map (Arrow.second $ AST.DesignFile full_context) units
- init_session = VHDLSession Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty builtin_funcs globalNameTable
+ init_session = VHDLSession Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty globalNameTable
(units, final_session) =
State.runState (createLibraryUnits binds) init_session
tyfun_decls = Map.elems (final_session ^.vsTypeFuns)
nameToString :: Name.Name -> String
nameToString = OccName.occNameString . Name.nameOccName
--- | A consise representation of a (set of) ports on a builtin function
---type PortMap = HsValueMap (String, AST.TypeMark)
--- | A consise representation of a builtin function
-data BuiltIn = BuiltIn String [(String, AST.TypeMark)] (String, AST.TypeMark)
--- | Translate a list of concise representation of builtin functions to a
--- SignatureMap
-mkBuiltins :: [BuiltIn] -> SignatureMap
-mkBuiltins = Map.fromList . map (\(BuiltIn name args res) ->
- (name,
- Entity (VHDL.mkVHDLBasicId name) (map toVHDLSignalMapElement args) (toVHDLSignalMapElement res))
- )
-builtin_hsfuncs = Map.keys builtin_funcs
-builtin_funcs = mkBuiltins
- [
- BuiltIn "hwxor" [("a", VHDL.bit_ty), ("b", VHDL.bit_ty)] ("o", VHDL.bit_ty),
- BuiltIn "hwand" [("a", VHDL.bit_ty), ("b", VHDL.bit_ty)] ("o", VHDL.bit_ty),
- BuiltIn "hwor" [("a", VHDL.bit_ty), ("b", VHDL.bit_ty)] ("o", VHDL.bit_ty),
- BuiltIn "hwnot" [("a", VHDL.bit_ty)] ("o", VHDL.bit_ty)
- ]
recordlabels = map (\c -> mkVHDLBasicId [c]) ['A'..'Z']
-- | Map a port specification of a builtin function to a VHDL Signal to put in