then do
-- If the result is not a local var already (to prevent loops with
-- ourselves), extract it.
- id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "foo" (CoreUtils.exprType res)
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor res "foo"
let bind = (id, res)
change $ Let (Rec (bind:binds)) (Var id)
repr <- isRepr scrut
if repr
then do
- id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "scrut" (CoreUtils.exprType scrut)
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor scrut "scrut"
change $ Let (Rec [(id, scrut)]) (Case (Var id) b ty alts)
return expr
-- prevent loops with inlinenonrep).
if (not uses_bndrs) && (not local_var) && repr
then do
- id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "caseval" (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor expr "caseval"
-- We don't flag a change here, since casevalsimpl will do that above
-- based on Just we return here.
return $ (Just (id, expr), Var id)
local_var <- Trans.lift $ is_local_var arg
if repr && not local_var
then do -- Extract representable arguments
- id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "arg" (CoreUtils.exprType arg)
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor arg "arg"
change $ Let (Rec [(id, arg)]) (App f (Var id))
else -- Leave non-representable arguments unchanged
return expr