import qualified Unique
import qualified CoreUtils
import qualified CoreFVs
+import qualified Literal
-- Local imports
import GhcTools
is_var (CoreSyn.Var _) = True
is_var _ = False
+is_lit :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> Bool
+is_lit (CoreSyn.Lit _) = True
+is_lit _ = False
-- Can the given core expression be applied to something? This is true for
-- applying to a value as well as a type.
is_applicable :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> Bool
exprToVar (CoreSyn.Var id) = id
exprToVar expr = error $ "\nCoreTools.exprToVar: Not a var: " ++ show expr
+-- Turns a Lit CoreExpr into the Literal inside it.
+exprToLit :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> Literal.Literal
+exprToLit (CoreSyn.Lit lit) = lit
+exprToLit expr = error $ "\nCoreTools.exprToLit: Not a lit: " ++ show expr
-- Removes all the type and dictionary arguments from the given argument list,
-- leaving only the normal value arguments. The type given is the type of the
-- expression applied to this argument list.
-- (length predtypes) arguments should be dictionaries. We drop this many
-- arguments, to get at the value arguments.
n = length tyvars + length predtypes
+getLiterals :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> [CoreSyn.CoreExpr]
+getLiterals app@(CoreSyn.App _ _) = literals
+ where
+ (CoreSyn.Var f, args) = CoreSyn.collectArgs app
+ literals = filter (is_lit) args
\ No newline at end of file
import Type
import qualified Var
import qualified IdInfo
+import qualified Literal
-- Local imports
import Constants
-- Check (rather crudely) that all arguments are CoreExprs
(exprargs, []) = Either.partitionEithers args
+-- | A function to wrap a builder-like function that expects its arguments to
+-- be Literals
+genLitArgs ::
+ (dst -> func -> [Literal.Literal] -> res)
+ -> (dst -> func -> [Either CoreSyn.CoreExpr AST.Expr] -> res)
+genLitArgs wrap dst func args = wrap dst func args'
+ where
+ args' = map exprToLit litargs
+ -- FIXME: Check if we were passed an CoreSyn.App
+ litargs = concat (map getLiterals exprargs)
+ (exprargs, []) = Either.partitionEithers args
-- | A function to wrap a builder-like function that produces an expression
-- and expects it to be assigned to the destination.
genExprRes ::
map (\exp -> Nothing AST.:=>: AST.ADExpr exp) args
genFromSizedWord' (Right name) _ _ = error $ "\nGenerate.genFromSizedWord': Cannot generate builtin function call assigned to a VHDLName: " ++ show name
+-- FIXME: I'm calling genLitArgs which is very specific function,
+-- which needs to be fixed as well
+genFromInteger :: BuiltinBuilder
+genFromInteger = genLitArgs $ genExprRes genFromInteger'
+genFromInteger' :: Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> [Literal.Literal] -> VHDLSession AST.Expr
+genFromInteger' (Left res) f args = do
+ return $ AST.PrimLit (pprString (last args))
+genFromInteger' (Right name) _ _ = error $ "\nGenerate.genFromInteger': Cannot generate builtin function call assigned to a VHDLName: " ++ show name
-- | Generate a generate statement for the builtin function "map"
genMap :: BuiltinBuilder
, (negateId , (1, genOperator1 AST.Not ) )
, (minusId , (2, genOperator2 (AST.:-:) ) )
, (fromSizedWordId , (1, genFromSizedWord ) )
+ , (fromIntegerId , (1, genFromInteger ) )