import qualified Var
import qualified VarSet
import qualified CoreFVs
+import qualified Class
import qualified MkCore
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, nest )
inlinedict expr = return expr
inlinedicttop = everywhere ("inlinedict", inlinedict)
+-- ClassOp resolution
+-- Resolves any class operation to the actual operation whenever
+-- possible. Class methods (as well as parent dictionary selectors) are
+-- special "functions" that take a type and a dictionary and evaluate to
+-- the corresponding method. A dictionary is nothing more than a
+-- special dataconstructor applied to the type the dictionary is for,
+-- each of the superclasses and all of the class method definitions for
+-- that particular type. Since dictionaries all always inlined (top
+-- levels dictionaries are inlined by inlinedict, local dictionaries are
+-- inlined by inlinenonrep), we will eventually have something like:
+-- baz
+-- @ CLasH.HardwareTypes.Bit
+-- (D:Baz @ CLasH.HardwareTypes.Bit bitbaz)
+-- Here, baz is the method selector for the baz method, while
+-- D:Baz is the dictionary constructor for the Baz and bitbaz is the baz
+-- method defined in the Baz Bit instance declaration.
+-- To resolve this, we can look at the ClassOp IdInfo from the baz Id,
+-- which contains the Class it is defined for. From the Class, we can
+-- get a list of all selectors (both parent class selectors as well as
+-- method selectors). Since the arguments to D:Baz (after the type
+-- argument) correspond exactly to this list, we then look up baz in
+-- that list and replace the entire expression by the corresponding
+-- argument to D:Baz.
+classopresolution, classopresolutiontop :: Transform
+classopresolution expr@(App (App (Var sel) ty) dict) =
+ case Id.isClassOpId_maybe sel of
+ -- Not a class op selector
+ Nothing -> return expr
+ Just cls -> case collectArgs dict of
+ (_, []) -> return expr -- Dict is not an application (e.g., not inlined yet)
+ (dictdc, (ty':selectors)) | tyargs_neq ty ty' -> error $ "Applying class selector to dictionary without matching type?\n" ++ pprString expr
+ | otherwise ->
+ let selector_ids = Class.classSelIds cls in
+ -- Find the selector used in the class' list of selectors
+ case List.elemIndex sel selector_ids of
+ Nothing -> error $ "Selector not found in class' selector list? This should not happen!\nExpression: " ++ pprString expr ++ "\nClass: " ++ show cls ++ "\nSelectors: " ++ show selector_ids
+ -- Get the corresponding argument from the dictionary
+ Just n -> change (selectors!!n)
+ where
+ -- Compare two type arguments, returning True if they are _not_
+ -- equal
+ tyargs_neq (Type ty1) (Type ty2) = not $ Type.coreEqType ty1 ty2
+ tyargs_neq _ _ = True
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+classopresolution expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+classopresolutiontop = everywhere ("classopresolution", classopresolution)
-- Scrutinee simplification
-- What transforms to run?
-transforms = [inlinedicttop, inlinetopleveltop, argproptop, funextracttop, etatop, betatop, castproptop, letremovesimpletop, letderectop, letremovetop, letsimpltop, letflattop, scrutsimpltop, scrutbndrremovetop, casesimpltop, caseremovetop, inlinenonreptop, appsimpltop, letremoveunusedtop, castsimpltop, lambdasimpltop, simplrestop]
+transforms = [inlinedicttop, inlinetopleveltop, classopresolutiontop, argproptop, funextracttop, etatop, betatop, castproptop, letremovesimpletop, letderectop, letremovetop, letsimpltop, letflattop, scrutsimpltop, scrutbndrremovetop, casesimpltop, caseremovetop, inlinenonreptop, appsimpltop, letremoveunusedtop, castsimpltop, lambdasimpltop, simplrestop]
-- | Returns the normalized version of the given function, or an error
-- if it is not a known global binder.