--core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
liftIO $ printBinds (cm_binds core)
- let bind = findBind "dup" (cm_binds core)
+ let bind = findBind "full_adder" (cm_binds core)
let NonRec var expr = bind
-- Turn bind into VHDL
let vhdl = State.evalState (mkVHDL bind) (VHDLSession 0 builtin_funcs)
-- the expression's arguments
SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId) -- The signal names corresponding to
-- the expression's result.
-expandExpr binds (Lam b expr) = do
+expandExpr binds lam@(Lam b expr) = do
-- Generate a new signal to which we will expect this argument to be bound.
signal_name <- uniqueName ("arg-" ++ getOccString b)
- -- TODO: This uses the bit type hardcoded
- let (signal_id, signal_decl) = mkSignal signal_name vhdl_bit_ty
+ -- Find the type of the binder
+ let (arg_ty, _) = Type.splitFunTy (CoreUtils.exprType lam)
+ -- Create signal names for the binder
+ let arg_signal = getPortNameMapForTy ("xxx") arg_ty
+ -- Create the corresponding signal declarations
+ let signal_decls = mkSignalsFromMap arg_signal
-- Add the binder to the list of binds
- let binds' = (b, Signal signal_id) : binds
+ let binds' = (b, arg_signal) : binds
-- Expand the rest of the expression
- (signal_decls, statements, arg_signals, res_signal) <- expandExpr binds' expr
+ (signal_decls', statements', arg_signals', res_signal') <- expandExpr binds' expr
-- Properly merge the results
- return (signal_decl : signal_decls,
- statements,
- (Signal signal_id) : arg_signals,
- res_signal)
+ return (signal_decls ++ signal_decls',
+ statements',
+ arg_signal : arg_signals',
+ res_signal')
expandExpr binds (Var id) =
return ([], [], [], Signal signal_id)
expandApplicationExpr binds (CoreUtils.exprType app) f args
+expandExpr binds expr@(Case (Var v) b _ alts) =
+ case alts of
+ [alt] -> expandSingleAltCaseExpr binds v b alt
+ otherwise -> error $ "Multiple alternative case expression not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr expr)
+expandExpr binds expr@(Case _ b _ _) =
+ error $ "Case expression with non-variable scrutinee not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr expr)
expandExpr binds expr =
error $ "Unsupported expression: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ expr)
Tuple res_signals)
+-- Expands the most simple case expression that scrutinizes a plain variable
+-- and has a single alternative. This simple form currently allows only for
+-- unpacking tuple variables.
+expandSingleAltCaseExpr ::
+ [(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)]
+ -- A list of bindings in effect
+ -> Var.Var -- The scrutinee
+ -> CoreBndr -- The binder to bind the scrutinee to
+ -> CoreAlt -- The single alternative
+ -> VHDLState ( [AST.SigDec], [AST.ConcSm], [SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId], SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)
+ -- See expandExpr
+expandSingleAltCaseExpr binds v b alt@(DataAlt datacon, bind_vars, expr) =
+ if not (DataCon.isTupleCon datacon)
+ then
+ error $ "Dataconstructors other than tuple constructors not supported in case pattern of alternative: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr alt)
+ else
+ let
+ -- Lookup the scrutinee (which must be a variable bound to a tuple) in
+ -- the existing bindings list and get the portname map for each of
+ -- it's elements.
+ Tuple tuple_ports = Maybe.fromMaybe
+ (error $ "Case expression uses unknown scrutinee " ++ getOccString v)
+ (lookup v binds)
+ -- TODO include b in the binds list
+ -- Merge our existing binds with the new binds.
+ binds' = (zip bind_vars tuple_ports) ++ binds
+ in
+ -- Expand the expression with the new binds list
+ expandExpr binds' expr
+expandSingleAltCaseExpr _ _ _ alt =
+ error $ "Case patterns other than data constructors not supported in case alternative: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr alt)
-- Expands the application of argument to a function into VHDL
expandApplicationExpr ::
[(CoreBndr, SignalNameMap AST.VHDLId)]
("hwxor", HWFunction [Signal $ mkVHDLId "a", Signal $ mkVHDLId "b"] (Signal $ mkVHDLId "o")),
("hwand", HWFunction [Signal $ mkVHDLId "a", Signal $ mkVHDLId "b"] (Signal $ mkVHDLId "o")),
+ ("hwor", HWFunction [Signal $ mkVHDLId "a", Signal $ mkVHDLId "b"] (Signal $ mkVHDLId "o")),
("hwnot", HWFunction [Signal $ mkVHDLId "i"] (Signal $ mkVHDLId "o"))