module Translator where
import qualified Directory
+import qualified List
import GHC hiding (loadModule, sigName)
import CoreSyn
import qualified CoreUtils
import qualified Maybe
import qualified Module
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
+import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Name
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Generics
-> FlatFunction
propagateState hsfunc flatfunc =
- flatfunc {flat_defs = apps'}
+ flatfunc {flat_defs = apps', flat_sigs = sigs'}
apps = filter is_FApp (flat_defs flatfunc)
- apps' = map (propagateState' ()) apps
+ (olds, news) = unzip $ getStateSignals hsfunc flatfunc
+ states' = zip olds news
+ -- Find all signals used by all sigdefs
+ uses = concatMap sigDefUses (flat_defs flatfunc)
+ -- Find all signals that are used more than once (is there a
+ -- prettier way to do this?)
+ multiple_uses = uses List.\\ (List.nub uses)
+ -- Find the states whose "old state" signal is used only once
+ single_use_states = filter ((`notElem` multiple_uses) . fst) states'
+ -- See if these single use states can be propagated
+ (substate_sigss, apps') = unzip $ map (propagateState' single_use_states) apps
+ substate_sigs = concat substate_sigss
+ -- Mark any propagated state signals as SigSubState
+ sigs' = map
+ (\(id, info) -> (id, if id `elem` substate_sigs then info {sigUse = SigSubState} else info))
+ (flat_sigs flatfunc)
-- | Propagate the state into a single function application.
propagateState' ::
- ()
+ [(SignalId, SignalId)]
+ -- ^ TODO
-> SigDef -- ^ The function application to process. Must be
-- a FApp constructor.
- -> SigDef -- ^ The resulting application.
-propagateState' _ d = d
+ -> ([SignalId], SigDef)
+ -- ^ Any signal ids that should become substates,
+ -- and the resulting application.
+propagateState' states app =
+ (our_old ++ our_new, app {appFunc = hsfunc'})
+ where
+ hsfunc = appFunc app
+ args = appArgs app
+ res = appRes app
+ our_states = filter our_state states
+ -- A state signal belongs in this function if the old state is
+ -- passed in, and the new state returned
+ our_state (old, new) =
+ any (old `Foldable.elem`) args
+ && new `Foldable.elem` res
+ (our_old, our_new) = unzip our_states
+ -- Mark the result
+ zipped_res = zipValueMaps res (hsFuncRes hsfunc)
+ res' = fmap (mark_state (zip our_new [0..])) zipped_res
+ -- Mark the args
+ zipped_args = zipWith zipValueMaps args (hsFuncArgs hsfunc)
+ args' = map (fmap (mark_state (zip our_old [0..]))) zipped_args
+ hsfunc' = hsfunc {hsFuncArgs = args', hsFuncRes = res'}
+ mark_state :: [(SignalId, StateId)] -> (SignalId, HsValueUse) -> HsValueUse
+ mark_state states (id, use) =
+ case lookup id states of
+ Nothing -> use
+ Just state_id -> State state_id
+-- | Returns pairs of signals that should be mapped to state in this function.
+getStateSignals ::
+ HsFunction -- | The function to look at
+ -> FlatFunction -- | The function to look at
+ -> [(SignalId, SignalId)]
+ -- | TODO The state signals. The first is the state number, the second the
+ -- signal to assign the current state to, the last is the signal
+ -- that holds the new state.
+getStateSignals hsfunc flatfunc =
+ [(old_id, new_id)
+ | (old_num, old_id) <- args
+ , (new_num, new_id) <- res
+ , old_num == new_num]
+ where
+ sigs = flat_sigs flatfunc
+ -- Translate args and res to lists of (statenum, sigid)
+ args = concat $ zipWith stateList (hsFuncArgs hsfunc) (flat_args flatfunc)
+ res = stateList (hsFuncRes hsfunc) (flat_res flatfunc)
-- | Find the given function, flatten it and add it to the session. Then
-- (recursively) do the same for any functions used.
resolvFunc ::