% transformations.
path a, b;
% Create a rectangle of the full size
a := origin -- (\MPvar{width}, 0mm);
% And draw it
drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled .75mm withcolor black) ;
draw a;
% Draw a line with the given options. Accepts only the 'width' option. Be
% careful that these are metapost options, so use \the\textwidth instead of
% \the\textwidth instead of 0.5\textwidth).
- \uniqueMPgraphic{HLine}}
+ \useMPgraphic{HLine}}
path a, b;
% Create a rectangle of the full size
a := unitsquare xyscaled(\overlaywidth,\overlayheight);
% And draw it
drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled .75mm withcolor black) ;
draw b;
% Define \{start,stop}boxed with a nice metapost box around it.