getNormalized bndr = do
norm <- getNormalized_maybe bndr
return $ Maybe.fromMaybe
- (error $ "Normalize.getNormalized: Unknown function requested: " ++ show bndr)
+ (error $ "Normalize.getNormalized: Unknown or non-representable function requested: " ++ show bndr)
-- | Returns the normalized version of the given function, or Nothing
--- when the binder is not a known global binder.
+-- when the binder is not a known global binder or is not normalizeable.
getNormalized_maybe ::
CoreBndr -- ^ The function to get
-> TranslatorSession (Maybe CoreExpr) -- The normalized function body
getNormalized_maybe bndr = do
expr_maybe <- getGlobalBind bndr
- if Maybe.isNothing expr_maybe
+ normalizeable <- isNormalizeable' bndr
+ if not normalizeable || Maybe.isNothing expr_maybe
- -- Binder not found
+ -- Binder not normalizeable or not found
return Nothing
else if is_poly (Var bndr)