-> [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
createDesignFiles binds =
- (mkVHDLBasicId "types", AST.DesignFile ieee_context [type_package]) :
+ (mkVHDLBasicId "types", AST.DesignFile ieee_context [type_package_dec, type_package_body]) :
map (Arrow.second $ AST.DesignFile full_context) units
- init_session = VHDLSession Map.empty Map.empty builtin_funcs globalNameTable
+ init_session = VHDLSession Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty builtin_funcs globalNameTable
(units, final_session) =
State.runState (createLibraryUnits binds) init_session
ty_decls = Map.elems (final_session ^. vsTypes)
+ subty_decls = Map.elems (final_session ^. vsSubTypes)
+ tyfun_decls = Map.elems (final_session ^.vsTypeFuns)
ieee_context = [
AST.Library $ mkVHDLBasicId "IEEE",
mkUseAll ["IEEE", "std_logic_1164"],
full_context =
mkUseAll ["work", "types"]
: ieee_context
- type_package = AST.LUPackageDec $ AST.PackageDec (mkVHDLBasicId "types") (map (AST.PDITD . snd) ty_decls)
+ type_package_dec = AST.LUPackageDec $ AST.PackageDec (mkVHDLBasicId "types") (packageTypeDecs ++ packageSubtypeDecs ++ subProgSpecs)
+ type_package_body = AST.LUPackageBody $ AST.PackageBody typesId (concat tyfun_decls)
+ packageTypeDecs = map (AST.PDITD . snd) ty_decls
+ packageSubtypeDecs = map (AST.PDISD . snd) subty_decls
+ subProgSpecs = concat (map subProgSpec tyfun_decls)
+ subProgSpec = map (\(AST.SubProgBody spec _ _) -> AST.PDISS spec)
-- Create a use foo.bar.all statement. Takes a list of components in the used
-- name. Must contain at least two components
case name of
"TFVec" -> Just $ mk_vector_ty (tfvec_len ty) ty
"SizedWord" -> Just $ mk_vector_ty (sized_word_len ty) ty
+ "RangedWord" -> Just $ mk_natural_ty 0 (ranged_word_bound ty) ty
otherwise -> Nothing
-- Return new_ty when a new type was successfully created
modA vsTypeFuns (Map.insert (OrdType ty) (genUnconsVectorFuns std_logic_ty ty_id))
return ty_id
+mk_natural_ty ::
+ Int -- ^ The minimum bound (> 0)
+ -> Int -- ^ The maximum bound (> minimum bound)
+ -> Type.Type -- ^ The Haskell type to create a VHDL type for
+ -> VHDLState AST.TypeMark -- The typemark created.
+mk_natural_ty min_bound max_bound ty = do
+ let ty_id = mkVHDLExtId $ "nat_" ++ (show min_bound) ++ "_to_" ++ (show max_bound)
+ let ty_def = AST.SubtypeIn naturalTM (Nothing)
+ let ty_dec = AST.SubtypeDec ty_id ty_def
+ modA vsSubTypes (Map.insert (OrdType ty) (ty_id, ty_dec))
+ return ty_id
builtin_types =
Map.fromList [
-- A map of a Core type to the corresponding type name
type TypeMap = Map.Map OrdType (AST.VHDLId, AST.TypeDec)
+-- A map of a Core type to the corresponding VHDL subtype
+type SubTypeMap = Map.Map OrdType (AST.VHDLId, AST.SubtypeDec)
-- A map of a vector Core type to the coressponding VHDL functions
type TypeFunMap = Map.Map OrdType [AST.SubProgBody]
data VHDLSession = VHDLSession {
-- | A map of Core type -> VHDL Type
vsTypes_ :: TypeMap,
+ -- | A map of Core type -> VHDL SubType
+ vsSubTypes_ :: SubTypeMap,
-- | A map of vector Core type -> VHDL type function
vsTypeFuns_ :: TypeFunMap,
-- | A map of HsFunction -> hardware signature (entity name, port names,