-version 0.x -- xxxxxxxxxxxxx
+version 0.7 -- July 3 2005
+ added ninjahelper: a dialog based wizard for creating backupninja configs.
+ considerably improved and changed the log file output.
+version 0.6 -- June 16 2005
ldap handler has new options: backup method to use (ldapsearch or
slapcat), restart, passwordfile and binddn. Default backup method
is set to ldapsearch as this is safer
sqldump doesn't need dbusername. (hotcopy still does).
fixed bug in mysql handler which caused some passwords to not work.
(.my.cnf files now have double quotes around password)
- considerably improved and changed the log file output.
can now pass options to hwinfo and sfdisk in sys handler.
version 0.5 -- April 12 2005