import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTypes
import qualified CLasH.Utils as Utils
import CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreTools
+import CLasH.Utils.Core.BinderTools
import CLasH.Utils.Pretty
eta, etatop :: Transform
eta expr | is_fun expr && not (is_lam expr) = do
let arg_ty = (fst . Type.splitFunTy . CoreUtils.exprType) expr
- id <- mkInternalVar "param" arg_ty
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "param" arg_ty
change (Lam id (App expr (Var id)))
-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
eta e = return e
then do
-- If the result is not a local var already (to prevent loops with
-- ourselves), extract it.
- id <- mkInternalVar "foo" (CoreUtils.exprType res)
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "foo" (CoreUtils.exprType res)
let bind = (id, res)
change $ Let (Rec (bind:binds)) (Var id)
repr <- isRepr scrut
if repr
then do
- id <- mkInternalVar "scrut" (CoreUtils.exprType scrut)
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "scrut" (CoreUtils.exprType scrut)
change $ Let (Rec [(id, scrut)]) (Case (Var id) b ty alts)
return expr
-- Create on new binder that will actually capture a value in this
-- case statement, and return it.
let bty = (Id.idType b)
- id <- mkInternalVar "sel" bty
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "sel" bty
let binders = take i wildbndrs ++ [id] ++ drop (i+1) wildbndrs
let caseexpr = Case scrut b bty [(con, binders, Var id)]
return (wildbndrs!!i, Just (b, caseexpr))
-- prevent loops with inlinenonrep).
if (not uses_bndrs) && (not local_var) && repr
then do
- id <- mkInternalVar "caseval" (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "caseval" (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
-- We don't flag a change here, since casevalsimpl will do that above
-- based on Just we return here.
return $ (Just (id, expr), Var id)
local_var <- Trans.lift $ is_local_var arg
if repr && not local_var
then do -- Extract representable arguments
- id <- mkInternalVar "arg" (CoreUtils.exprType arg)
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "arg" (CoreUtils.exprType arg)
change $ Let (Rec [(id, arg)]) (App f (Var id))
else -- Leave non-representable arguments unchanged
return expr
-- the old body applied to some arguments.
let newbody = MkCore.mkCoreLams newparams (MkCore.mkCoreApps body oldargs)
-- Create a new function with the same name but a new body
- newf <- mkFunction f newbody
+ newf <- Trans.lift $ mkFunction f newbody
-- Replace the original application with one of the new function to the
-- new arguments.
change $ MkCore.mkCoreApps (Var newf) newargs
-- Representable types will not be propagated, and arguments with free
-- type variables will be propagated later.
-- TODO: preserve original naming?
- id <- mkBinderFor arg "param"
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor arg "param"
-- Just pass the original argument to the new function, which binds it
-- to a new id and just pass that new id to the old function body.
return ([arg], [id], mkReferenceTo id)
-- by the argument expression.
let free_vars = VarSet.varSetElems $ CoreFVs.exprFreeVars arg
let body = MkCore.mkCoreLams free_vars arg
- id <- mkBinderFor body "fun"
+ id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor body "fun"
Trans.lift $ addGlobalBind id body
-- Replace the argument with a reference to the new function, applied to
-- all vars it uses.
-- This module provides functions for program transformations.
module CLasH.Normalize.NormalizeTools where
-- Standard modules
import Debug.Trace
import qualified List
import CoreSyn
-import qualified UniqSupply
-import qualified Unique
-import qualified OccName
-import qualified Name
-import qualified Var
-import qualified SrcLoc
-import qualified Type
-import qualified IdInfo
-import qualified CoreUtils
import qualified CoreSubst
-import qualified VarSet
-import qualified HscTypes
+import qualified CoreUtils
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, nest )
-- Local imports
import CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTypes
import qualified CLasH.VHDL.VHDLTools as VHDLTools
--- Create a new internal var with the given name and type. A Unique is
--- appended to the given name, to ensure uniqueness (not strictly neccesary,
--- since the Unique is also stored in the name, but this ensures variable
--- names are unique in the output).
-mkInternalVar :: String -> Type.Type -> TransformMonad Var.Var
-mkInternalVar str ty = Trans.lift (mkInternalVar' str ty)
-mkInternalVar' :: String -> Type.Type -> TranslatorSession Var.Var
-mkInternalVar' str ty = do
- uniq <- mkUnique'
- let occname = OccName.mkVarOcc (str ++ show uniq)
- let name = Name.mkInternalName uniq occname SrcLoc.noSrcSpan
- return $ Var.mkLocalVar IdInfo.VanillaId name ty IdInfo.vanillaIdInfo
--- Create a new type variable with the given name and kind. A Unique is
--- appended to the given name, to ensure uniqueness (not strictly neccesary,
--- since the Unique is also stored in the name, but this ensures variable
--- names are unique in the output).
-mkTypeVar :: String -> Type.Kind -> TransformMonad Var.Var
-mkTypeVar str kind = Trans.lift (mkTypeVar' str kind)
-mkTypeVar' :: String -> Type.Kind -> TranslatorSession Var.Var
-mkTypeVar' str kind = do
- uniq <- mkUnique'
- let occname = OccName.mkVarOcc (str ++ show uniq)
- let name = Name.mkInternalName uniq occname SrcLoc.noSrcSpan
- return $ Var.mkTyVar name kind
--- Creates a binder for the given expression with the given name. This
--- works for both value and type level expressions, so it can return a Var or
--- TyVar (which is just an alias for Var).
-mkBinderFor :: CoreExpr -> String -> TransformMonad Var.Var
-mkBinderFor expr string = Trans.lift (mkBinderFor' expr string)
-mkBinderFor' :: CoreExpr -> String -> TranslatorSession Var.Var
-mkBinderFor' (Type ty) string = mkTypeVar' string (Type.typeKind ty)
-mkBinderFor' expr string = mkInternalVar' string (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
--- Creates a reference to the given variable. This works for both a normal
--- variable as well as a type variable
-mkReferenceTo :: Var.Var -> CoreExpr
-mkReferenceTo var | Var.isTyVar var = (Type $ Type.mkTyVarTy var)
- | otherwise = (Var var)
-cloneVar :: Var.Var -> TransformMonad Var.Var
-cloneVar v = do
- uniq <- mkUnique
- -- Swap out the unique, and reset the IdInfo (I'm not 100% sure what it
- -- contains, but vannillaIdInfo is always correct, since it means "no info").
- return $ Var.lazySetIdInfo (Var.setVarUnique v uniq) IdInfo.vanillaIdInfo
--- Creates a new function with the same name as the given binder (but with a
--- new unique) and with the given function body. Returns the new binder for
--- this function.
-mkFunction :: CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> TransformMonad CoreBndr
-mkFunction bndr body = do
- let ty = CoreUtils.exprType body
- id <- cloneVar bndr
- let newid = Var.setVarType id ty
- Trans.lift $ addGlobalBind newid body
- return newid
-- Apply the given transformation to all expressions in the given expression,
-- including the expression itself.
everywhere :: (String, Transform) -> Transform
return val
--- Create a new Unique
-mkUnique :: TransformMonad Unique.Unique
-mkUnique = Trans.lift $ mkUnique'
-mkUnique' :: TranslatorSession Unique.Unique
-mkUnique' = do
- us <- getA tsUniqSupply
- let (us', us'') = UniqSupply.splitUniqSupply us
- putA tsUniqSupply us'
- return $ UniqSupply.uniqFromSupply us''
-- Replace each of the binders given with the coresponding expressions in the
-- given expression.
substitute :: [(CoreBndr, CoreExpr)] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
-- | Transforms a CoreExpr and keeps track if it has changed.
type Transform = CoreExpr -> TransformMonad CoreExpr
--- Finds the value of a global binding, if available
-getGlobalBind :: CoreBndr -> TranslatorSession (Maybe CoreExpr)
-getGlobalBind bndr = do
- bindings <- getA tsBindings
- return $ Map.lookup bndr bindings
--- Adds a new global binding with the given value
-addGlobalBind :: CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> TranslatorSession ()
-addGlobalBind bndr expr = modA tsBindings (Map.insert bndr expr)
--- Returns a list of all global binders
-getGlobalBinders :: TranslatorSession [CoreBndr]
-getGlobalBinders = do
- bindings <- getA tsBindings
- return $ Map.keys bindings
type TranslatorSession = State.State TranslatorState
+-- Some accessors
-- Does the given binder reference a top level binder in the current
-- module(s)?
isTopLevelBinder :: CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> TranslatorSession Bool
bindings <- getA tsBindings
return $ Map.member bndr bindings
+-- Finds the value of a global binding, if available
+getGlobalBind :: CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> TranslatorSession (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreExpr)
+getGlobalBind bndr = do
+ bindings <- getA tsBindings
+ return $ Map.lookup bndr bindings
+-- Adds a new global binding with the given value
+addGlobalBind :: CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> TranslatorSession ()
+addGlobalBind bndr expr = modA tsBindings (Map.insert bndr expr)
+-- Returns a list of all global binders
+getGlobalBinders :: TranslatorSession [CoreSyn.CoreBndr]
+getGlobalBinders = do
+ bindings <- getA tsBindings
+ return $ Map.keys bindings
-- vim: set ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab:
--- /dev/null
+-- This module contains functions that manipulate binders in various ways.
+module CLasH.Utils.Core.BinderTools where
+-- Standard modules
+import Data.Accessor.MonadState as MonadState
+import CoreSyn
+import qualified Type
+import qualified UniqSupply
+import qualified Unique
+import qualified OccName
+import qualified Name
+import qualified Var
+import qualified SrcLoc
+import qualified IdInfo
+import qualified CoreUtils
+import qualified CoreSubst
+import qualified VarSet
+import qualified HscTypes
+-- Local imports
+import Data.Accessor
+import Data.Accessor.MonadState as MonadState
+import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
+-- Create a new Unique
+mkUnique :: TranslatorSession Unique.Unique
+mkUnique = do
+ us <- getA tsUniqSupply
+ let (us', us'') = UniqSupply.splitUniqSupply us
+ putA tsUniqSupply us'
+ return $ UniqSupply.uniqFromSupply us''
+-- Create a new internal var with the given name and type. A Unique is
+-- appended to the given name, to ensure uniqueness (not strictly neccesary,
+-- since the Unique is also stored in the name, but this ensures variable
+-- names are unique in the output).
+mkInternalVar :: String -> Type.Type -> TranslatorSession Var.Var
+mkInternalVar str ty = do
+ uniq <- mkUnique
+ let occname = OccName.mkVarOcc (str ++ show uniq)
+ let name = Name.mkInternalName uniq occname SrcLoc.noSrcSpan
+ return $ Var.mkLocalVar IdInfo.VanillaId name ty IdInfo.vanillaIdInfo
+-- Create a new type variable with the given name and kind. A Unique is
+-- appended to the given name, to ensure uniqueness (not strictly neccesary,
+-- since the Unique is also stored in the name, but this ensures variable
+-- names are unique in the output).
+mkTypeVar :: String -> Type.Kind -> TranslatorSession Var.Var
+mkTypeVar str kind = do
+ uniq <- mkUnique
+ let occname = OccName.mkVarOcc (str ++ show uniq)
+ let name = Name.mkInternalName uniq occname SrcLoc.noSrcSpan
+ return $ Var.mkTyVar name kind
+-- Creates a binder for the given expression with the given name. This
+-- works for both value and type level expressions, so it can return a Var or
+-- TyVar (which is just an alias for Var).
+mkBinderFor :: CoreExpr -> String -> TranslatorSession Var.Var
+mkBinderFor (Type ty) string = mkTypeVar string (Type.typeKind ty)
+mkBinderFor expr string = mkInternalVar string (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
+-- Creates a reference to the given variable. This works for both a normal
+-- variable as well as a type variable
+mkReferenceTo :: Var.Var -> CoreExpr
+mkReferenceTo var | Var.isTyVar var = (Type $ Type.mkTyVarTy var)
+ | otherwise = (Var var)
+cloneVar :: Var.Var -> TranslatorSession Var.Var
+cloneVar v = do
+ uniq <- mkUnique
+ -- Swap out the unique, and reset the IdInfo (I'm not 100% sure what it
+ -- contains, but vannillaIdInfo is always correct, since it means "no info").
+ return $ Var.lazySetIdInfo (Var.setVarUnique v uniq) IdInfo.vanillaIdInfo
+-- Creates a new function with the same name as the given binder (but with a
+-- new unique) and with the given function body. Returns the new binder for
+-- this function.
+mkFunction :: CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> TranslatorSession CoreBndr
+mkFunction bndr body = do
+ let ty = CoreUtils.exprType body
+ id <- cloneVar bndr
+ let newid = Var.setVarType id ty
+ addGlobalBind newid body
+ return newid