wform [AST.WformElem func Nothing]
dst_name = AST.NSimple (mkVHDLExtId (bndrToString bndr))
assign = dst_name AST.:<==: (AST.ConWforms [] src_wform Nothing)