-- | A flattened function
data FlatFunction' sigid = FlatFunction {
- args :: [SignalMap sigid],
- res :: SignalMap sigid,
- apps :: [FApp sigid],
- conds :: [CondDef sigid],
- sigs :: [(sigid, SignalInfo)]
+ flat_args :: [SignalMap sigid],
+ flat_res :: SignalMap sigid,
+ flat_apps :: [FApp sigid],
+ flat_conds :: [CondDef sigid],
+ flat_sigs :: [(sigid, SignalInfo)]
-- | A flat function that does not have its signals named
let flatfunc = flattenFunction hsfunc bind
addFunc hsfunc
setFlatFunc hsfunc flatfunc
- let used_hsfuncs = map appFunc (apps flatfunc)
+ let used_hsfuncs = map appFunc (flat_apps flatfunc)
State.mapM resolvFunc used_hsfuncs
return ()
Nothing -> fdata
-- Name the signals in all other functions
Just flatfunc ->
- let s = sigs flatfunc in
+ let s = flat_sigs flatfunc in
let s' = map (\(id, (SignalInfo Nothing ty)) -> (id, SignalInfo (Just $ "sig_" ++ (show id)) ty)) s in
- let flatfunc' = flatfunc { sigs = s' } in
+ let flatfunc' = flatfunc { flat_sigs = s' } in
fdata { flatFunc = Just flatfunc' }
-- | Splits a tuple type into a list of element types, or Nothing if the type
-- | Some stuff we collect about a function along the way.
data FuncData = FuncData {
- flatFunc :: Maybe FlatFunction,
- entity :: Maybe Entity,
- funcArch :: Maybe AST.ArchBody
+ flatFunc :: Maybe FlatFunction,
+ funcEntity :: Maybe Entity,
+ funcArch :: Maybe AST.ArchBody
data VHDLSession = VHDLSession {
Just flatfunc ->
- s = sigs flatfunc
- a = args flatfunc
- r = res flatfunc
- args' = map (fmap (mkMap s)) a
- res' = fmap (mkMap s) r
+ sigs = flat_sigs flatfunc
+ args = flat_args flatfunc
+ res = flat_res flatfunc
+ args' = map (fmap (mkMap sigs)) args
+ res' = fmap (mkMap sigs) res
ent_decl' = createEntityAST hsfunc args' res'
entity' = Entity args' res' (Just ent_decl')
- fdata { entity = Just entity' }
+ fdata { funcEntity = Just entity' }
mkMap :: Eq id => [(id, SignalInfo)] -> id -> (AST.VHDLId, AST.TypeMark)
mkMap sigmap id =
-- Create an architecture for all other functions
Just flatfunc ->
- s = sigs flatfunc
- a = args flatfunc
- r = res flatfunc
+ sigs = flat_sigs flatfunc
+ args = flat_args flatfunc
+ res = flat_res flatfunc
entity_id = Maybe.fromMaybe
(error $ "Building architecture without an entity? This should not happen!")
(getEntityId fdata)
- sig_decs = [mkSigDec info | (id, info) <- s, (all (id `Foldable.notElem`) (r:a)) ]
+ -- Create signal declarations for all signals that are not in args and
+ -- res
+ sig_decs = [mkSigDec info | (id, info) <- sigs, (all (id `Foldable.notElem`) (res:args)) ]
arch = AST.ArchBody (mkVHDLId "structural") (AST.NSimple entity_id) (map AST.BDISD sig_decs) []
fdata { funcArch = Just arch }
-- | Extracts the generated entity id from the given funcdata
getEntityId :: FuncData -> Maybe AST.VHDLId
getEntityId fdata =
- case entity fdata of
+ case funcEntity fdata of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just e -> case ent_decl e of
Nothing -> Nothing
-> [AST.LibraryUnit] -- | The library units it generates
getLibraryUnits (hsfunc, fdata) =
- case entity fdata of
+ case funcEntity fdata of
Nothing -> []
Just ent -> case ent_decl ent of
Nothing -> []