-- Create entities and architectures for them
Monad.zipWithM processBind statefuls binds
modFuncs nameFlatFunction
- modFuncs VHDL.createEntity
+ modFuncMap $ Map.mapWithKey (\hsfunc fdata -> fdata {funcEntity = VHDL.createEntity hsfunc fdata})
modFuncs VHDL.createArchitecture
funcs <- getFuncs
return $ VHDL.getDesignFiles (map snd funcs)
createEntity ::
HsFunction -- | The function signature
-> FuncData -- | The function data collected so far
- -> VHDLState ()
+ -> Maybe Entity -- | The resulting entity
createEntity hsfunc fdata =
- let func = flatFunc fdata in
- case func of
+ case flatFunc fdata of
-- Skip (builtin) functions without a FlatFunction
- Nothing -> do return ()
+ Nothing -> Nothing
-- Create an entity for all other functions
Just flatfunc ->
then Nothing
else Just $ AST.PackageDec pkg_id (map AST.PDITD $ ty_decls ++ ty_decls')
AST.EntityDec entity_id _ = ent_decl'
- entity' = Entity entity_id args' res' (Just ent_decl') pkg_decl
- in do
- setEntity hsfunc entity'
+ in
+ Just $ Entity entity_id args' res' (Just ent_decl') pkg_decl
mkMap ::
[(SignalId, SignalInfo)]