return $ App a' b'
subeverywhere trans c (Let (NonRec b bexpr) expr) = do
- bexpr' <- trans (LetBinding:c) bexpr
- expr' <- trans (LetBody:c) expr
+ -- In the binding of a non-recursive let binding, no extra binders are
+ -- in scope.
+ bexpr' <- trans (LetBinding []:c) bexpr
+ -- In the body of a non-recursive let binding, the bound binder is in
+ -- scope.
+ expr' <- trans ((LetBody [b]):c) expr
return $ Let (NonRec b bexpr') expr'
subeverywhere trans c (Let (Rec binds) expr) = do
- expr' <- trans (LetBody:c) expr
+ -- In the body of a recursive let, all binders are in scope
+ expr' <- trans ((LetBody bndrs):c) expr
binds' <- mapM transbind binds
return $ Let (Rec binds') expr'
+ bndrs = map fst binds
transbind :: (CoreBndr, CoreExpr) -> TransformMonad (CoreBndr, CoreExpr)
transbind (b, e) = do
- e' <- trans (LetBinding:c) e
+ -- In the bindings of a recursive let, all binders are in scope
+ e' <- trans ((LetBinding bndrs):c) e
return (b, e')
subeverywhere trans c (Lam x expr) = do
- expr' <- trans (LambdaBody:c) expr
+ -- In the body of a lambda, the bound binder is in scope.
+ expr' <- trans ((LambdaBody x):c) expr
return $ Lam x expr'
subeverywhere trans c (Case scrut b t alts) = do
reps' <- mapM (subs_bind bndr val) reps
-- And then perform the remaining substitutions
do_substitute reps' expr'
+ -- All binders bound in the transformed recursive let
+ bndrs = map fst binds
-- Replace the given binder with the given expression in the
-- expression oft the given let binding
subs_bind :: CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> (CoreBndr, CoreExpr) -> TransformMonad (CoreBndr, CoreExpr)
subs_bind bndr expr (b, v) = do
- v' <- substitute_clone bndr expr (LetBinding:context) v
+ v' <- substitute_clone bndr expr ((LetBinding bndrs):context) v
return (b, v')
| AppSecond -- ^ The expression is the second
-- argument of an application
-- (i.e., something is applied to it)
- | LetBinding -- ^ The expression is bound in a
+ | LetBinding [CoreSyn.CoreBndr]
+ -- ^ The expression is bound in a
-- (recursive or non-recursive) let
-- expression.
- | LetBody -- ^ The expression is the body of a
+ | LetBody [CoreSyn.CoreBndr]
+ -- ^ The expression is the body of a
-- let expression
- | LambdaBody -- ^ The expression is the body of a
+ | LambdaBody CoreSyn.CoreBndr
+ -- ^ The expression is the body of a
-- lambda abstraction
| Other -- ^ Another context
deriving (Eq, Show)
is_appsecond_ctx AppSecond = True
is_appsecond_ctx _ = False
-is_letbinding_ctx LetBinding = True
+is_letbinding_ctx (LetBinding _) = True
is_letbinding_ctx _ = False
-is_letbody_ctx LetBody = True
+is_letbody_ctx (LetBody _) = True
is_letbody_ctx _ = False
-is_lambdabody_ctx LambdaBody = True
+is_lambdabody_ctx (LambdaBody _) = True
is_lambdabody_ctx _ = False