+\subsection{Higher order CPU}
+type FuState = State Word
+fu :: (a -> a -> a)
+ -> [a]:n
+ -> (RangedWord n, RangedWord n)
+ -> FuState
+ -> (FuState, a)
+fu op inputs (addr1, addr2) (State out) =
+ (State out', out)
+ where
+ in1 = inputs!addr1
+ in2 = inputs!addr2
+ out' = op in1 in2
+type CpuState = State [FuState]:4
+cpu :: Word
+ -> [(RangedWord 7, RangedWord 7)]:4
+ -> CpuState
+ -> (CpuState, Word)
+cpu input addrs (State fuss) =
+ (State fuss', out)
+ where
+ fures = [ fu const inputs!0 fuss!0
+ , fu (+) inputs!1 fuss!1
+ , fu (-) inputs!2 fuss!2
+ , fu (*) inputs!3 fuss!3
+ ]
+ (fuss', outputs) = unzip fures
+ inputs = 0 +> 1 +> input +> outputs
+ out = head outputs
\section{Related work}
Many functional hardware description languages have been developed over the
years. Early work includes such languages as $\mu$\acro{FP}~\cite{muFP}, an